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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Yes, there are documented cases of appendicitis occurring, so people have had it before.
  2. You do realize that you absolutely suck at this responsibility thing, right?
  3. I don't have a fucking clue if the OP in these retarded topics share any consistency, and quite frankly, I don't really give a fuck.
  4. I believe that I have come up with the perfect ethical system, which I call Opossum Ethics. In Opossum Ethics, the goodness of an act is determined by how many opossums can be killed as a result of it. Good acts are those that kill many opossums. Bad acts are those that hinder the killing of opossums. The only thing remaining to be determined is how far the acts can be extended with respect to their impact on the killing of opossums.
  5. I think that you should definitely consider putting your Foretress in the lead position, and dropping Explosion and Toxic Spikes for Rapid Spin and Payback. I don't know why you would use a Ratatta outside of FEAR, and even then FEAR has no chance of doing its job with the prevalence of entry hazards and priority moves. And then you have some other members that are also unviable, such as Butterfree and Zubat and Mudkip. Blissey may or may not be a viable member, seeing as half of your team is outclassed in today's metagame and will need to be replaced, leaving Blissey as a teammember up in the air. Also, I don't have any clue why you would lead with Blissey when you could lead with something else.
  6. http://kotaku.com/5691555/the-console-war-fought-final-fantasy-style
  7. Dancing with the Stars is already known to work in a fucked up way, so this is really nothing new. Not that I know if Brandy and Maks were fan favorites or if you're an outlier, but DWTS is just known to be dumb.
  8. Also, one more rule that should go without saying, but this being SF... 10. Don't ask what the positions look like, and don't post pictures. You either know or you don't know.
  9. Rules 1. Repost this list with the correct modifications when you do your hurting and healing. Failure to do so will result in your modifications not counting. 2. Hurting is to be done in red. Failure to do hurting in red will result in your hurting and your healing not counting. 3. Healing is to be done in green. Failure to do healing in green will result in your hurting and your healing not counting. 4. When you do your hurting and healing you must do two points of damage to any two sex positions, distributed in whatever way you want so long as you do exactly two points of damage. Also, you must heal one sex position by one point. Failure to do either of these will result in both your hurting and your healing not counting. 5. You are allowed to hurt and heal once every three hours. 6. When a sex position has no health points left, it is eliminated. This means leave it off all future lists. 7. The last sex position left is the one that wins. 8. I will not be taking care of this game at all. Rather, I am trusting you guys to use this ruleset to play this game. 9. If somebody posts a list that doesn't make any sense when compared with the list before theirs, their hurting and healing does not count. 10. Don't ask what the positions look like, and don't post pictures. You either know or you don't know. Missionary -10 Side entry missionary -10 Squashing of the deckchair -10 Peace Sign -10 Butterfly position -10 Armchair -10 Furniture -10 Persuading of the debtor -10 Playing of the cello -10 Proposal -10 Split level -10 Watching the game -10 Reverse piggy back -10 Standing -10 Stand and carry -10 Drilling for oil -10 Rocking chair -10 69 -10
  10. Ugh, why does everybody feel the need to senselessly bump this and the other manga thread? Wait until a new chapter comes out to give praise, instead of necroing it and getting people's hopes up.
  11. You mean that you guys actually had to look up one of the game's basic rules?
  12. The final story boss is dead, with my party being at like Lv55 when I killed him. His second form took 17 turns, mostly because I kept having to revive my Hexer after every fucking AoE attack of his.
  13. Colossus was also a pushover. Average party level was like 52, which is more than I had expected based on my level progression to this point.
  14. Several names up until now: The reasoning behind them was because I was a stupid fuck back then.
  15. Finally, a boss that doesn't just roll over and die right away! Harpulia was a bit more difficult than the bosses up to this point, taking 10 turns to kill, and requiring me to revive party members a few teams. Average party level when I fought it was like Lv42.
  16. Here we will discuss the new entry into the Carl of Duty series, Carl of Duty: Black Cops My favorite part of the game is abusing my authority to beat minorities.
  17. I should go and copy somebody's topic name, and alter it slightly. Then everybody will know I'm a dumbass.
  18. Why do we need a thread in sirius discussion about this? Is it really that hard to leave homosexuals alone?
  19. I just realized I've never used any force skills. Lol.
  20. And now Scylla is dead as well, and on my first attempt too. Party level was about 33. It only took 6 turns, which the boss spent doing basically nothing because its head was sealed.
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