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Everything posted by zahlman

  1. IIRC Nintendo used to take a harder line on this kind of thing but then they realized they didn't have the resources to go after all the little guys, and that letting them do their thing is probably a net gain for them in terms of advertising also something about arrows and knees
  2. ... Patience. Something is coming soon ;) Yeah, I know it's been over a year, but the same is true for DoF... And it won't "make FEditor obsolete" by itself. I would consider FEditor pretty much already obsolete anyway, just that there isn't a proper replacement for it yet. But the lessons learned from FEditor will inspire a bunch of smaller separate tools (maybe even packaged together sort of like how FEditor is now... this is the unclear part) that will work together with NM3 to make for a vastly improved hacking experience. Elegant tools for a more sophisticated age of hacking. I've been discussing it with Cam a fair bit recently.
  3. I'm thinking that not enough of us know enough Japanese to really, you know, do anything about if we did find them. Not to mention how much it would help the actual finding process
  4. zahlman


    Man IIDX just keeps getting more insane Also I lol'd at the related videos
  5. IS doesn't have a "chunk cutter" at all; they (presumably) made the animations from sprites that they repositioned (and could even scale and rotate) instead of drawing it all out and then expecting a bunch of code to detect "chunks" and "cut" them. I think what happened is that older versions would copy all the data verbatim if you didn't change anything, but newer versions somehow end up "rendering" it all and then cutting it up again, which borks it size-wise. I did some research. If I'd actually gotten around to doing work, then FEditor wouldn't suck like this. I mean, yeah, I cleaned up Hex's code a bunch, but I had way loftier aspirations at one point that were never realized because the project seemed to be... decaying, and neither of us wanted to work on it anymore. Yeah, there are animations where the character's cape ruffles in the wind and... it's totally haxxed together for no good reason, IIRC. Hex was telling me something about tracking down a special code in the animation engine for it and I was WTFing that it would be necessary in the first place. It's a little more complicated than that (unlike with portraits, it can "cut" without being aligned to an 8x8 gridline; and it "cuts" bigger chunks than 8x8 if it can - there's a specific set of sizes that have special support in the GBA hardware, that the game's engine uses), but that's the basic principle, yes.
  6. never mind I thought I was ninja'd but then I realized I missed the entire second page of the thread
  7. I keep randomly dying on early chapters and I'm supposed to be like good or something Seriously, this is balls hard, when your jeigan can't reliably double mooks in earlygame x.x and hitrates are even dodgier than usual Wolt not sucking is awesome, though. Also Silver Sword!Merlinus makes me lul.
  8. But supports are there to be gotten, you know. It's really irritating the amount of time you have to put in on the GBA FEs to unlock them legitimately. IMO it ought to be reduced to a level that makes the text actually worth it :/ Although probably the best solution would involve it not even working the way that it does now, but damned if anyone's going to redesign and asm-ify that at this point
  9. I noticed that with the character names, they appear at the ends of odd-length names, padding them out to an even length. I'm guessing this has something to do with the tools IS used for their custom Huffman text compression scheme, since the "symbols" used in the Huffman tree are generally pairs of characters. But in my own testing, removing [.] doesn't really make a difference to anything. I suppose it's *possible* that it gets used to calibrate timing in that one cutscene where the A and B skip options are disabled, to ensure that the music syncs up with the dialog... also it would be really weird to put in that kind of attention to detail, and then leave the bug where Eliwood turns black instead of fading out
  10. I think I vaguely remember something about there being a limited number of locks available? What's up with that?
  11. Is that because of something extra Tiled does for you? Because I've seen a lot of hacks where villages don't close properly after being visited...
  12. Omg the enemy AI uses Torches This is seriously the best thing ever
  13. The Ch6 Armorslayer (unvisited room) isn't needed for Funds rank? I guess because the Robe is worth so much more... o_O And I take it blocking the spawn points in Ch4 is about conserving weapons for Funds? Except that you still need to take out the early rush + boss for exp... crazy.
  14. Nope, I was definitely aware of them. 6 in total, right? The 2 there, 1 on the same island, and 3 across the river, yeah? The one where the guy says he's fixing his hair, do I have to visit with someone specific, or something?
  15. WTF, I did that and still didn't get 7x >_<
  16. Managed to do Ch3 in 5 turns grabbing the Elysian Whip and Torch. That was fun. There's actually a fair bit of challenge in here when you try to rush :) Also, Ch4 has an incorrect statement of goal; it claims to be 'defeat enemy' but in fact is a defeat-boss chapter, not a rout map.
  17. - Awesome story bits as usual - Player phase music seems a bit muddy, ZSE limitations? :( I'm digging it musically though, more so than the 12A music though not as good as one of the earlier themes. - What's with the extra sound effect added in the promotion screen? - Using the results screen music for an opening player cutscene seems a little odd. :/
  18. I think Hex did something like this, called 'Tony mode' (also included some mucking with the RNG so that it'd be influenced by the system tick counter as well; which is not a problem for TASers but at least makes things less predictable for humans). I know it was available for 7, not sure about 6 and 8.
  19. I approve of this. F the haters, yuri goggles at maximum imo.
  20. ... did Ryru ever finish off that halfbody hack?
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