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Magical CC

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Everything posted by Magical CC

  1. Wrestle Angels Survivor. It's a combination of moe girls, card game and management. It's fun...
  2. Choices you made are pointless and cant change relevant things in the story is absolutely the worst. It's called "role-playing-game" for a reason.
  3. The only game I havent finished is Mount&Blade. I have never able to conquered the whole land...it's simply too much for me to do.
  4. In lenient games, buying weapons is good but in tough games, surviving is the only answer.
  5. Well, if that is the case then this picture would be more valid. What is the last time you see someone stabbing an orange with such....emotion? I think the words are pretty easy to understand even if you dont know the language. Now, these guys burned Dutch (or French) flag, abused the fruits Netherlands dont grow, raid Dutch embassy and stick Turkey flag on its top then screamed "Allahu Akbar". Unless I am mistaken, attacking the embassy also means provoking war. Of course, this is all for the new voting that gonna give Erdogan total control of the country so we will have to see how things play out.
  6. Video clip of Erdogan's young branch burning Netherlands flag: They have gone too far.
  7. I still love Harvest Moon and Rune Factory more than the other games of same kind. I think the cuteness of characters and stories are the charming point of HM.
  8. Well, it's almost certain that Nam was done by his half brother but we should remember everyone is innocent until proven otherwise. Until we have more proof, we cant really blame it on Kim Jong Un.
  9. Legend of Zelda. Seriously what have this franchise done right that other games didnt to make it a legend in gaming community? All I saw and played are lame platform games with boring gameplay and kiddy fairy tales stories and characters.
  10. Sophie is the friendliest game for newbie. Iris is simply boring even as a generic Jrpg.
  11. No, it's almost impossible for game to look better at lower resolution. As long as the resolutions are supported by the game and the hardware, the game will always look better at higher resolution.
  12. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are good start. Note that both games are buggy so you should also install bug fix patches on moddb or nexus. You can try some mods on top of that.
  13. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/feb/24/kim-jong-nam-north-korea-killed-chemical-weapon-nerve-agent-mass-destruction-malaysian-police?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_í´ë¦½ë³´ëì_ë³µì¬ It's not exactly new, the assassination happened about one week ago but since no one mentioned it, I hope we can have a good discussion here. The assassination was done by two females (one Indonesian and one Vietnamese) in Malaysian airport and both of them were caught together with some other North Korean suspects although the four main North Korean suspects are still at large. Kim Jong-Nam was on exiled and have never returned to North Korea even when his father died. He was said to be having no interested in becoming North Korea leader and expressed his wish to reform North Korea. He was killed with VX nerve agent, a weapon of mass destruction and banned by UN. For now, people still have no idea who would want to kill Kim Jong-Nam.
  14. I bet it's about the Atelier Sophie on steam. The game is fun, really fun, not deep or epic but fun. Basically, you and your party go to maps, collect materials, fight monsters and craft a lot of stuff. The crafting mini game is fun and can be complicated for high end item especially if you want to get a certain trait. Every material has traits, everything you craft have effects. Traits can combine and create a better trait. Effects, up to your (not Sophie) skill and calculating can be pumped up to maximums. You dont simply pick the right materials but you also have to places them well to get the most out of them. The combat is shallow and simple but the fact that you can use the items you created and throw them at the monsters is always fun. At least the grinding is fast, even after you get to lvl 20. While there are many things to collect, it has never felt like being a chore since getting in and out and collect items can be done very fast and except boss materials, all materials are very common and you gonna get a ton of them without trying. Monsters usually dont last for more than one or two round unless you fight really strong boss. It's also very easy to earn money. The story is simple but it is there at least. The characters are kinda generics but cute and have a lot of banters with you and with each others so you wont get bore of them. They have personality and are similar to Harvest Moon characters more than Final Fantasy ones. Now that I thought about it, Atelier Sophie is very familiar to Rune Factory, a light heart game with unique, fun but simple gameplay you play to relax. If you want to craft items and have fun then pick Atelier Sophie. If you want to play Final Fantasy with crafting feature then play Mana Khemia 2. If you want to play good Atelier game with good combat system then pick Shallie or Escha & Logy. I hate Iris games, they bored me. I have always prefer the new game for their better crafting system and moe girls. Edit: holy! I have always pronounce it "At-lee-er".
  15. La La Land because my friends want to watch it. It's pretty good. I no longer enjoy movie any more because nowadays movies are mostly action, hero garbage with very few worthy movies for me to drag my ass to cinema to watch.
  16. Are you sure it's to make the death penalty absolutely right and not just the lawmakers wanting to drain as much money as they can from the government budget?
  17. 2,16 millions dollars, god, why executing in America so expensive? Here in my country, death penalty is reserved for extreme crimes and once you committed such crimes, you automatically get death penalty unless the judge lessen the penalty and jail you for life instead. There's no appeal unless you can prove that you didnt commit that crime which had to be done before the final judgement anyway. Then they give you some week and drag you out and shoot you. Either your family pay money to bring your corpse home or they burn your corpse and bury in a mass grave for executed people. We dont shoot people anymore and use poison instead but since we cant produce the poison ourselves yet so we still shoot people for a litte longer. So that he can sue the government because his internet in the cell is not good. Yeah, that is what happened.
  18. I support both abortion and death penalty. Death penalty is cheaper than keeping one in jail for lifetime, I cant understand why people keep saying it's expensive.
  19. Super Robot Taisen Tales of Fire Emblem Persona Pokemon Sorry but Final Fantasy was never my friend.
  20. People who are okay with it because the rate is not much or because they dont play online that much are the shame of gaming community because companies will keep pushing it till the point where you have to constantly online to play your single player game. Companies have already been doing it and nobody gave a damn while some years ago people would riot over it. You people are being tamed by the same companies who are robbing every single penny they can from you and you are fine with it. It's exactly because of you people that company dare to sell microtransaction in a freaking single player offline game. The future where you have to pay to get online to be able to play your single player game wont be far at this rate.
  21. It's absolutetly disgusting. It's like you have to pay extra fee to be able eat at the table in a restaurant.
  22. If Dark Souls 2 was 8 then Nioh is 7. This game map design is lackluster and flawed. Some bosses are way too hard, some are way too easy. In the end, it's a nice try.
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