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The Archsage

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Everything posted by The Archsage

  1. Really, this isn't any worse then the Hyperbolic Time Chamber from DBZ, and nobody complains about that. Only instead of serious training for a year, they have children who age rapidly while their parents are out fighting a battle. And, considering that you still have to do a side chapter to even get the children characters, I highly doubt this Hyperbolic Time Castle is how the children reach the age to join your army. It's probably a mix of time travel and parallel dimensions. I think it might be fun to see something a little different then the usual anyways. I don't know about that. the way some people react to things, I wouldn't be surprised if some peoples lives did end, via heart attack, from getting too worked up about this stuff.
  2. Well, if I was going to dish out money for an aesthetic feature I'll see for all of three seconds as I get into a game, this would be what I'd spend that money on. That said, I'll probably get the Nohr one anyways, because I just love the night sky it shows. It's just too bad I'll have to wait to get this.
  3. Gonna have to say Skills. They're pretty important. Though Class Growths are arguably more important... Ah, I'm gonna stick with Skills. I'm more interested in those, and we'll get it all eventually anyways.
  4. Gonna be honest. At first, it did bother me. At first! I was worried the game would be taking a bad direction. Until my friend pointed out to me that, yes, there is fanservice in the game, but that doesn't mean it's ruining the parts that make the game a Fire Emblem game. The strategy is still there, and they're doing things, like the Dragon Vein to improve upon the strategy. The weapon triangle is still there, and improved upon at that. There's still a story, and whether it's good or not is something we'll find out when we get the game, though signs are pointing that it is indeed good. There's also still supports from the GBA era, only now we don't have an annoying limit on the amount of supports we can have. With all our basic elements still there, and improved upon, I'd say that makes the game even better. Is everybody else forgetting that before Awakening did so well it might have been the last Fire Emblem game? If what sold Awakening is fanservice, it makes sense that they'd want to include it in the following games to keep doing well. After all, if they don't do well, we might not get anymore Fire Emblem. So, while I'm not the biggest fan of seeing all this fanservice, I still understand why it's there. And I'd rather it be there, then risk waking up one day to learn that IS had to drop the series, because it wasn't selling very well.
  5. For sure. It'll only be to get all the support conversations, but I'll still play as F!Corrin eventually. Definitely not on my first playthrough though. I want my first playthrough to be for sheer enjoyment rather then completion purposes, and I can't do that if I'm playing as a gender that isn't my own.
  6. Well, if it's possible, and if they're old enough (15 at least, preferably 16.), I'm going to marry Sakura and Elise to Kamui. If it's not possible, or they're not old enough, then I've still got it all worked out. On the Hoshido path, Sakura will marry Tsukuyomi, Takumi will marry Oboro, Hinoka will marry Subaki, and Ryoma will marry Kagerou. On the Nohr path, Elise will marry Silas, Leo will marry Belka, Camilla will marry Odin, and Xander will marry Luna.
  7. I'm gonna give my first Male Hoshido run the name Shirou, and give him short orange hair, because his naivete reminds me of Shirou Emiya. All my other male runs, on any path, and all my female runs, on any path, shall be given the name Kamui, and I shall not change their appearance. I'm a very boring person I know. I'm sticking with Japanese names for him/her though not because I don't like the name Corrin, but because Hoshido is basically Japan, and apparently Kaze recognizes your name, which, unless your name is Hoshidan, wouldn't make sense.
  8. I honestly wouldn't care if you were able to have your avatar marry his or her blood siblings. It's just a game in the end, and it hurts no one. I'm just upset that because Sakura is a blood sibling to Corrin that probably means I can't have Corrin S-Rank her. It's just not fair. Why must the most adorable character have to be a blood sibling? My sorrow aside, where was it ever said that there would be restricted pairings this time around? I'm really curious. I don't recall hearing about this piece of news. Though, with how much we got this week, I suppose it's not surprising to have missed something. Bigger reminder, first cousins aren't off limits now. Only a few states and even fewer countries have made it illegal.
  9. Don't really have any complaints about any of the names. Sure, some changes are a bit silly, or don't make sense, and I would have liked more names to remain the same, but I still like all the local names. I'll probably like all of them. Unless it's beyond ridiculous. Course, it will take a little while to get used to them.
  10. M!Corrin Hoshido: Crimson. Unless I can have Sakura, which isn't likely. It's not fair that the most adorable girl in Fates is a blood relative. F!Corrin Hoshido: Subaki. He's a male Pegasi Rider. Need I say more? M!Corrin Nohr: Nyx. I love dark magic, so it's a given. Sadly, Elise is probably unavailable for this, but if she is, she's likely too young. If she'd both available and old enough, then I'm going with Elise. F!Corrin Nohr: Odin. Owain was the coolest child in Awakening, and I like the name Odin, and I love dark magic. He's literally the most ideal man for a female version of myself, so my F!Corrin shall have him. I'll probably try some new people on the third path, if it's released right away. If it's not, then I'll probably just go with my favourites, since I'll likely have unlocked all the support conversations within the first week or two.
  11. That battle was... sad, to say the least. Other then that I have no real comments on seeing this video. That guy was beyond annoying, so I muted it. I figure any real news would be reported on here at Serenes Forest.
  12. Very well, if it's not off topic, then of the three names you've listed, only Fredericks isn't stupid. That bump in his pants happens to people. You must have worn pants before, right? Have your pants never bunched up to make it look like you've got big genitals? Mine have. Even if that isn't the case here, and he does have big genitals, does that mean he shouldn't be allowed to ride a horse? And AlphaZero pointed out another thing. Frederick wears pants. His large genitals, or bunching pants, aside, that should prevent people from bringing him into something like this. Edited: Also, most saddles are designed so a man doesn't hurt his balls while riding. And the only real way to do this, for a properly trained rider, is if you're riding incorrectly. We've been riding horses for thousands of years after all, hell, the Greeks rode naked, so, if it hurt men to ride, we wouldn't bother.
  13. That's why full armour never actually covered the crotch, except with light and flexible armour. Because it would be too uncomfortable, and it would restrict movement. I was just saying that, if his genitals aren't safe from the enemy while he's riding on a horse, then chances are, the rest of him, armour or not, isn't safe either. That's the price you pay for mounted combat. Not to mention he'd have training in an effort to prevent this very thing, and if he still hurt them, it's just bad luck. Regardless, this thread is about Camilla's design, and I think we're all getting too far off topic.
  14. Wasn't complaining. I like Fire Emblem character designs, for the most part. Camilla's isn't bad either. I'm just pointing out it's a major design flaw considering her class. Gotta point out, Frederick is sitting on his horse. If his genitals aren't safe from the back of a horse, then he's probably dead anyways. Vaike's is stupid though. No real armour save around his neck? That's asking to get gutted. Then Cherche has a foolish design flaw as well. I never really cared about Cherche anyways, other then to get Gerome, so I never paid her any attention. But, foolish design flaws or not, considering their classes, I do like the designs of most of the characters. Including Camilla.
  15. This points a major design flaw on Camilla. She's a wyvern rider. That means flying in the skies, and on the back of a scaled beastie. And what does she wear? Revealing armour, and nothing covering her pelvic region, save for her panties. Imagine the scrapes that wyverns scales are giving her ass and thighs? Not to mention the higher you go in the sky, the colder it gets. She has to be freezing when she flies.
  16. Well, to be honest, I never thought much about Camilla at first. Or any of them really. I liked some of their designs, and disliked others. For Camilla though... she seems interesting at least now. Her incredible affection towards Kamui is a bit confusing. Like, does she know they're not blood related? Or does she think they are? I doubt Garon told anyone he was adopted, so it's possible she thinks they're blood relatives, which makes her rather intense affection for Kamui a bit... much. Over all, I rather like how she's turned out, and I'm glad she's got an actual personality rather then just as a fanservice item. Are we sure Belka's description says that Camilla likes strong women, or is it Belka who likes strong women and serves Camilla because Camilla is strong? Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, but the only translation I read on Belka was a really early one, and the English wording used could be implied either way. I assume a more accurate translation is around now?
  17. Personally, I greatly prefer 'Fates' over 'If'. 'If' is too forgettable. 'Fates' is a little more memorable. The addition of the letter 's' to the end of the word especially. It implies that there's multiple outcomes, and that your choices will determine which fate is brought about. Even if there is only one time you have to make a decision, there's still at least three outcomes, if we get the DLC paths. That's three different fates of the three countries and their people. And there might be more then a single choice that they're telling us about. As for the subtitles of Birthright and Conquest... I like them. I would have preferred they remain Hoshido and Nohr, but Birthright and Conquest aren't bad. They still show you what side your choosing. Both can be taken negatively or positively, as, in the end, they're just words, and it's the events that the words are talking about that can imply whether they're good or bad. Of course, this is just my opinion on the matter.
  18. No I meant the corpse is what the ninja would become. Not that he'd get a funeral. I should have emphasized that.
  19. But how will Kamui, using the same inferior weaponry, manage to defeat the aliens? Especially since these aliens would know more about their weaponry then Kamui? That would imply that Kamui's weaponry prior to defeating the aliens was already superior to the aliens weapons, thus negating the need to use said advanced weaponry to conquer Hoshido and Nohr. Regardless, I personally think Kamui will take a very recruit heavy route for the third path, maybe battling his siblings, but trying his best to not kill them in battle, so he can recruit them afterwards. And of course getting their direct subordinates with them. I suspect Hinoka, Camilla, Elise, and Sakura will probably side with him right away in this case, seeing as they seem to be the four that like him best on either side. In this route, I suspect his main goal is to unify his siblings at the very least. This may or may not lead into him deciding to conquer both countries himself, and unite them as one country. I don't know how the Nosferatu will tie in to this path, and I can't even guess because, quite frankly, we still don't even know how the Nosferatu tie into the paths we do know about. Unless there is something I've missed.
  20. My personal theory, and probably incredibly incorrect, is that she's either Aqua's mother, or half-sister. I lean more towards half-sister, but it's not impossible for her to be Aqua's mother either, though one would expect a mistress like that to be elevated to a higher status then maid. Or at least serving Garon, rather then Kamui. Her being Aqua's half-sister though would explain why most of the Nohr siblings have blond hair, and only Camilla and Aqua have different hair colours. If she is Aqua's half-sister, then I also believe that Aqua and Camilla are full siblings, and that they're only half-siblings to Marx, Leon, and Elise. And of course their mother is dead, and blue haired maids relation to royalty, even though she's got no royal blood herself, is why they gave her a position as a maid in the castle. But, like I said, this is just a theory.
  21. Terraforming is described as changing the shape of the landscape. So, regardless of what they do with Dragon's Vein, they can't make something from nothing, only change the shape of what's there. And apparently the temperature with the freezing and evaporating of water in the new video. Basically, if their soil is no good to begin with, changing the shape of the soil won't change the quality.
  22. There are no ninja in Naruto. It may be what they call themselves, but there are no ninja in Naruto. Wanna know what a ninja was like when they were on the job? Look to the nearest average person around. Wanna know what they were like when they got caught? Go to a funeral and look at the corpse.
  23. You're right. It hasn't been confirmed about Leon using Dark Magic, so I'll give you that. Though his artwork heavily suggests he does, and the artwork is usually accurate on the type of weapon a character uses, in this case, Dark Magic. And you're on 100% correct on Ninja's not being pre-promotes, and I was completely wrong in assuming they might be. A new trailer shows Kagerou using a Master Seal to promote into some riding class. Her mount is masked, and seems to be fairly feline, though that's just what I got from a quick glance, so it could be anything really. You're right about the axes, sorry about that. Still, to me her axe does seem to be unique. However, if they have changed some of the weapon designs for IF, then her weapon might be one of those common weapons. Or it could be a Silver Poleaxe, if they brought those back from PoR/RD. Though it seems a bit short for a poleaxe. In the new trailer, she seemed to be using an unseen before axe, or I just can't remember seeing it before, though it looked nothing like her artwork axe. It looks a bit like the hand axe in Awakening, but it's missing the curve in both directions. Hopefully that means it's a unique weapon only to him. Still a chance it might not be unique, but I'm hopeful. Still, did anybody else notice Hinoka's massively thick lance in that new trailer? It looks like a giant syringe. Or something. If the siblings all do have unique weapons, I hope that's not hers, cause that looks like it would have some serious penalties to use. Course, I won't complain if it is.
  24. I rather doubt it. The design of most axes in Awakening all have the smaller side of the head of the axe as a pointed tip. Her axe's smaller side is more like a smaller version of the larger side of the axe. While not exactly unique amongst axes, I think that, considering they're going to reuse as many things as possible from Awakening, such as Nohr's weapon designs, the fact that her axe is much different to the axes in Awakening is a good sign that it may indeed be unique. I'm not saying it has to be, since it could very well be a generic weapon. I'm just saying the possibility is still there that it is unique. They probably are strong, but whether we'll get them right away or not is another matter entirely. It's tough to say, because they could just be weak pre-promotes, which would suck, or they might be unpromoted versions of an otherwise promoted class. I mean, Leon is supposedly a Dark Knight using Dark Magic. But the Dark Knight class in Awakening would have required Shadowgift in order to do that. So, unless Leon has Shadowgift, or they changed the limits of the Dark Knight classes magic, it's possible he could have a new class of a similar name. And Camilla's class is entirely new, called the Revenant Knight. It's highly likely that the Wyvern Rider retains it's former promotion options from Awakening, and the Revenant Knight is a new class with at least one new class as a possible promotion. Of course that's all mere speculation. For the record though, while Brave Weapons are almost always mid-late game weapons, it's actually very common for pre-promoted units to have silver weapons early game. Marcus, Seth, and Frederick all had them. I think Titania had one in Path of Radiance, though it might have been Steel, and I'm just remembering incorrectly. True enough. And it might even be the same for Marx's and Ryouma's weapons. Though, I'm sure you'll understand if I hope otherwise. I can't agree on the early pre-promotes not hurting anyone though. One or two is fine, but we already know Felicia, Joker, and Gunther are pre-promotes, and are on your side regardless, which implies from the beginning. That's three already. And the blue haired maid might also be on your side regardless, which might mean four. Five if it turns out that ninja's are pre-promotes too. That's way too many for early game. Getting any more shortly after making the decision if you choose the Nohr side of things, kind of makes a joke about how Nohr is supposed to be more challenging. Unless each of them are barely any stronger then an unpromoted unit, which ruins their usability later in the game. That hurts us as players, since it cuts down on decent units to use. On another note, despite all the information we've been getting, is anybody else getting really frustrated with not knowing more about the game?
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