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Everything posted by zahlman

  1. You have to have balls of steel IMO when you realize that a 1-range weapon plus a 2-range weapon don't add up to give you 1-2 range for EP, and then you charge into battle anyway.
  2. Does this have to just be about gameplay improvements? Because I think FE6/7 Nomad -> Nmd Trooper is pretty awesome aesthetically. As a nomad you kinda just derp around on a horse, shoot bows, twirl bows for crits, all the same stuff that archers do, le yawn. And then you promote and you get to swing a sword with a pretty decent animation, sword crit with a ridiculous animation, and your pony turns gold which is like way cooler than the white ponies that Paladins and Valkyries get. Plus, they totally have the best class roll description:
  3. + Absolutely love the hairstyle. + Most things are quite nicely detailed and proportioned (I don't think it's really possible to tweak the eye size at this resolution), assuming she's supposed to be on the skinny side (which seems congruent with the sharpness of her collarbone). = Maybe add more detail to the jewellry? +/- What Niharu said. Also, the hair colour and dress colour don't seem like a good match, but I've certainly seen worse, and can't really think how it should be changed. - Something seems somehow odd about the border on her hair at the back. Try not including diagonals. - Neck seems pillow-shaded. I don't think with this light source that there should be that bit of shadow near her left collarbone.
  4. In b4 "make your own".
  5. IIRC they get to him pretty quickly unless Jaffar happens to distract him, and you don't really want that to happen. If we're replacing those weapons then Zephiel doesn't need a buff. Unless maybe you also take away his Elixir.
  6. The desert does. Also, Cog of Destiny is full of powerful magic users (valkyries and high-level druids with status staves), and you will need to be fast and lucky in Battle Before Dawn because the axes are mostly Swordreavers and a bunch of them start pretty close to Zephiel (it's not much fun for Jaffar either). But it looks like you already knew about all of that
  7. Machuamp: Guydude: Treck-o: Ikeans (he fights for his friendsssssss): Sources: official (AFAICT) art grabbed from the web. Over 9000 microseconds in photoshop elements.
  8. I think that was meant to be a joke. An impossible chapter has no luck component. ;)
  9. >Implying that there's only one SF member without herpes >and that it isn't you
  10. Unlike the other long-range tomes, Eclipse only weighs 12. Teodor's AS is displayed as 15 vs a Speed of of 19. So his Con is a mere 8.
  11. Ok fine, I guess I have to do this too. - is, and I am totally going to rip off Tang here, my tsundere nyanpumpkin. Well, no. Actually she's Hextator's tsundere nyanpumpkin. I just borrow her for the occasional playthrough. She is probably getting the Energy Ring and Angelic Robe though, because Dorcas doesn't really need them whereas Lyn can really benefit. I usually give the Angelic Robe to Florina, when I have her. :Serra: , well, I don't dare say anything bad. IF it doesn't cost me a turn, and she gets S Light somehow, I am totally having her deal the final blow. :Matthew: is clearly the MVP for everyone because he steals gems and elixirs and shit. :Erk: - fuck yeah anima. - made of hax. :Merlinus: - fuck your torches and your running off to swamp islands in the middle of the night, man. You can join in 16. - Athos gonna Ath. - WELP, LOOKS LIKE I'M DOING 28x. Except how the hell do I get to the northeast chests. Fuck. :Rebecca: - BECKEH! Getting her Steel ASAP so she can at least hope to OHKO peggies. :Rath: - I am totally going to get Clipsy to teach me her secrets. :Dorcas: - Damn it, I knew I should have given him to Harpoon. But then I might get Lucius. Hrm. :Isadora: - YESZ. I don't mind having her instead of Heath at all. In the chapters between getting them and getting Warp, flier utility really doesn't seem much better than cav rescue utility to me. Well, except for the desert. I'm kinda fucked in the desert. Becky and Rath had better not fail me. (even then, there are still archers and mages for Heath to worry about...) :Lowen: - Moar YESZ. Less availability than Kent/Sain, but he's around for 14 and 15 which are going to be really annoying. Defending Serra and the throne with a bunch of noobs? I will laugh if I'm the only one who manages 15 Marcus-less. I guess Horace has a good shot at it with Oswin (and Eliwood, lol) though. Overall - fuuuuuuuuuuuuck HHM why did I do this. When I get to the Ch22 secret shop I am going to be like "HERE MYSTERIOUS VENDOR CHICK PLEASE TAKE ALL MY MONEY". All that's left after getting killers in 21, anyway. Edit: Holy crap, apparently Uhai's Orion's Bolt is the only one in HHM aside from the secret shop in Denning's chapter? This suuuuuuuuxxxx. Rebecca just became < Nino in my expectations. Edit: Apparently a path to the chests appears on turn 30. So if I've already taken care of everything else, and have an escort for Matthew who can ORKO the Sniper, it'll only cost 5 turns to train Nino, and get an Angelic Robe and Speedwings and Recover. The gold for selling the Fell Contract is probably useless this far into the game, unless maybe I decide to promote Becky after all.
  12. If you can get to the northeast chests (Thor's Ire) and steal the Blue Gem from the Hero, you effectively get 25 turns for 28x. I totally forgot about the double wexp for killing thing. That'll actually be pretty cool if you pull it off. Although Aureola!Renault's damage to the Fire Dragon is... 2 + whatever he procs. :/ I forgot about the part where you need to recruit Harken with the same guy you're trying to get to the throne in Kenneth's map. Sucks for you. The funny part is that Horace has two of the other units who could recruit Harken (I have the remaining two, heh). Still, you could bite the bullet, opt for the Jerme route, and just make sure to claim the White Gem from the center room. There's also Bolting right next to it, which Erk might appreciate. But yeah, I think if nothing else, you may just post the best result for Final.
  13. I was surprised when Horace gave him to you. You might actually manage to figure out a way through Cog of Destiny now. Everybody has Erk. And having everybody who can do X is not necessarily a good thing. I gave you Lucius pretty much specifically because I felt he'd be redundant on a team that already has Canas. Gl! :) Don't forget the rescue/drop tax. Only as effectively as cavs who could also fight instead, and still with a rescue/drop tax. Hector haxes a lot of HHM IMO. You're going to need it. I think everyone will. Some more than others. I think I have the best chance of not needing Marcus for Ch 15.
  14. My thinking is that with lots of squishy but sometimes powerful mages around in HHM, Kent's defense > Sain's offense. I could be wrong. You're welcome to try and prove me wrong. AFAIK it doesn't. Teams without Kent or Sain will be able to use the Energy Ring and/or Angelic Robe (both, if careful) and still get Lyn's White Gem. The first map with a loadout screen is coincidentally the first one where Florina saves a bunch of turns (though obviously fewer with the rule changes), and has Nils common. Of course, teams with Kent/Sain don't have to promote in LHM even if they can... BTW, I totally don't care if people restart from the beginning because they thought they were going to get that White Gem but didn't. It's your time investment. Serra loves watching you suffer. (I'm really starting to think Matthew was right.) She has some pretty nice bosskill applications herself IMO. Serra is pleased that you're getting into the spirit of things. Not even once there are no more useful things to steal? Lol at training Renault. He was a pretty obvious first pick for this draft. If you trade him a Shine and have him somehow spam out the whole book without costing turns, he'll still have 10 WExp to go. Most of us don't, and she doesn't take that much longer to get, especially since there's also that bit about having to walk Serra over to one of the points. Legault's combat is not bad. I really won't be surprised if you change your mind... [Edit: removed this-is-not-FE8 derp.] Yeah, you actually have a really really powerful team - once you actually get your team. Muahahaha. Harken doesn't cost turns if you choose Jerme's map (which is totally worth considering since there's a White Gem instead of a Blue Gem), and might not even on Kenneth's map (since that takes what, like, 7? under the best conditions, and you won't have your fliers yet, and you can't feasibly convoy units up the corridor, and Marcus costs 3). I totally should have considered the Karel/Harken thing more closely when I was doing up the rules. If I'd thought about it, I probably would have explicitly permitted putting them on the same team, because (a) that is trivially avoided by auto-giving Harken when you get Karel (although it kinda sucks that the other person is forcing your pick, but that's strategy and what makes drafting fun) and (b) LOL SADISM. I will totally give you (or Harpoon) an honourable mention if you pull that off. You could also have her stomp around for the Ocean Seal in the desert and let Matthew and Legault go after the other stuff more directly.
  15. [FE7] Socialite Serra's Super-Sadistic SOYO of S-ness has finished drafting. Teams: General Horace: Karel, Jaffar, Oswin, Eliwood, Ninian, Kent(, Nils) Whitefang: Renault, Farina, Legault, Vaida, Harken, Raven(, Priscilla) Naglfar: Louise, Wil, Dart, Guy, Heath, Sain Zahlman: Nino, Rebecca, Rath, Dorcas, Isadora, Lowen Silver Harpoon: Karla, Canas, Lucius, Hawkeye, Pent, Florina(, Priscilla, Bartre) You might want to check this one out. It really is sadistic. I put a lot of effort into the custom rules. (Although there are a couple of things I might reword or alter slightly, in hindsight.) Ok fine I guess if you had that much time on your hands you'd be playing all these drafts instead of recording them lol
  16. Yay drafting complete. I figured Nagl would figure that he had to give you Florina, because she'd be too useful to the others and to leave you stacked with all the fliers (also with her lack of durability she looks really redundant once you get the other fliers). And then you would give Raven to Horace so he'd be stuck without high-Mov drafts and with only Oswin for added 1-2 range. I had to give Nagl a cav to make this possible. I chose Sain because (a) I think Kent is better for HHM and his team already looks pretty good; (b) so Harpoon wouldn't get both of Serra's "fast" supports. (Although that's a pretty minor consideration; keeping Sain next to Serra doesn't exactly sound like my idea of fun.) I probably won't start actually playing this until the new year.
  17. What I was saying is that there isn't really a way to avoid the risk. Waiting just incurs a different kind of risk. No offense was taken. That's the spirit. :) (I totally promoted Neimi in the draft I just did, when I already had Franz, Tethys, Saleh and some other decent units, just to show that it wouldn't cost turns. Actually she picked off a couple of things that might have been a bit annoying otherwise, and saved turns in Ch3 by being able to one-round walls in tandem with Franz allowing Eirika to get at the bandits.) I didn't realize I was dealing with that level of inexperience. Again, your determination is pretty cool here. Rise to the challenge! Most people would, you know, just do a normal playthrough and use Seth.
  18. Well you already had Heath so meh. I think your team is better than mine overall but it would have been whoever I gave you. There's more to it than that but I'll let Whitefang make his choice before explaining. nooooo! :(
  19. I lol'd FWIW. I guess you must really like Dorcas, then. Also I neeeeeed you to teach me how to use Rath btw
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