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Everything posted by Flere210

  1. It's not that it is like Falcon, it's that is not like Ganondorf. No matter how much you change the attacks, they are stil punches, kicks, and grapples, thing that Ganondorf never used in over a dozen of Zelda games. To me it will never be fully decloned untill his moves got changed to different moves entirely. Sorry if i used a definition of decloning different than what is commonly used.
  2. No, but for decloned i was mostly saying that he is an heavily reworked Falcondorf, but still Falcondorf. He still brawl for no reason, while every version of the character used a combination of an heavy weapon(trident in the 2d era, sword in the 3d era) and dark magic. He does not even feel like a warlock, let alone Ganondorf. The energy ball is just a signature attack that is the most obvious missing thing. And i don't eve think the Falcondorf moveset should be removed. Some people really like it. It could be given to a character that suit it instead. Black Shadow is the most obvious option, but it would only make sense if F-Zero is rebooted.
  3. Ganondorf does not even have energy balls that can be reflected. It's not a Captain Falcon's moveset, but it's still a moveset that has nothing to do whit Ganondorf as he is in Zelda.
  4. Imo Link is the only want that really want 2 versions. Mostly to reflect the changes of Breath of the Wild. Link being mostly a tool user has been his schtick since NES, but BoTW clearly abbandoned that. Zelda is fine as one, and sheik may be either replaced by Impa whit the same moveset or be a separate character. Ganondorf imo could be splitted in Ganondorf and Ganon, either as a transfoming character or as two. Imo they should follow the lead pf Hyrule Warrior that made him feel really powerful. I am fine even whit keeping Ganon a boss if dorf is decloned.
  5. I am not convinced on Dimitri beating the weakest boss. Edelgard human form is already very powerful, and Hegemon should be way above that. Nemesis imo seems the weaker by virtue of being "just" an incredbly strong human taht could be defeated 1vs 1.
  6. When smash 6 will bee out we will likely have the Avatar and lords of FE18(assuming 17 is a remake), so they wilm likely get in in Byleth's place. This, assuming a reboot whit a smaller cast than Ultimate.
  7. They would if the game is a little bit nuanced. But it is not. The camus are not simply decent people, they are outright virtous, and the empire they serve usually is not just corrupt, or even just tyrannical it's cartoonishly and mustache twirling evil. Often it has the end/enslavement of humanity as the stated end goal. "Good" people serving "evil" government is realistic to an extent, but not if both the good and the evil part are extremized to the point of unrealism themselves. I can justify someone that serve something like that because they don't know what it is(Selena not knowing of Fomortiis), because the alternatives are even worse or because they can't chose otherwise(for what i remember, Camus himself already exposed himself before the game, so be was too controlled to try anything else), but this is often not the case whit the Camuses. They know exactly what they are serving, and usually they have an out at some point and refuse to take it. The argument i can concede some of them is that losing the war mean the end of the country they swore to serve, wich is the absolute worst case scenario for them(Eldigan and arguably Xander may fit this), but even that must be weighted againist the fact that the entity they serve is going to end their country anyway. Reinhardt is imo in this boat, because while it's likely that Seliph and Leif won't be kind whit Fregia, this don't compare to what an awakened Loptyr would do to the same country.
  8. No, it's that imo you already stop being good if you do certain things. Full stop. Mind you that i consider myself evil for nothing more than evil toughts, so it's just that i have very high standards of what a "good person" is. I am not saying that you should not comply whit an evil givernment, i am saying that doing so makes you "not good" wich can coexist whit "not evil" in the same person.
  9. It's 28 might + 7 for helm splitter. You need around 100 might to oneshot the tankiest fortress knights of maddening. Not really an option for average units, but can be pulled off whit a dedicated user. Also those guys have less than 15 AS, so you can double them whit just WL base sand a couple strenght and speed procs. But then, Hammer would have 30 effective might and hit def, so you need like 50 str to kill them phisically as they have 40+def. You most likely are ok whit using two units to kill one of them.
  10. Most truly good people would get themselves killed, hide or eventually join a rebellion. I suppose commiting suicide by enemies is realistic for people in that situation tho.
  11. And this is why Camus is the consistently worst written Archetype. They are cool as long as you shut your brain off and enjoy the tragedy, but as soon as you ask yourself "why this heroic knight in shining armor is supporting genocide and tyranny?" Things start to fall apart. They are basically D&D paladins played by a very bad player that interpret Lawful Good as Lawful Stupid.
  12. As the number 1 Byleth hater, that's seriously fucked up.
  13. Wich are those option? Thirsus that is better on someone else? Caduceus that is again better on someone else? Trying to use curved shot whit fucking annette?
  14. The chance of any of those getting in, beside Eliwood, not Lyn and Hector were slim at best considering they were yet in the "No third party" phase. Except maybe Crystal, but they only put Falco because it was easy.
  15. Michaia is not even that weak. She just need to have time to earn exp and not promote super late and she is ok. Also, Bernadetta had 1 less base strength and 5% less growth compared to Leonie. You just need to have her damaged and she would hit harder than Leonie even if she is proccing her personal. Her problem is not strenght, is everything else. pretty much all of her growths and bases are worse than Leonie's whit the lonely exception of res growth. Ashe is in the same boat but his personal is just utility, and so is Ignatz. Nice balance Intsys. How can you not notice that a character is better than her competiton ON EVERY SINGLE STAT BUT RES AND LUCK. Do you think that mage killing is such a fundamental job that can justify lower stats everywhere else? Aran has no great speed, but is very likely to cap Stre, Def and maybe skill early, wich make very easy to make him faster whit bexp. He is screwed by not getting 34 tho.
  16. Do you know that there is an axe combat art that deal effective damage to armors, or that you can use lighting axe whit an hammer? There are other tools for orkoing, Bolt axe is for safely chipping.
  17. I find little reason to NOT use that on Edel or Annette. The only other 3 range alternative Edelgard has are bows, and annette's spell list is utter garbage. Lighting Axe is likely better at melee range, but you have more than enought weapon slots to carry it at least as backup weapon. I tought it was necessary to make WL Annette, but then i tried her and realized that WR base strenght(eich, to put into perspective, is equal to petra level 20 average.)and lighting axe make her an effective fighter even whitout it
  18. I refused to buy it and am moderately angry that it got in while Bandana Dee seems to not allowed because he is a "gomba whit an hat. But then, i have 0 attachment to Bandana and only want him because he hold a spear.
  19. The only thing i really want that are actually possible(an SMT rep i consider impossible because of Joker for example) are Dante, Paper Mario and literrally anyone that use a spear. The characters that i would really hate are Joker, Master Chief and Byleth, two got in meaning there is no risk in them being in Pack 2 and i can sleep peacefully knowjng that the next character is not going to be something i hate. unless they troll me with yet another fire emblem swordsman, this would make me go berserk.
  20. Whitout Edelgard there is no need to kill the Agarthan in the first place. They can replace someone every once in a while, but that'not enought for them to stand againist Rhea. They need an emperor that is willing to fight whit them and to mobilize the entire Adrestia, something that they could not do even after Arundhel became the leader in everything but name. It's not like they plotted for 1000 years. It's that they can only have that many soldiers in the underground and won't stand a chance againist the surface dwellers unless half of them fights on their side. Unless they summon Nemesis, wich would not benefit them in any way. They run the risk whit Solon and Kronya only after they already begun their plan to turn Edelgard into their pawn.
  21. Chrom whit Tiki Byketh whit post TS Edelgard so it's clear she is there to represent Villains and Hardins, not lords.
  22. Michaia is not even that weak. She just need to have time to earn exp and not promote super late and she is ok. Also, Bernadetta had 1 less base strength and 5% less growth compared to Leonie. You just need to have her damaged and she would hit harder than Leonie even if she is proccing her personal. I don't understand why people praise Felix personal so much whitout realizing that Bernie has an even better version.
  23. The units that want to use bolt axe are Edelgard and Annette. Edelgard will be either in an armor class or in WL, and in the former case she won't double shit, Annette won't double shit on maddening period. On EP, emperor Edelgard will be doubled on maddening anyway and Annette has no business getting attacked in the first place. On WL Edelgard is a shit EP weapon, but it likely beat using a bow for 3 range sniping. Also, both are proficient in authority, they can get to A bybthe time you can buy Arcane Crystal. Compare whit Lewyn Sword. It can be used by Jojothea, Marianne, Lysithea, Byleth and Manueal. Jojo and Marianne have thoron and have no business going Mortal savant for Lewyn sword. And if they want to use swords, they would use them for magic arts. Lysithea is the one unit whit Thyrsus on 70% of the time even if you trade it among mages. Byleth is very mhe at magic but can make use of it for some niche situations, and it is a better option than try to build reason on Manuela. I'd say they are at least equal, for good or for bad.
  24. Bolt axe is super easy to make accurate. Just equip Macuil evil reppelling corps on the user for 30 accuracy. If you want to use it on a flyer is a but trickier, but doable. I consider it better than lewyn sword because the latter can be entirely replaced by thoron or thyrsus on most units that want to use that.
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