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Everything posted by zahlman

  1. +1 bug report: Erik has Guy's boss conversation vs. Dawson.
  2. Sweet. Although I'd be surprised if ZSE didn't manage to re-fuck this up anyway
  3. mp3 is a complete non-starter, I don't think the GBA could decode that fast enough to play it even if it didn't have to do anything else. Shit's complicated. Also licenses and actually getting a decoder and all that. Just put it out of your mind. If you really wanted to try compression, I would be looking at doing a couple of rounds of delta coding possibly followed by some form of entropy coding (so huffman, lz77 or rle). But even then, whatever you end up with is going to have to get patched into part of the Sappy engine that loads sound samples, and I don't even really know how that stuff handles memory. It's going to be a major project.
  4. Wow, that's really strange. I can't find all kinds of things that should be there, and actually the whole script is pretty strange, as in different types of text items are jumbled and weirdly ordered. The whole thing is chaotic, and I doubt it's even the TL group's fault (I mean why would they ASM-hack to reorder the entries in the text table?). All kinds of weird.
  5. Yeah that's mostly because it also copies the instrument samples (which average something like 10kb per instrument IIRC) and it has no idea if it's making duplicates of anything. :/ The "default free space" is 1MB. Budget accordingly. Learn how much space things take up, and learn how to calculate how much space it will take up. Also I think I've heard reports that the D00000-E00000 range in FE7 might not be 100% safe, but I don't recall the details. Honestly FEditor is a broken hack at this point and I (we all, really) got a lot of good ideas from it but at this point I'd rather reinvent it than maintain it.
  6. This, pretty much. Although I'd make an argument that fully exploiting a bit of RNG "abuse", and making it look natural, is a skill in itself. Maybe because I put effort into it, lol no bias here Or we could, you know, make patches that take luck out of the equation completely, or at least almost completely (AW style?).
  7. I like when admins "vote". It's cute :3 Anyway. Zephiel's tale? Yay? Nay? C'mon...
  8. It's some Python code, yeah. I didn't write a user interface or anything, it's just functions I can call at the interpreter prompt. Easy. I assume you mean "at least this stat". So basically that's just the CDF. Yeah, the mean value isn't so useful in general, but having a true mean lets you do one vaguely neat thing I can think of: discount the value of a statbooster to take the chance of capramming into effect. Like (this is probably a shitty example) let's say my lv 11 Lyn is speed-screwed, with a speed of 13 vs the average 15. I'm considering giving her Zoldam's Speedwings. If I don't, her expected spd outcome at, say, 20/6 (because I like her enough to try to use her in endgame) is >>> average_stat_2tiers(13, 0.6, 9, 20, 0, 5, 30) 21.319378432000004 Since she's expected to capram in first tier, we might guess that the speedwings are worth quite a bit less than +2 in the final stats, even if they make a difference now: >>> average_stat_2tiers(15, 0.6, 9, 20, 0, 5, 30) 22.604981760000005 So they're worth about +1.3 to how she turns out... part of that is explained "directly" by the capramming by looking at the charts (she "averages" 20 speed at lv 20 unpromoted, where she'd get 20.4 without a cap), but there's also some additional effect due to what I was talking about in the first post. But yeah that isn't nearly as useful as knowing how likely you are to double the Xs in chapter Y at level Z, agreed. Especially since people really only talk about average stats for two reasons: tiering (where "how likely you are to double the Xs in chapter Y at level Z" is the only thing people will care about) and for perspective on their blessed/screwed characters (where precision isn't super-important anyway).
  9. I was bored, so I made a calculator for stat averages that takes the effect of caps into account. Basically, the cap means that you can't end up equally as blessed as you could be screwed, so the real average stat will be lower than what you get from (base + (growth * levels)). The effect is minor: even for someone like Lilina and her MAG, the real stat isn't ever off by even a full point. But at least having the code means we can see how minor the effect is. This is designed for games with up to 2 tiers of stats and the same growth rate for each tier. from math import factorial def binomial_pdf(probability, successes, trials): failures = trials - successes combinations = factorial(trials) / factorial(successes) / factorial(failures) return probability ** successes * (1 - probability) ** failures * combinations def average_stat_1tier(base, growth, levels, cap): return sum( binomial_pdf(growth, i, levels) * min(cap, base + i) for i in xrange(levels + 1) ) def average_stat_2tiers(base, growth, first_levels, first_cap, promotion_bonus, second_levels, second_cap): return sum( average_stat_1tier(min(min(first_result, first_cap) + promotion_bonus, second_cap), growth, second_levels, second_cap) * binomial_pdf(growth, first_result - base, first_levels) for first_result in xrange(base, base + first_levels + 1) ) Ex. We want to know Lilina's true average Mag at 20/12 (when she first "caps" it on the chart). Her base is 5 and her growth is 0.75 (75%). We put her through 19 levels in the first tier (you don't get stat-ups for lv 1, lol) with a cap of 20, then gets 3 more upon promotion, and gains 11 more levels with a cap of 30. >>> average_stat_2tiers(5, 0.75, 19, 20, 3, 11, 30) 29.252780804944297
  10. Eh I'll take a good level up if I find it while redoing something and don't need those RNs for a crit, but I don't go looking for them. Also I make scripts that involve as few explicit RN burns as possible, typically 0, just reordering actions to get the desired result. Did you know the Warp staff burns an RN in FE8 btw?
  11. This is, after all, a culture where a comedian can be successful just by having an expression of being "hard gay" as literally his entire schtick. (Not to say that Haado Gei isn't hilarious. Anime fans in Quebec seem to think he's hilarious, and homosexuality is super-OK there even compared to the rest of Canada. But it's not an idea that could really have been invented just anywhere.) Real homosexual relationships there certainly follow the seme/uke (tachi/neko for the women) model, too, or so I hear. This follows from traditional (this is a euphemism, really) attitudes towards heterosexual relationships being extended to everyone else. That said, Tokyo does have a Pride Parade, according to my Googling. But they only started it this millenium, and have had to skip it a couple times. ---- Or it could be that they're assumed to be straight because (a) most people are straight + (b) there isn't evidence to the contrary? ---- Anyway, I don't really see how any of this matters for a game where, you know, there isn't any actual on-screen sex. Fanfic writers can and will do WTF-ever they want anyway.
  12. I've seen Heintz move in Lyn mode.
  13. This involves having sex, right?
  14. I like to imagine the character holding the item in one hand, and bashing a giant magical hovering button labelled "USE" with the other fist.
  15. Oh, I see, you were just showing multiple conditions for demonstration purposes.
  16. Dude, you don't need a calculator for this and honestly that just complicates things. The hex display of the memory viewer is 0x10 bytes wide. So you just go to the 4th row, 3rd column for the first support. Just to be clear, 10 consecutive bytes, yeah? So, starting from the first support slot, count 4 down and 8 across; then for the next one, count 5 down and 8 back (which puts you back in the original column), etc. With practice, this is super-fast and you don't need to do any actual math, calculator or no.
  17. That's what the 8x8 grid overlay in Photoshop Usenti is for during the video. FFS. Otherwise you could just as easily do the same cutting and pasting in Paint.
  18. I thought there were only two conditions for 19xx?
  19. Actually, Legault is pwning Wire stats-wise (that'd be pretty pathetic otherwise) unless you really are taking "stronger" literally (which doesn't make any sense anyway since the original quote refers to "ability"). :/ Anyway, while he isn't statted in-game, I'd also like to think Ephidel is good at something other than convincing nobility to do evil shit.
  20. If you think Summoner!Knoll < Druid!Knoll then you aren't using him right imo.
  21. D: Update (excruciating details to come later): I'm up to Ch25. I did 19x (6-5 turns) because the silver card appears with such incredibly awesome timing in this game. I managed to steal a Pure Water on the pirate ship (which is one more than I expected/feared would happen) and required a use of it for 19x. 20 required delaying because I wanted to use the far secret shop, and because earlier I sold a Lockpick so I couldn't trade one to Legault, and I forgot that in hard mode he has 2 Chest Keys instead of a Lockpick. So he ends up having to steal two more off of the other thieves before getting the other thieves. I basically finish up everything simultaneously and shit's awesome. Starting with Ch21 I started showing massive favouritism to Dorcas because as awesome as Erk is, I want to do Jerme's chapter because I'm confident I can do it inside 21 turns (so with the White Gem instead of Blue, it'll be a net win) and because it doesn't require delaying for the Brave Sword. Also because my previous experience with HHM is that if you just let Hector do all the axe-y things, he ends up stuck at 20.00 for approximately forever before he can promote, and that's just a waste. Although on 22-24 it's actually balls-hard to get him meaningful experience besides bosskills. He was a machine on 21 though. I studied how to manipulate the secondary RNG for the desert so that I can guarantee getting Ocean Seal and Body Ring, so that that's reproducible in the script. If you guys think that's lame, I have no objection to discarding the body ring, although my script does offer 12 "normal" chances at the ocean seal if you don't hax it (68% cumulative chance), so I think I deserve to keep that. I didn't even come close to qualifying for 23x. I also learned a bunch about how the secondary RNG works that I don't think was actually known yet, although not in massive detail. Ch24 requires Isadora to get two rather lucky dodges (or Lowen to get one *stupidly* lucky dodge) for a 2-turn (seriously, it's dependent on Hector moving 4E on the first turn, even though that doesn't put him anywhere near anything, and I don't even know how that somehow causes the AI to have to draw a different number of RNs); I can instead do a totally different 3-turn that gets the Earth Seal. Either way I get the Red Gem, but either way I also have to rig a KE crit because honestly, fuck Lloyd. ETA: Actually, maybe it doesn't require Lowen's dodge to be that ridiculous. The Iron Ballista is pretty inaccurate. I might revisit this.
  22. Doing it with save states would kinda defeat the purpose of the penalty for failure :/
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