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Everything posted by zahlman

  1. Like... the game will still totally give you an S rank if you skip 19xx. In fact, that will make things easier in the tactics category, which is actually not easy any more in HHM thanks to the other 0-req chapters. So now we're praising Serra for enabling you to pull off an S-rank in LHM (which results aren't cumulative with HHM results for determining HHM rank anyway, to the best of my knowledge at least) while still gaining access to a specific way of experiencing HHM that's arguably harder to S-rank. I normally play through LHM pretty efficiently without using Serra or consuming any Vulneraries. To say she's not necessary here is an understatement. And even if you did use her, the level lead she'd get on Priscilla would be insignificant if you're playing at all efficiently. (BTW, healer using Heal = 11 exp for 20G; combat unit ORKOing with two strikes of an Iron Sword = 30+ exp for 20G - and lances and axes are cheaper than that). Even if she keeps a 2-level lead somehow (getting that lead seems very generous to me considering Prissy's base lv is 3 and again keeping in mind "how healers get experience"), that doesn't really make up for Prissy's superior bases (and nothing will ever really make up for the Mov difference). Also I'm amused by the part where we're stocking up on Physic with the apparent intent of going through that supply, in the same argument where using a Vulnerary instead of a Heal staff is presumably horrible news for our Funds rank. Also the part where the range of Physic means that movement doesn't matter so much - except that the range of Physic is determined by Mag, and our higher-Mov early-game healer is also the higher-Mag one. So when you really need long range...
  2. It is indeed. FWIW, the patch idea I was mentioning in my post would be something that everyone in the draft would be expected to apply, to counter RN abuse. Not like Tony Mode, though. A rather different (and highly illogical if you think about it too much) approach. BTW people seem to think dumping RNs with Seth in Prologue is OK. It's totally possible to dump the required 2 RNs with Eirika, though, so... Another thing that occurs to me is that people seem to think it's OK to block reinforcement spawn points with undrafted units. :/
  3. >mfw a youtube commenter nailed it
  4. She could be put into a brand-new class that copies the name string, weapon ranks etc. from mage/sage, but has a hax 'class power' and 'class bonus A/B'.
  5. I dump RNs with drafted characters, but I first look for a way to do it 'naturally' by re-ordering attacks etc. Savestates only get involved if the first several attempts don't work or if it's needed later in the chapter. Totally should make that patch...
  6. zahlman

    Hacking AI

    IIRC the "chapter unit editor" actually just directly overwrites a few bytes within the event code. So for anything but the most limited changes it's very flaky. Also, we can find the values that say "unit X now has AI Y", but our understanding of what the Y bytes actually mean is pretty limited. And forget about defining new behaviours that aren't already exhibited by some other existing unit. That would be a massive ASM project even after doing ridiculous amounts of research just to understand the context in which AI code is run.
  7. Durability doesn't even matter for healers 90% of the time, because if they get attacked at all that means you messed up anyway. Maybe sometimes you'll be forced to have them dodgetank a couple of things and it's nice if an unlucky hit doesn't OHKO them, but that's about it and it's still really an emergency measure. That said: - For my playstyle, completely redundant once Priscilla becomes available; 1 healer is enough. So she really only gets Ch 12, 13, 13x and 14, and in 14 she'll be distracted at least 1 turn (and it should be a short chapter in efficient play) by recruiting Erk. 13x she might not be needed at all, depending on your approach and whether you're trying to get the village, defeat Puzon etc. 13 she probably won't really be needed to support a Marcus rush, even if you could ferry her along at Marcus' speed. And 12, Matthew and Serra should normally just GTFO and let the men with metal suits do the work. - Not worth training for Warp because of Pent. - For the time that she's exclusive, barely heals more than a Vulnerary due to 2 base Mag, and in fact loses Mag forever to Priscilla even if you do use them both. - Can't keep up with the front lines, which a healer needs to be able to do even though they aren't supposed to be exposed on EP. - Compounding the Mag fail, uses Light magic when promoted which <<< Anima in this game. - High luck is really just not worth very much. Maybe if it factored into crit% instead of just crit evade%. But even then, Priscilla wins both in base and growth rate. - Even if we assume LHM+HHM, she's totally not needed in LHM (which can be done pretty efficiently without her or Vulnerary use). That said, she'll sometimes get you out of a jam, and is sometimes better filler for an extra deployment slot than a poor combat unit would be. So she isn't totally useless. 1/10 Eryth is right, you might very well need her for the desert chapter. I wouldn't really call Serra staff-spamming "free experience" though, considering that only the <10 use staves can get you more exp than a typical combat kill. So 2/10.
  8. There should only be one .exe, and it's totally not actually important for anything and is hidden deep in the doc folders. The actual program is a .jar. It's somewhat less deep into the folders, in 'dist'. You should not rearrange anything and you shouldn't need to copy anything to anywhere. Leave it all organized the way it is. The root folder should contain mostly subfolders and .bat files. One of those is called run.bat. That's what you want to use. Most of the text files are in 'doc'. 'doc' is short for 'documentation', as in "this is a bunch of stuff that tells you how everything works". You should read it. There should also be a text file in the main folder called "README". It's called that because you're especially supposed to read that one before you try to do anything else.
  9. Try the skin tone from the middle one with the clothing colours from the right one?
  10. Take us through the exact steps you followed, including exactly what you downloaded and from where.
  11. zahlman


    o_O That sounds like an interesting story >_>
  12. Oswin has no real advantages over Hector except even more def (but that doesn't get you through Final when you're slow, and is redundant for most of the rest of the game), a bit more res (but not enough to matter really), and an early level lead. The level lead is nice for Ch 15 and 13x since it means you have a high-def unit on early-game defense maps, but there are others who can do the same job on 13x (and ways to reduce the number of choke points to deal with; 15 OTOH can be very annoying). But that's about it in early game, and Hector catches up in levels very quickly in HHM, even in efficient play, because there's just so much to smite and so many times that Hector's the best man for the job (well, besides Marcus anyway). That weighs against the lack of a pwnsome prf weapon, the movement issue and trailing in speed (although not as badly as you might expect). Those are all pretty major. The majority of the time in FE, armors just make way more sense as an enemy class than a player class. I'll say 5.5/10 6/10 because he's nice to have in Ch 14. That's higher than I'd give Bors or Barth in FE6, by a lot, so...
  13. You... made it sound like you ship them? Edit: Confirmed for yaoi.
  14. +1. I'm starting to wish we could put an IFRAME in posts for this kind of thing. (Actually I guess spoiler tags kinda do the same thing...)
  15. This is, like, the only thing that needs to be said and it's been said in different ways like a dozen times here. The rest is just arguing about how important the things he steals that Legault can't are, vs. how important it is that he sucks at combat when he isn't supposed to be in combat (given that he still has to stay alive while pathing to the steal-able stuff, and needs to be in the un-rescued state to do the stealing).
  16. I know. Once you find the bytes in the ROM using the hex editor, you use the address shown in the hex editor to adjust the pointer value in Nightmare. The data's location in the ROM is totally independent of where it ends up in memory when the game actually uses it. It has to be copied from the ROM into palette memory for it to work. We're finding it in the palette memory (which is easy because of how palette memory works), and then finding it again in the ROM data by looking for the same data pattern.
  17. I haven't actually tried this before, but I felt like giving it a shot. I think this is a good look for Zeph. Pretty straightforward, really.
  18. I didn't mean to say that he needs to be taken down a couple notches just because he has one terrible chapter. By that standard, Marcus would have to be taken down a couple of notches in HHM because you can't use him at all in Ch 11, and that's just silly. But it's something he has to deal with, and it's kinda thematic of the difficulties and annoyances he faces specifically in HHM.
  19. Yes. That's because that's where the GBA puts palettes in its own memory space. (You have an extra zero, though.) Now, open the memory viewer (that's a separate thing from the palette viewer) and go to that memory address. Copy bytes from that range. Open a hex editor and look for the same sequence of bytes in the ROM. GBAGE is not part of this process at all.
  20. His late promotion, giving him a badly needed +5 Res, comes right after the HHM chapter that's packed to the brim with fast Valkyries and a handful of super-powerful Druids with annoying status staves. He's pretty much guaranteed to be lv 20 by this point, but that still makes only 36hp/5res. Keeping him alive on that map makes him a liability (granted, not as much of a liability as some other units, but you're forced to deploy Hector whereas the other slots can be filled with prepromotes who can handle themselves better), and if it weren't for Vaida's cohort, he'd barely be an asset. HHM seems designed to troll Hector in a couple of ways. Archers get replaced with mages in a lot of places, and his Res growth is worse than Eliwood's or Lyn's (they all have a base of 0, but Eliwood only gets +3 from promotion) or even Oswin's FFS. Early maps, meanwhile, have a bunch of weak peggies that he often can't quite OHKO and that will fly away to hard-to-reach places if you aren't careful. Oh, and the Wolf Beil, pwnsome as it is, has only 30 uses vs 40 for Rapier and 45 for Mani Katti, which is a troll considering how many more viable targets it will have. He's incredible against Wyverns, but he might have capped level by the time you actually get a map with lots of them (Ch26). The extra speed he has vs Oswin will probably make the difference between doubling and not doubling for a fair number of the wyverns in the game (which take 3AS loss from Steel and aren't generally particularly fast units). But on Ch 26 you don't really need to take out the wyverns quickly; you just need to distract them and keep them away from the middle. tl;dr he's kinda like a faster Oswin with +1 Mov (which is still not high Mov) who starts at lv 1 with an effective weapon (two categories of effectiveness, at that). I'm going to stick with 7/10. I really think his disadvantages are more important than the people giving 8s and 9s make them out to be. OTOH he's durable, has lots of easy opportunities to gain exp, and you're pretty much forced to use him for a bunch of stuff (not even counting the whole throne-seizing thing).
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