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Everything posted by Flere210

  1. I also like a lot is when the power of friendship is used the right way. Meaning not "i can suddenly punch 10 times harder because of Ike Smash quote", but a group of people using teamwork, combos and tactic to overcome an enemy that is way above their weight class. Wich is most likely why i really like Black Clover fights, 90% of the times they are like that. And why the latest chapters of Kimetsu no Yaiba rubbed me the wrong way. Something that i like, but as to be executed well, is when everything that happen in the story, including things that seemed random, is revealed as part of a grand Keikaku and it make sense(so not Black Zetsu). It give a lot of rewatch bonus and it make clear how far the author went into constructing a sequence of event that make perfect sense. To Aru Majutsu no index(funny how i keep mentioning shows whit good tsunderes, even if Misaka take 40 volumes to get good) is awesome because on the surface it's just classic LN adventures, but actually the whole story is about an half dozen Aizens out-keikauing each other in a web of master plans. Speaking of Index, even if it's not a master plan, i find awesome where the combination of Red Herrings and Checkov guns payoff after 5, 10 or 20 years from the start of a serializzation. Wich has been done masterfully in Index and One Piece. Kaguya feel like Kishimoto not having a clue about ending the story, Imu and Choronzon feel like things that were always there, waiting to unleash lore on us.
  2. Lyn is fine whit an higher base level in HHM. People just like to tear down overrated characters.
  3. Also, Ylisse having a different name than Archanea make me think that Marth's dynasty did not reign for 2000 years straight. It's not unheard of that a royal dynasty end up ruling a different country at some point.
  4. If the game feature an avatar, i'd like for one that is more like a CRPG whit dialogue trees and C&C.
  5. The madman that did Blue Lion 0% growth gave Annette an S tier. This should amount to something. Her spell list is a dumpster ragnarock but everything else is solid.
  6. Infinite solar-powered robots that obey only me. Then i can use them to pretty much to everythjng, including things that cannot be bought.
  7. I am Between a rock and a hard place because i despise fanservice but i am also not a fan of the complains againist it. I just don't find it all encompassing as it was in the past, and it's fairly easy to avoid if it bothers you so much(wich in my case it does). At this point seems almost a battle to eradicate it entirely from the places it still exist rather than a battle to simply tone it down. I don't like that the JRPG genre as a whole decided to focus on it, but right now it appeal mostly to otakus so it had to be expected. Things may change if it goes really mainstream again. The mobile market is driven by trying to suck all money they can from horny whales, so i am not expecting anything past the lowest common denominator from it in the first place. Heroes is still one of the less bad and this speak volumes about how screwed the gacha scenery is.
  8. Langrisser have those since the first game. Usually they tend to be low tier because there are several maps whit little water where they are just worse infranty. But if a game/campaihn has enought water maps, they rock.
  9. Speed +2 is linked whit the worst movement art, so there is the oppurtunity cost of either a better movement art, or not advancing in a better intermediate class, wich also delay the blows. That said, Edelgard has an average of 13 def at level 20, and there are many people in a similar boat (pretty much everyone but Dimitri, Dedue, Raphael and Leonie) so if you can qualify right away, it's weight -3 and 4 defense. 12 is what you get for qualifying into any advanced, so on certain units we are looking at a boost of 5 points just by investing a few weeks in a skill. You need 35 str to not be burdened by a fucking iron axe and those are endgame stats. People can fanboy on training weapons all day long but they are only good if you can't afford anything better.
  10. She does not states it, but iirc the narrative of the game is that Alm follow the path of war and Celica the path that does not require it. Except that most of what she does is warlike anyway. I am not saying she has a strict no kill polocy, just that it would fit her character better than what she got innthe game imo.
  11. More than an invisible army, i was thinking on a large group of pilgrims and other Mila faithfuls, not necessarily all armed, but at least able to deal whit a bunch of chained bandits. It was an hyperbole to say that ultimately her path fail 5 minute after she start because she can't find any other way to push forward than to murder who stand in her way. I see pacifism as a rejection of the concept of "kill or be killed." If good people kill bad people the only result is that they are going to be killed by the next group of bad people in an endless spyral of death and mysery. Killing bad guys is not enought. You also need to strike the core of the problem and show the world that there is an alternative to kill or be killed. It's a difficult path, because as the best grandpa Gosha said "pacifism has meaning only when the strong uphold it". When people think that there is no way to achieve what you want whitout prevarication, they become desentisized to it. That how bandits are born. If people think they can have a decent life whitout harming other people, they are way less likely to turn to banditism in the first place. And this is one of the great failing of the Zofian dynasty. The way how i see gaiden is that Alm should phisically create a country whitout war, and Celica should inspire the people into living whitout harming other human being. This is also what in theory happen in the ending, bjy imo fall flat.
  12. 1) good thing that Valentia use a different magic system then. There is nothing in the system that make "sleep" impossible. 2)i never said she should talk whit the bandits, i said she could defeat them nonlethally or evade them. 3) kenshin does not go around whit 300 defeated enemies either. Usually he just leave them unconscous where they are. As long as the leaders are caught, the organizzation would crumble anyway. Or she coul leave them on an island whitout a boat. Basically Batman Begins logic of "i would not kill you, but i don't have to actively keep you alive". Another option is that she has a bunch of extras following her. Every lord is implied to lead much more than the 50 people you play, except for.maybe the FE7 crew. 4)it was more a general thing rather than something about Echoes in particular. But i don't think that even the local authorities disappeared. There should be mayors, local garrisons or things like that. Also, there is a simple out of those problem. Just have a person in Celica group act like Saito and kill the defeated enemies being Celica's back. It does not necessarily undermine her mission, especially if this person change along the way. 5)so lazy to not capture people in chains that were left in front of the door? If they have been paid by the bandits to let them go then we have a problem, but in that case we would have an entire subplot about it. 6) Mae, Boey and Saber can bring in the bandit whitout her. The money for thebounties would go on Saber's paycheck anyway. Also, we should remember that Celica ideal are supposed to be flawed. Both she and Alm are supposed to be wrong and to need each other, so it's tottaly fine and thematically correct that she face issue because she refuse to kill. It's suppose to happen because eventually she need to realize that sometimes violence is necessary as Alm need to realize that violence is not always the only option. The problem whit Celica current arc is that she talk about peace but leave behind a bodycount as large as Alm while at the same time achieving nothing. There is no synthesis, there is just Alm being right all along. To make her work you need to either make her outright a non-action hero, or a pacifist warrior a la Kenshin.
  13. Imo almost no difficulty has staying power in a turn based game short of an highly advanced AI. Once you find out an rng proof strat you can just repeat the same moves every time and will always win. Wich is why i really like the concept of roguelike. There is no set level, there are just many different challenge that you can meet in many different patterns and combinations. No pre set combination of moves will be surefire, you need to adapt to the flow.
  14. You don't do pacifism for your enemy, you do it for yourself. You do so because you want to proveto both yourself and the world that going on your pact whitout killing, if not whitout fighting, is possible, even if everyone else reject the idea. Once captured and brought to the authorities those people would end on the gallows anyway, but it's the law's job to make this call, not random people's. Usually pacifist character are not pacifist because they think everyone deserve to live.
  15. Yes i mean that, i way to basically donthe kenshin thing in a way that does not feel Corrinesque. For magic is easy enought, just have them cast sleep and the like instead of fire and thunder. And historically mercenary preferred ransoming to killing, so Saber should be already trained in nonlethal takedowns. It could be done imo.
  16. The only interesting things in that game come from Celica side imo, if anything because it's not just the standard lord Journey. But then, for Celica story to really work you need Undertale mechanics.
  17. I am 90% sure that i did it at C armor, eich is something you like anyway for weight-3. Any character that goes WL like also weight-3 if they can afford it, so if they are def screwed they may try the exam as well.
  18. Even whitout bows, you get 1 more move, ignore penalties in the forests, get better skills and get slightly more speed. Swordmaster get a bit more HP, defense and strenght, as well as crit+10. Whitout bows they are still fairly similar.
  19. To justify 9 durability cost we should have Jugdral Astra. Compared to Fierce Iron Fist or Hunter Volley it's pathetic. There are almost no reason to use it over assassin or even Weeb savant, wich at least can be used to sone niche builds. It has better growth rates, but 10% strenght amount to 2 point fron 20 to 40. And learning Astra is useless because it can't be used in a better class. Fortress knight is the worst class in a vacuum, but at least has some niche utilities and is worty qualifing in it for the 17 defense base. Swordmaster is just outclassed by something you want to qualify for anyway because 3H bows are busted.
  20. Shonen trash as long as it's animated whit more quality than early DBS or Seven Deadly Deen. In general,i have a very cynical outlook, so in fiction i prefer to see how i wish reality was rather than how reality really is, so i usually like a story where the good people can actually improve the world as long as they put enought effort into it. i also enjoy the spectacle of OP people destroying a city while punching each others.
  21. Never heard of it. I'd use any gambit whit that range TBH if the battalions that have it give ok stats i don't why it should be a below average option.
  22. I never seen one and i assumed there wasn't any. My mistake.
  23. Focusing all resources in a single unit is counterintuitive and more than anything else indicative of a flaw in the scaling. I find unlikely that casual players did that.
  24. Not sure about that. Personally i find the DB part 3 maps a lot harder than the late DB maps. If i spammed Nailah then i would have to do the harder chapter whutout her and whitout the exp that she took. But then, i did not have beastfoe at all the first time.
  25. The main difference between Sigurd and Corrin is that Sigurd deconstruct Corrin. I mean deconstruction as in "what happen realistically to a character like that". Realistically, they get killed for their own naivety. Instead Corrin get to win the war and live happily ever after, even in the route where they decided that being a Camus was a good idea.
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