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Everything posted by zahlman

  1. To screw over the guy who picked Moulder first round? :| Or maybe to demonstrate that he has no understanding of why the standard draft rules are as they are I took Colm anyway because certain acts of thievery will be easier if he doesn't have to be escorted immediately to avoid an EP round.
  2. Do any of the siege tome users in FE8 actually move?
  3. Well you sure as hell don't have a Francophone accent. To be honest you wouldn't sound far out of place here in Toronto :) (You know, ignoring the part where we have so much multiculturalism that nobody really sounds out of place in Toronto... trufax: anglos from Montreal sound way more like Torontonians than random hosers from the Ottawa area.) When I listen to the Fire Emblem main theme, I picture a pokemon named "fireemblem" singing it, with all the lyrics being "fire emblem" or portions thereof. It can be quite maddening >_<
  4. Someone remind me to do this when I finally get a working mic. Some more names for the list that seem relevant (mostly ones that I've heard people pronounce differently from me): Elibe Guy Ogier Missur Aureola Luce Thracia Malte(t), Miugre/Murgleis, Eckesachs/Exacuus, Sigune/Sigurney/some other spellings?, Sigurd/Siglud (I mean, if we can't even agree on the spelling...) Durandal Rienfleche Fimbulvetr Idoun
  5. kk. and actually no screw it, I want Colm anyway.
  6. ... So do they have to solo or what? I.E. do they have to be drafted to steal, pick chests and doors, etc.?
  7. ? She loses HP (but she doesn't have a hard time getting enough to take a counter from the Dragon, which is all that really matters for a unit of her type) and Speed forever. She's caught up in Str by lv 16 unpromoted (20/16 with HM bonuses), Skill at 20/1 thanks to promotion gains (20/12 with HHM bonuses), Def at 20/20 (heh), and wins Luck (not that it matters) and Res (matters a lot in HHM; she gets +5 Res from promotion) forever (well, Res almost forever with HHM bonuses). Plus she starts with a level lead unless you skipped LHM and trained Guy in 13x. Such as... ? All I can think of is sword rank, which again is reversed if you've played LHM. Which is huge because it means she actually gets real opportunities to train (or at least take out bosses and other key units) in a crapload more early chapters than Guy does. I would say she gets more of what she actually needs from promotion than Eliwood does. ??? * If you do skip LHM then Guy only has one more opportunity to gain a level than Lyn. * You don't really need to max units out for exp rank anyway. * Lyn has a much, much easier time getting levels early because she can ORKO a Knight or cav or whatever, get healed if she didn't dodge, and then let the EP units do their thing. Guy isn't an EP unit either, and bandits and defenseless archers are kinda scarce for a while. Nobody is really "good for exp rank"; a few units are bad for it (and only if you're careless), and what really matters is scrounging up as many units as possible who don't completely suck. Granted, Guy doesn't completely suck, but that doesn't help him in the comparison to Lyn. Except for the part where those mounted units rescue/drop other tanky units. Or dancer utility. Or warpskipping. Or rout maps.
  8. Whoa whoa whoa This is new and requires explanation The tower is combat, and do they have to solo or what? Also are you talking about an additional permission when they're drafted, or an additional restriction even when they're drafted? And yeah you really really should get this kind of thing sorted out before the draft selection starts. Think before you put up a draft man.
  9. Glad you approve. With no flier utility except possibly lol Syrene, dancer utility would seem to be a must. And Saleh is huge for the window where he's available and Myrrh isn't. I strongly considered Gerik instead though (not Duessel, because I'm doing Eirika's route, because I fkn hate the pirate ship, among other reasons). Although if it's that clear-cut, then either the others all messed up, or FE8 standard drafting needs to be revisited...
  10. Tethys and Saleh. Lute seems to be missing from the draft list btw.
  11. FWIW in the EHM draft I just did, Eliwood ended up as 13/4. Horace's was 15/4, and delivered the final blow to the dragon (and, FWIW, would have just barely failed to survive a counter even if not doubled). In HHM it's probably harder for him to get exp (whereas Hector could hardly avoid making 20/X if he wanted to). @dondon lol, PEMN-tastic. Speaking of which, I find that Lyn is awesome for dealing with Zoldam (high chance to OHKO with crit + low chance to get crit on EP, and even Marcus won't survive a crit without a few HP procs anyway) and Uhai (she can actually hit that annoying bugger, plus effective weapon) and maybe Cameron (although he's kind of a pushover anyway), and then pretty much fades into obscurity again until VoD, where in HNM/HHM she actually has enemy phase with a bow at one point if you put her in the corridor just below the north bridge. Of course, for LTC she has to be ferried to Zoldam and Uhai, which is kind of a burden on Marcus...
  12. No, that's just the order that people signed up. I'm not picking an order until we're settled with rules and stuff. I might wait a couple days anyway because I'm a little busy with non-game-playing-related stuff. They're already banned from purchase under that proposal. I do try to think these things through :) Also I believe you are correct about Cameron, but it doesn't make much difference either way since if he does have a droppable Elixir then obviously everyone will get it. Stealable ones... well, hopefully they don't imbalance the chapter-selection decisions... I couldn't find any in the WOD list though. Also they wouldn't give anything that nice to reinforcements, so nobody's going to be rewarded for hanging around. Although it might take a bit of effort to get some of them. (For the one in the chest in Ch30, you're forced to use exactly Hector and Serra, so you'll need a Chest Key... but I think there are droppable ones in-chapter?)
  13. Well, that filled up quickly enough. Proposed revised structure: -20 White Gem -** Dancer ring: 1 per remaining use, so up to 15 each -** Elixir: 5 per remaining use, so up to 15 each -10 Support with Serra (each conversation, regardless of level or character) -5 Blue Gem -5 Completed Gaiden -2 Red Gem 1 Rescue/Drop/Take/Give (Except Serra). You're responsible for counting these up as you go. 3 Marcus fielded 15 Failure to recruit (includes Erk!) GTFO Other undrafted unit fielded GTFO Purchase of Vulnerary, Elixir, Pure Water or Antitoxin GTFO Unit other than Serra uses a staff GTFO Serra doesn't claim a point in Ch 25, or the last point in Ch 6 GTFO Serra is not fielded in a chapter, or dies in Final. 'Ooh! Why me? This is SO annoying!' GTFO Afa's Drops not given to Serra Are there any other Elixirs besides the Ch 30 chest and the ones that certain characters come with? @Silver Harpoon I already have a completely different idea for a themed FE8 draft. But you go ahead and make Lute the star of FE8 if you want.
  14. 20/20 Lyn averages 21 Str, whereas Hector will actually average 30 Str at 20/20 (I'm rounding obviously). 30% crit = x1.6 damage on average, so with 21 str and doubling she indeed gets 26 per round. But this requires her to get those supports and catch up quite a bit. Hector is doing signficant (14!) damage from 20/1 unsupported and unboosted, and already (barely) avoids getting doubled. We're also ignoring any possible small crit chances on Hector's part (although I imagine that doesn't add up to anything significant).
  15. This is automatic if we go with the conservation idea instead of the turn-penalty idea. So I'm starting to like that more. Yeah, Ch 11 is pretty stupid in a couple of ways, honestly. Even with a trained Matthew.
  16. Oh shit guys REVENGE OF THE MUMBLEM My body is not ready
  17. He doesn't know where the pointers are to the map graphics in the FE6 ROM, presumably, so he doesn't know how to repoint the graphics once inserted.
  18. BTW, seeing "APP" in all caps is irritating me. "app" is short for "application", not an acronym. i mad
  19. Those are for FE7? (I'm guessing that a lot of the code will be shared, at least between 7 and 6, so I can search for it once I've found some reasonably unique patterns of opcodes)
  20. Yes (11 through 13x inclusive; there's a loadout screen for 14. Also 1-6 inclusive, so Lyn mode performance/availability is highly discounted when evaluating units) and yes. Clarification, since it only occurred to me now: Everyone can use Wallace in Ch 9 since he's forced ("banned" doesn't override that, it just means he can't be recruited in HHM). Everyone can not use Wallace in Ch 10. The idea (at least partially) is that "omg I have to avoid meatshielding" is not supposed to be part of the challenge. Of course, I rather doubt that Wallace saves turns in Ch 9 all by himself, especially with a cost for rescue/drop, so... :) Thoughts on the Vulnerary issue? Baldrick: That joke was bad and you should feel bad. I know I feel bad for actually laughing. XD
  21. zahlman

    Link arena

    But won't that just breed a new generation of scrubs who think using Marcus is bad and that raising units to 20/20 is fun and educational?
  22. They have spurs on them, you see, and the riders dig into their mounts' sides and encourage them to gallop/flap faster. Or else the mounts wear them directly. Oh, but there are only two boots for 4 limbs... hmm, front-wheel drive or rear-wheel drive? Also FFS this is FE8, it's Swiftsole, not Boots
  23. No, but it would still make things seem more right. As is, Hector is the only lord ever worth considering using against the Dragon, when the whole apparent point of the game is to get all of the lords to the point where they can work together to fight the final battle. I mean, why else would you have three lords? Yes yes yes yes yes. As bad as Lyn's HP/Def is, I honestly don't feel like she needs a bunch more. She's supposed to dodge attacks, not take them. I mean it's good if a random 12% hit doesn't OHKO her, but beyond that it's just not that big of a deal IMO. I guess a little more would be good, though. Eliwood could use Def more than Str I think, especially if we're improving the Rapier. I also kiiiiiiinda like the idea of the +1 mov for Eliwood, as weird as it sounds. Honestly I think Eliwood needs significantly more of a buff than Lyn does. And adding Lyn and Eliwood to that list would really help, style-wise if not gameplay-wise. Since Sol Katti has only 12 Mt, without those support bonuses you need like 20/7 Lyn (or less with Energy Rings obviously) just to scratch instead of tinking. Whereas 20/10 Armads!Hector is doing the same damage as Aureola!Athos (and an average 20/20 Hector is actually close to doubling; 20/12 Lyn doubles, for comparison).
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