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Everything posted by Flere210

  1. Classless does not really work whit Fire emblem imo. How do you prevent everyone from just using the best things? Why i should not dip in staves the tiniest bit just to get heal on every character for example?
  2. It would be impossible actually. Eagles are already too big to fly in a forest. I can see a large enought wyvern buldozing trough the branches maybe, but not a pegasus.
  3. Because thetought that there are so many charactere and no one use a spear or an axe make me angry, and having less characters would make the issue less rage inducing. I also thing that Fire Emblem does not objectively deserve so many characters while half of the franchises are not getting any love since Brawl.
  4. You can play weak units. Is what most people do. But class balance is not about what you do for fun, is about what is more effective. And trying to male all classes equally effective cannot be done whitout toning down high movement classes, as we see in genealogy. Does not matter how much of a combat gods units like Ayra or Lewyn are, they will always be inferior because by the time they reach the battlefield the horse squad already killed everything. Even if you give an armor knight 100 strenght, 80 speed and 150 defense, he would be a niche mid tier in Genealogy. That how powerful movement is.
  5. I'd be happy whit a couple of the marths not being there even whitout compensation, but they could remove, say chrom and incineroar, to make a non sword fe character and an echo on something different entirely.
  6. The point is that if they are even just decent, they invalidate almost anything else in efficient play. If they are slightly worse than decent, they get fed boosters and then invalidate almost anything else. Flyers are top tier in every game bar none when it comes to efficient play, because as long as their stats are not shit they are the cornerstone of any strat. So they have to be shit to be balanced in LTC. I seriously don't known what make you think that pegasus knights are bad in awakening when they can get stats boosts for rescuing, and flying rescue is enought to make them high tier. And even if they came up as unplayable, archers and armor fans had their classes being shit for 15 games, flyers fan can have a couple of games where their class is the worst.
  7. I'll just make them weak. Str cap just too low to ORKO frail units, speed cap just too low to double fast enemies. Actually i would redesign the class system a lot, but the gist of it is the more you move the weaker you are. And flyers in fates and awakening are very good.
  8. Balancing flyers is not hard. They just need to not have good enought combat, so their mobility means that alone they can only be useless everywhere and they can only do shit in support of other classes.
  9. This kinda steps on my toes on having Urumis as the 1-2 range low might swords.
  10. Half Life 3 is coming(still can't believe i am typing this), so there is another option tho.
  11. They should do like shining force. +15% defense on pretty much every terrain and 30% on forests. Most terrains gives nothing in fe meaning you rarely have any advantage at all compared to flyers. Even WL would look frail when they lack a 30% boost from terrain(to put into perspective, in the lategame of an average FE is around 6 points.)
  12. If i said yes to Holy Knight, that holy knight would equip fate prowness. Other than that, it'ok for dodge builds i guess.
  13. I want an engineer class that is basically FE 10 jake and Beck whit extra tricks, such as ram door opens or put bridges on small rivers. Whit Bow knights around a ballista whit 4 movement is not Imba.
  14. I don't like Sothe x Michaia because Mich pretty much raised him. The difference in age and the fact that she know him since he was a child make it looks. Also, i am leaning Soren, but Ike has as much interest in romance as Monkey D. Lufy.
  15. The point is to be used, just not as a direct upgrade. Mortal savant give the swordmaster more movement, a consistent ranged attack and the ability of hit res at the cost of reducing a stat that you most likely have in an excessive amount outside of maddening. It won't make you better at "swordmastering" but will make you better more ways that it make you worse.
  16. I did not want to sound so mean spirited, i am sorry. Anyway, i fail to see where to go to a continuation. Cyrus was too important in DPP to have Team Galactic whitout it, and if we want to have a new team, would it even feel like a sequel? Going the same route of gen 2 would work in theory, but in practice that direction made gen2 Team Rocket look uncharismatic and uninteresting. Or they can come up whit a reason why Cyrus is back, wich may be the best direction if they don't screw up. They can take advantage of the missed opportunity of Arceus, but giving it justice won't be an easy task, because they nees to top anything a leggendary ever did so far and still make it look like something we can reasonably tame. And they 100% need to create a mega/dynamax/whatever super mode that make it so broken that Mega rayquaza is balanced by comparisson. That said, the Sinnoh starters should have Gigantimax instead of mega evolutions in the current era. Now that i think about it Eternamax Arceus would be a sight to behold.
  17. Sinnoh already almost made me quit Pokemon once, i am less than eager to repeat the experience.
  18. This days i am swarmed by reviews of the switch port of NWN, wich made me think that i would actually like a lot a character from one of the D&D CRPG. Maybe Baldur gate 3 has a chance.
  19. A spaceship in Awakening is actually fine tho. Just make Lucina comes from 1000 years in the future instead of 20.
  20. The only things remotely hard in Genealogy are canto spam, balista spam, and Ishtar. Personally i consider the latter two cheap as fuck. But then, i'd rather have the worst bullshit imaginable than a "move Jeigan to the max distance and press end turn" map.
  21. You can have something like the malig knight at A flying. Something that is in line whit the other master classes at being Different, not strictly better, than an advanced class.
  22. Genealogy the most difficulty? Last time i played it i basically ironmanned it whitout even doing an ironman. I guess it only become that easy once you know where the curveballs are and optimize the children.
  23. Why people like class bloating so much. There is no point into having a class that sole purpose is "existing class +1" The main reason WL is so stupidly broken is because WR was already perfectly serviceable but they decided to give it, of all thing, a +1 class.
  24. Annette is not allowed to say that she was in smash first.
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