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Everything posted by Flere210

  1. Good nobles can change the system so it's not an aristocracy anymore, you do not need a war to do that. It can be achieved by just exiling who is going to Complain. The main reason Ionius failed is because he had other major houses like the Aegirs againist him. Edelgard would have all the big houses on her side. As for Lambert i already said it, whitout Patricia and the slithers their chance to kill him where not good. As i mentioned them, the slithers are not that powerful, they always lose in any route. They are only a threat if they are backed by Adrestia. I can understand Ionius being their hostage, but the moment he died Edelgard could do what she wanted as long as she made sure to be guarded at all times. Rhea wanted to give the church away to SSJ Byleth and she hate the nobles, she won't oppose any reform. And yes, what i said had a chance to fail, but her own plan has roughly a 25% chance of sucess anyway. I want to go more in depth on to why i don't like pretty much anyone in this fucking war, but as soon as i am not Hilda about it i am going to open a thread about it.
  2. There is no reason not to capitalize on what bad people did. Sure, certain scientiphic discoveries where made trough unethical experimentations, but those would eventually by made by ethical experimentations, albeit much slower. Similarly, no politycal system is eternal, even those ruled by dragon god emperors. Fodlan was on the verge of changing no matter what, because literally every important young noble don't support the system. If nothing happened, Edelgard's ministers would be Hubert, Ferdinand, Linhardt, Bermadetta and two guys that would be in the minority(and this is assuming Caspar's brother won't die like an idiot), the Kingdom would be ruled by Dimitri whit Felix and Sylvain as the most powerful house leaders and the council of the alliance would be Claude, Lorenz, Lysithea, Hilda or Holst(that would do whatever Hilda tell him to do) and Marianne. Glouchester, Varley, Aegir and all those assholes would eventually die/retire no matter what, because they are humans of flesh and blood. Should i really believe that a council of Claude, Hilda, Lorenz, Lysithea and Marianne won't pass progressive reforms if there was not a war? Should i believe that the minor noble houses have any power to oppose the major ones? At best they can assassinate another king but they only pulled it off whit Lambert because Patricia was on board. Good luck doing that whit any of the pairings.
  3. Threatening enemies are a good thing. Enemies that have a 25% chance to kill you are only good if the game want to encourage avoiding fights altogheter(some tabletop RPG that are more about talking than fighting for example). I would give swordmaster PCC, which imo work better than 30 crit. Engage them either with people that won't get doubled, or whit unit that you know can eat the crit. Random critical chance has only the second counterplay, and in fe6 not even that because fe6 armors are more shit than usual. Accuracy would be fine in a game whit more drawn out fight so that a bad dice is not an instant lose. In fire emblem one or two bad rolls means someone dies, wich makes game that emphasize the dicerolls worse.
  4. My example came from history of the roman republic. There are actually several examples of dictator/tyrants that willingly step down in the classic period.
  5. Lucius Cornelius Sulla did leave the position of dictator on his own volition, but i would be hard pressed to not call him a tyrant.
  6. I'd like the game to be balanced around the strategies that are deemed "efficent", mostly because units in efficiency would still be good in non-efficent play, but rarely to the point of game breaking. Or even more, i want back ranking and that the game is balanced around everyone helping out in better ways than "train everyone for exp rank". In the context of the post. I think that it's difficult for a game to award you spending more time on a map. It's either use it to train an est or put some good item on later reinforcement. And i do not think that doing either is advisable, just that those are the only ways i can think of to make spending time on a map rewarding.
  7. Imagine if the game is balanced in such a way that warpskip is possible, but a 20/20 est, due to abnormally high caps, is the only unit in the game that can ORKO bosses, therefore, spending 10 turns in their joining chapter allow you to warpskip 3-4 long maps later, saving much more than the 10 you spent earlier. I don't like warpskip, but the gist of it is that a fully leveled Est should be so powerful that it open up new strategies that cannot be done by anyone else. In FE the examples i can think off are FE4 master knight and maybe Reverse Recruitment Karel.
  8. In a more growth focussed game, sure, in a game that can be beaten while disabling the stat gains on level up? It only make things marginally more difficult. To make not finish a map ASAP a sensible choice you need something like a magickarp unit that snowball so much it makes you save more turns later. Wich is how an Est should be imo btw
  9. The worst win condition are defeat boss and seize, because they are very easy to abuse if good mobility options(wich sometimes can just be pegasus knights) exist. Those can only be truly good in a game where warp does not exist
  10. I used the battalion. The gambit was never used, but hey, an extra tool in the box don't hurt.
  11. I wanted to say the opposite of that. Not that no one is accountable, but that everyone is. If you tell some people that i did something awful and they kill me in retalliation, the fact that you lied won't absolve them. Similarly, no matter wich lies they have been fed, the people, nobles and commoners, are still guilty of the genocide, at leas as much as Lamber's killers.
  12. Because most of it is made by speciphic people, and that the genocide has been commited by the people on their own volition. To me everyone that tought that killing Duscurians in mass was an appropriate response is equally at blame, because obviously not every duscurian was equally at blame even if the accusations were true. I compare whit how the french revolution is depicted in media: it's clearly shown that there are thousands if not milions, of people starving to death while the noble waste all their time partying. We see something like that only in Ferdiand Paralogue, and does not look like something that happen everywhere. What i hate about 3H is that for all it'd world builimg it never really dwell on the lives of commoners, whatever they have food, security, how broad or limited their freedoms are, whatever they own land or are under serfdom and many things like that. I need to know those things to make an opinion about nobility, things like "Varley torture his Daughter and Glouchester killed some merchants" are way too annedoctical.
  13. I am just saying that if the solution is worse than the problem, then the problem should stay, as awful as it is. Sometimes the lesser evil is to do nothing because any other option is a greater evil. I think that the Fodlan nobility had to be much worse than what was displayed to justify a war.
  14. An a war would kill easily 20000+ people, wich are 200 years worth of corrupt nobility. Can any human being predict correctly how thing will be 200 years from now? Because this is how long the golden age has to last to make war the right choice by an utilitarian standpoint. Edit: 100 people per year is arguably a lowball, but even if they are 300, we would still need a long golden age to break even. The adoption system in the Roman Empire lasted around 80 years for example, and what came after is not exactly ideal.
  15. There are many occasions where Nobles gather, just organize a big event and then "Dimitri iconic quote".
  16. My altermative plan was to gather the corrupt nobles in one place and pull an Arvis. Still a morally awful thing, but imo better than a war. You can't expect people like Jeritza's father to became good people, you either kill them or wait till they die of old age. I aknwledge that. But if 1000 innocent people have to be killed to kill him, i would not do that untill a better way to kill him is found.
  17. You can declare war and not begin any military operation. You still declared your intention to do so in the future, and the other faction is justified into attacking you untill a peace offering is made. Financing Haneman research untill he find a way to put crests into people, then give it to a large enought amount of soldiers. Then declare your discovery to the world and allow anyone to get a crest for free. If some nobles don't allow their subjects to receive the crest, do a show of force of the Legion of Crested Supersoldiers, such as publicly showcasing a dozen of Blaydid soldiers lifting something enormous. If that is not enought, send them to destroy one of the corrupt house. At worst you need to crush a couple ofnthem or before the others realize that they can't win.
  18. Even whitout formal rules, it's only natural that if someone invade something you are allied whit, you join them. It's why alliances exist innthe first place.
  19. Mekkah put Thracia archers in C tier in a recent video, so i don't think using her is a terrible idea. But then, i use 80% of the cast on Thracia.
  20. I heard this thing more than once. Why Tanya or Xavier are praised for the brave bow while Selphina is ignored despite having better bow rank and bases than Tanya?
  21. I can do this the whole day, i think i will make multiple posts about this. For now i will limit myself to one per Anime. 1) Phoenix Ikki vs Virgo Shaka (Saint Seya) Just to put into perspective: Shaka is so overpowered that the Big Bad of the arc he was in and two other golden saint had to fight him togheter to even stand a chance, and Ikki actually manage to scare him trought sheer determination. 2)Gohan going SSJ2 The moment that made me into a fan of the pacifist character that became an unstopable force if they got angry enought. The Abridged even improve his part. 3)Kenshin vs Shishio(Fuck you Watsuki) In particular the ending where Shishio end up getting destroyed by his own lust for war and violence. Definitely my favourite fight in anime 4)Red,Green and Blue teaming up (pokemon adventure) The manga interpretation of the Sylph SPA had many fun ideas that predates lots of thing used in the franchise later. In particular i love that some Gym Leaders sided with Giovanni, inventing the concept of evil team admins before the game, or how they win the final battle by using Trainer's Final Smash before even Melee was a thing. 5)Spark Liner High bad ending (Fate Stay Night) Shiro fought an opponent 50 times stronger than him... and go so much trought his limits that he manage to win, even if his mind remain utterly destroyed by the exertion. I really hope that Ufotable will animate it for some special, even if the chance are close to 0. 6)Touma vs Crowley(To aru Majutsu no index) A fight that came after 40 volumes of build up, and where a scheme that make Sosuke Aizen look like a newbie comes completely to light. It's amazing how after realizing how convoluuted the world around him is, Touma manage to mantain his straightforward level-headness. 7)Kurama vs Karasu (Yu Yu Hakushu) The best tactic based fight i ever seen, there is not much of a point into explaining why it was good, because it would spoil it. 8)IM introduction(One Piece) I knew it, i fucking knew it for years that it was going to happen, and when it happened it was glorious. The sheer amount of theories produced by just a name and a sillhouette, the amount of discussion regarding power level and future arcs. This was Oda's peak in his mastery of placing Checkov guns and red herrings into every chapter, creating something that was at the same time shocking yet expected, that answered many questions while at the same time introducing new mysteries. 9)Noelle using the Roar of the Sea Dragon(Black Clover) I never saw a female protaginist doing something like that in a Shonen. After years seeing girls that, by the nature of their powers, should kick ass but never does for no valid reason(hello shippuden Sakura), it was refreshing to see something like that finally happening. 10)Denji & Beam vs Bomb Devil & Typhoon Devil(Chainsawman) Basically, crazy awesome in manga form. All of it happened just a couple months ago so i don't want to go in detail, but there is a clear Sharknado reference that in it's absurdity was just so much fun to watch. I would say that whit a good studio it can beat KnY ep 19, but in fact Tanjiro vs Rui was nothing special in the manga, so it was 95% Ufotable.
  22. I think it would work very well whitin 3H system because you have a consistent amount of Restore and Silence uses. In Thracia or genealogy it was often a matter of pushing beyond Res Thresholds.
  23. Yes, Benny is a roach but also has terrible speed and join a bit underlevelled.
  24. Or terrible movement, or being an est. Nasically the point is that every unit should have clear strenght AND WEAKNESSES.
  25. Imo no unit should have high def and res whitout also having very low damage in the first place.
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