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Everything posted by Flere210

  1. Marth Tiki(why no one else want her 😞 ) Ike Robin Azura Post ts Edelgard nothing else is needed imo.
  2. Sadly, if a pokemon is going to get in, is going to be Cinderace. Rillaboom is not aviable because he can't carry the drum around, intellion does not seems well liked, Wooloo lack limbs, and the leggendaries too. Nothing else really rise above the rest. If Mimikyu did not get in instead of incineroar, the chance of any non-starter, non-leggendary are super slim, unless the get Lucario-tier popularity, wich i think not even MImikyu did.
  3. Right now i think every class would step on an existing one niche or be something overpowered that should have never been considered in the context of 3H class system(coff... dark flyer... coff). I want a buff to swordmaster, not to put in the system a trublade class whose sole purpose is to be what the swordmaster should have been in the first place. A lance infranty class won't have much of niche when paladin exist, but at least is something we lack and won't be OP.
  4. I think the biggest problem whit TMS is that it pissed of 90% of it's customer base. If it was a completely original project it would have fared much better. There are plenty of JRPGs that are sold on gameplay alone. TMS was sold as an idol game to people that where hyping up something dark and edgy. I am only surprised that the Idolmaster crowd and Kentaro Miura did not embrace it.
  5. Canonically Corrin never beat Ryoma either has it does not happen in revelation, but it is still something that a version of the character, wich is equal or weaker than the canon version, can do.
  6. Imo a messuring stick for Alm may be camus. He was likely the strongest man back in Arkaneia, hyped up to be comparable to Anri himself(overblown, as Anri is FE Saitama). He is the one guy i can't see being defeated cleanly by Marth or Hardin. Alm can take on him whit a smaller force that lack a character as hyped as Hardin. I think for fates the best measuring stick for Corrin is the duel where he best Ryoma, as i find the alternative wincon of that map to be disonhourable and i can't see Ryoma doing what he did after the fight if he was canonically defeated that way. And that's whit a relatively weak Yato, the Omega version would boost them even further. Or even when berserk dragon Corrin defeat the masked guy that defested Ryoma and totally isn't Sumeragi. Because i seriously doubt that Berserk Dragon is Corrin peak. Anankos also is kinda impressive, but not much as Ashera or Grima, at least not unless you take some interdimensional bullshit in Heirs of Fates at face value. Also, i think Thales was kinda impressive in part 1. He just failed to deliver when we actually fought him.
  7. Personally i would make 90% of the skills unlockable based on the Skill stat and maybe a point buy system, whit some of them further locked by weapon level or class.
  8. Ok i will name six character that i would like, but i doubt more than 1 will come. 1)Paper Mario: there are many Mario RPG and imo paper marionwould represent then better than Geno, and i love Geno so if he get in instead i will be ok. 2)Dante. It's bishonen whit a sword but is the only one that would not get an annoyed reaction from me. 3)Gordon Freeman: whit doomguy out, he is the best FPS rep, and half life is getting reborn, so why not? They could go whit the protagonist of Alyx tho. 4)Crash Bandicoot. Not much to say here, i think he would fit the cast very well. 5) Something that use a spear. I suppose Bandana Dee is the most likely but i would be ok whit anyone, less so if it comes from Fire Emblem. 6) Siegfried or Kilik. I like soul calibur more than Tekken and my anti-sword bias make me rout for Kilik even if Siegfried is more likely. Edit: Reimu would be my sixth, but i just love polearms too much.
  9. Unrealistic does not mean much, but it can be criticized for not making sense. The problem of the battle of Witerfell is not that it's unrealistic but that the unrealism make everyone involved looks like an idiot. Why in a war council of many seasoned veteran no one pointed out that sending a blind cavalry charge and putting artillery in front of the infranty is stupid? I don't need a deeply researched battle that include obscure details but please, everyone that played Total War once can se the idiocy.
  10. I was reffering to the way to obtain a dancer, not having played the games, i don't know how may times those things happened.
  11. Alm finish off Duma, it's not something the army could have done for him.
  12. FFT system imo is the funniest, but is a "break this game please", so it would not work on Fire Emblem, as we saw with 3H or Awakening. I thing limited reclassing like fates did whit two tier and branching promotions work best. But i wouls limit it even more and put a bunch of conditions to unlock extra class. I heard TRS do something like that. Three tiers imo only add bloat and is only needed if the game last 40 chapters or something like that. And if we stack branching on we are doubling the bloat. I want any class to exist whit a definite purpose and imo using a certain weapon is not enought to establish a niche. Having both mercenery and soldiers imo is already pointless, because they are both infranty units whit balanced stats, and in fact they never coexisted outside of lolrevelation. So a good system to me is one where the classes are chosen elegantly.
  13. Ike get a bunch of 1vs1 fights, the other lords usually does not (corrin kinda does but just once, still, beating Ryoma is not a small feat). He goes from.getting stomped by BK, to defeat a BK that was holding back, to defeat the BK. We also know the BK defeat ranulf and Skrimir, so we have a clear idea where he stand. Now, just because the other lords does not have a duel in canon does not mean that they did not gree in th story. It just make no sense that, for example, Lyn have a difficult fight againist Batta the Beast and then she goes toe to toe whit the Black Fang finest and morphs, or even just the fact that she is described having a strong quintessence. Unless we assume that Batta is actually a beast in combat. It does not make sense that Alm was already able to fight dragon gods when he was sparring whit Gray, unless we assume that Gray was already a master swordsman in his own right. It does not make sense that Byleth get ridiculed by Thales twice and then proceed to storm his base and kill him. All lords grow while the game progress, and some grow a lot. Even Chrom, that get the best early feats, need to grow a lot, because using lon'qu as a measuring stick, Lucina is either weaker or on par whit Basilio, and Chrom have to defeat Wallmart, that effortlessly destroyed Basilio helped by Flavia.
  14. The only axe user that may have serious trouble getting in WL is Dedue, wich happens to also have a weakness in riding anyway, so there is little point. Even if you somehow need huge defense for a map, you can bring a fortress knight and Stride/Warp it where it's needed. Forrtress knight has the utility of setting your defense to 17 if you unlocked weight -3 on the way to WL and you need not to go further for a guard adjutant. If the requirements weren't so strict, it would be a decent class, but requiring both riding and amor make it something you need to seek on purpose, and there is no point into seeking this when it's harder to reach than WL and both requires axe.
  15. Edelgard best spell is Bolt Axe+ even if emperor could use magic.
  16. With all the racial hatred between Dein and Laguz, the tought of an army of laguz invading the country is scary as hell. How many people they will kill in retaliation of what Ashnard did? Fighting whit everything she got againist such an invasion would make sense even whitout the Blood Pact, wich is one of the reasons it is such a terrible plot device.
  17. WMS whit Freikugel is like 50 might, not having a faire won't prevent it from one shotting a lot of shit. Lance of ruin WMS is 2 might short of Freikugel WMS, and Silvain has swift strike anyway, so i don't think it change much. I am 99% sure that LoR is the non-axe relic whit the most might.
  18. I don't see Alm being able to fight off Rudolph, a guy that is above freaking one-man army Camus, at the beginning of the game. Ike is the lord that get an explicit shonen arc, but most lord get an implicit one.
  19. Darting blows help the most units whit average or low speed, wich often are guys. People like sylvain have very little reason to go cavaliers and risking a speed screw when they can get darting blow and get guaranteed doubling. And units like Raphael have an out of their weak point, wich leave them whit above average str/def while keeping competitive spd. As for war master, it's because all the axe relicsare use by girls. War master strike is usually just a nice bonus to quick riposte, but stack it on top of the 24 might Freikugel and you have better atrocity. Also, magic WMS on annette look scary. Dark Bishop Lysithea imo is 100% fine and imo bishop would still be better on her. As for the different weapon requirement, my only problem is the pegasus/wyvern transition. Pegi are the best intermediate class held back by the lack of an easy access to any Advanced Class, taking that away would make it straight up the best intermediate whitout some nerfing.
  20. Because it's common sense based on what happen in the lore. If mundane weapons used by average joes can kill dragon, then they would not cause all that destruction because a battalion of archers would be their end. Also, at least in echoes the shield that give the most defense is made of dragon scales, wich imply that the scales of Archaneia dragons are at least harder than steel. Good things we are comparing lords and not Raphael vs Barst then. The people that fought dragons are either lords or people that can be used as measuring sticks to powerscale lords. Ike does not need to kill a castle, he need to kill Byleth. Personally i think he can cut a wal and maybe destroy a larger section whit Ragnell beams. It's basically like noble phantasm in fate. An A rank anti-fortress NP cause much more destruction than an A rank anti unit NP, but they are equally good at killing a single target.
  21. Removing the gender lock would increase the unbalance a lot, because guys are the best theorical abusers of pegasus knight and girls are the best theorical abusers of war master. Like, Raphael, i repeat, Raphael, can easily get 30 effective speed while attacking just by going pegasus knight/wyvern rider/wyvern lord. Varying the weapon requirement is again an unbalancing move because it open up other abuses, in particular the painless transition from pegasus knight to wyvern lord. The only way i can see to avert the WL meta being even more overwhelming is if the other classes get skills so broken they make maddening a joke.
  22. Gameplay and story segregation plague many RPG. One scenes the party is fighting evenly whit a guy that survived a bombardment unschated, and the next dungeon you need to solve the puzzle/find the key even if you have 20 spells that should realistically blast the door open.
  23. No, superpowers are not clearly stated, but they are there in every game. You just cannot break trough the scales of a Manakete whitout super strenght for example, and not many of them have weak points. This is how powerscaling work. Dragons usually can take an hit from other dragons, wich means that to hurt them, you need to hit as hard as a dragon, or at least close enought. The alternative is to think that people like Marth kill dragons by dodging every attack and always targeting the eyes, but those still require superpowers, in the form of super speed/ultra instinct instead of super strenght. And even if you want to give all the credit to leggendary weapons, the character still need to get close enought to use them, wich again require either super toughness or super speed. It's either that everyone is a Charles Atlas Superhuman or that the story of most games make 0 sense. Edit: no, ike can't destroy a castle, because. His attacks are castle level in the sense that they can hurt a being more tough than a castle, but pure force is not enought to destroy a castle, you need a certain amount of force distributed over a large surface. Ike can produce enought force to destroy a small section of a cadtle, but lacks the AoE to destroy all of it.
  24. An argument can be made of Sigurd, in that he does not realize the consequences of his actions and screw everything up.
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