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Everything posted by Flere210

  1. It's why i said the tip of the iceberg. Silver Snow should be the route that focus deeply on the lore, the mole people and the dragon people. Claude route should be much more about almyra, the politics whitin the alliance(maybe giving Lorenz's father his just dessert?) and the fight againist racism.
  2. Verdant Wind need to be rewritten from scratch in order to be justified. Right now it only exist because SS got robbed on content that should have been there. Nemesis has no Stake as Claude enemy, he need an actual "ceo of racism" as a final boss, someone whose existence means that Fodlan and Almyra can never be at peace. Nemesis should have been in SS. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
  3. I would also point out that you can clear some maps by bolting the boss twice innthe first 2 turns and it's not even hard. Or you can bolting then warpskip.
  4. Dark flyer get the same range of bow knight whit Thyrsus and even more whit bolting, while ignoring the terrain penalties, not reducing accuracy for long range attacks and hitting res while also being able to use white magic. Wyvern lord Annette worked well despite the 0 mag and -5% mag growth and is significantly less versatile than her or any other mage in Dark Flyer.
  5. Three houses is not even the main theme if the game. The original title is a reference to the four season, therefore four factions. Gronder is a thing that happen midgame and is not even that relevant innthe first place. The game was never a three way brawl, it always was Edelgard vs Everyone, but mostly vs Rhea. Claude and the Alliance in general are by far the least involved in the story and VW had to cannibalize a lot of stuff that should have been on SS to justify it's existence. I think they introduced a third house because they realized people most likely wanted an option other than the insane murderhobo and the evil emperor.
  6. Wich remind me how much i hate pure water, an item that invalidate RES tanking almost entirely.
  7. Really, i told it was one of the most common ones. It's just that the Lewyn crack pairing is popular for purely gameplay purposes.
  8. Outside of Maddening is a yes, but on maddening is most likely a no. On lower difficulties some units have exceding AS that can be traded for defences, and the Hexlock provide a good mixed boost. On maddening, you can rarely afford to lose speed, and in general, minmaxing a stat is more important. If you want to facetank enemies you need a lot of prot so you are better off focusing defense on people like Dedue or Raphael. If you somehow get to 50+ whitout a shield then an Hexlock may be an option to round up their defense, but so is using a mixed def battalion instead of a purely defensive one (there are many 5 def 7 res battalions, while most def battalions cap at 7 or 8, with only Duscur getting to 10, and they are BL exclusive). Using those on a mage killer is an option, but but mage killers are either mages themselves, meaning they have a lot of good accessories, or people thay cannot afford losing speed. I can find some very niche utility but not really enought.
  9. Does the start of My Hero Academia count as a plot Twist? I really hate the whole "yes, people whitout a quirk can be Heroes, if they got a super powerful quirk somehow"? And while that is bearable, what happen in the joint training arc it's not I am more tolerant for the start of Black Clover because the kid only got a special weapon, not a superpower, but then the witch forest arc happen. There is no need of further powerup. The Touman defeated things that can solo the BC universe using more or less the power set that Asta had when Black Rover was the OP. Anything beyond that was unneded. In general i hate when the MC is introduced as an underdog and then we are expected to still think of him as the underdog after he get special snowflake powers that are clearly way better than what the average Joe get. It's not that difficult. Goku was a 100% average Sayan untill he trained harder than everyone else. He did not became SSJ because he is special but because he was the first that got strong enought to unlock it, and every other sayan could do that. You can have either an underdog or a chosen one, both work but they don't work when used togheter.
  10. For some reason, i always remember that you need S riding dor movement+1 instead of A+, nut even at A+ we are talking about a big investment that does not pay off for a loooong time unless you neglet everything else. And while aegis/pavise is unrelianle, so is dodging whitout alert stance, wich you can't use if you are dancing every turn(maybe the one who is named Ferdinand Von Aegir can pull that off, but i have not much experience whit him). Also i would argue that authority matter, because whit the right Battalion and Dromi we are pretty much getting a turn of Genealogy dancing lol. Also there is the fact that Marianne, Ingrid and Ferdinand Von Aegir are not locked on bad classes by the worst combination of bane possible. Yuri must have put pineapples on the dev's pizza.
  11. I was not reffering to anything in particular, just that most discussions that we have are usually about world building, something on irrelevant flavour stuff, while very few dialogues are dedicated to side characters. And i don't think Three Houses has that problem @Slumber i explain myself better. I read the support before posting, so there was no need to link it. That said, what i mentioned was not just about the support, thesupport itself won't say much, but about the support put into context whit all the informations we got from other sources. It give pieces that can be used to make a puzzle(and i can in fact say a lot if things about Plegia that are not spelled out loud but clearly exist in the story.) Most sylvain supports mention Miklan at some point, but you only really need him to do that once to understand that disowning crestless children is a socially acceptable thing in Farghus. You don't even need for someone to say that, the fact that Margrave Gautier did it, everyone know he did, and he is still in power means he could do it. In many awakening support those "Miklan mentions" do happen and can be patched togheter to get a better understanding of the world. It's still an underdevoloped world, but not by that much.
  12. Fanbases are more likely to accept actual moral ambiguity over the half assing that we usually get. Half of the problem whit Edelgard/Rhea/Dimitri stem from the fact that people have some ground to say "X did nothing wrong". If the game make unambigously clear that they did certain things wrong(things that are not route speciphic), such people won't have much ground to bullshit excuses. Imo all three did a lot of wrong but i also think the game is trying way too hard to try to excuse, downplay or shift the blame of everything bad they do. Hell, instead of a golden route i want an evil route just so i don't have to side whit one of them to kill the others.
  13. I would argue that there is world building, it's just not spelled out loud. Someone mentioned Tharja/Henry. Whilenit's not about the Grimleal, the whole support is about social expectations linked to Dark Mage and how nonconventional Henry is. This tell us several things about Plegia, because we already now that Dark Mages are a potent lobby there. It tell us that scheming againist and cursing each other is so common that there is annoffixial profession about doing that, o that Dark Mages have at least an implied code of conduct based on inspiring fear, wich make sense if your job is selling curses, and so on. If the support was something like this: Tharja: Stop being an happy-go-lucky sociopath, that againist the Code *3 conversations about the code* We would get a similar amount of world building about Plegia and the role of dark mages there, it would just be more explicit. That said, i feel focusing on world building can be equally detrimental. Jugdral dedicate a large part of it's word count on small things happened 300 years before the story that are barely relevant while half of the playable characters have less than 10 lines.
  14. March ring is a thing. You are missing out on both canto and Aegis/Pavise if you give it to a mounted unit. Dromi is not thyrsus. Giving it to something like a war master or warp user, sure, using it as a second march ring is a waste.
  15. Because his investigation lead to the Flame Emperor's organizzation, so he assumed the FE was guilty of everything, not knowing about the Slithers. Then he had a total breakdown when he found out who the FE is and went insane.
  16. Dromi pretty much mean Yuri does not want to be in a mounted class in the first place and you are losing half of dromi features by giving it to a WL. Hell, i'd say that Yuri is the best dancer because they are ultimately the same but Yuri has the best accessory for dancing.
  17. Tbf, very few secondary characters get actual arcs in story, and most of them get those before they became playable. Because you can't really have them after, considering the character can die halfway trough the arc. Permadeath is just not good for storytelling, because a Shrodinger character can only have little plot relevance. Having an highly reactive story is technically possible, but would take too much time and effort for it to be feasible.
  18. Link: either using stasis and then a barrage of attacks or that thing that the guardians do during the final battle of BotW. The ancient arrow is lame as hell.
  19. I can, Kaga games are definitely reminding of Gundam-era mecha shows whitout the robots. There are many example both generic and speciphic. As for the GBA era, i heard some suggestionsabout Record of Lodoss war, but i never watched it so i can't say anything. Tellius is straight up Big 3 shonen tho. In general, Fire Emblem follow whatever is currently popular in anime. I criticized the execution many times. My problem is that most of the criticism is "this character is a trope" instead of "this character look like trope unless you go trough certain hops" wich imo is a fairer criticism. 100% agree on that. As i mentiomed earlier, this is only because the older animes used different tropes. How is Camus wearing a Char mask not on the nose for example? First Tharja has a fair amount of depth, second, Der Langrisser was a more morally gray story than any fire emblem game despite having poor writing in general. I wouldn't dismiss it just because the character design is outlandish. The teenage me already found many similarities between Tales of Symphonia and Path of Radiance, and back then Neptunia did not exist yet so nothing could be like that. In general Fire Emblem never had that unique of an identity. It always was a trend follower and never a trend setter. Fire Emblem is a litmus test of what is populat in Anime in the period it get released. Three houses is simply a reflection of the rejection that the classic Isekai formula is currently facing.
  20. I want a SF-like progression, wich basically means more consistent growths For example if swordmaster A has 20 average speed at level 10, the game make will adjust the growths so he has never less than, say 17 and never more than 23. There is still randomness and bless/screw, but there is also consistency, so the enemies can be scaled properly. Enemies built for a level 20 A won't double him if he got to 17, but if he got 23 he won't be able to double things he was not supposed to double. Also, in sf boosters count toward the averages, so there is some merit into hoarding them for the right unit instead of using them ASAP.
  21. WL Annette lol. In general, the way promo gain works actually encourage those thing. Putting something like Raphael in Assassin would make him retain the high strenght while also gaining workable speed.
  22. The thing whit Tormod is that while he has little screentime, that is about muarim and their liberation army. Ricken as pretty much no screentime and the little he has is boring as hell, so i think he is one of the characters that i almost never paired. I kinda liked his support whit henry that i unlocked by chance tho. And i think most people just are not as familliar whit the tropes from the 90s-early 2000 because i noticed a lot more of that stuff. Raven for example is one of the most common names from Edgelords and a red flag as big as violet eyes.
  23. I think is going to be a particoularly good buff on my girl because she get pretty much everything that she liked from WL, lose like 1 point of damage whit Crusher and Bolt axe+, and gain back tons of utility. Edit: i was wrong and Dark flyer has no mag boosts. But is still going to be very useful.
  24. My problemnis that i feel the game does not really know what it want to do whit Edelgard, but this is a general problem i have whit 3H writing that make every character change too mich between routes, to the point they don't even feel like themself in certain routes. Her more sympathetic characteristics does not sit well whit how she act in AM for example. I think she would have worked better either as more ruthless or less ruthless. And mind you, i don't hate her, i just disagree whit her plan and think that people tend to overrate 3H writing in general. Edelgard is just the most controverse character due to her being important and having a strong presence in any route. I also think Arvis is overrated as Hell btw.
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