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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. The correct answer is polar bears eating marshmallows in a snowstorm.
  2. I finish the Shinra Building, which went much better than I was expecting it to, considering we were going to rescue somebody and I was expecting somebody to die to keep my party from going over its max size. Instead we save Aeris and recruit Talking Bobcat. Barret and scrubs kill the elevator bosses, and Cloud gets blasted by a shotgun several times. Then there's the driving segment, which is not what I was expecting in a Final Fantasy game, to say the least. We get to the world map and go to some hick town and stay at the inn and Cloud talks about stuff I don't really care about (his past, including his hometown burning to the ground). Barret doesn't seem to give a crap either, which makes me like him even more than before. Wandering around some we get to Chocobo Bill's, who tells me that if I'm going to cross the marshes (which means that my next destination should be across the marshes obviously) I should get a Chocobo so the Jacknapes Midgar Zolom doesn't kill me. I ignore his pleas and head to the marsh anyways, where a giant snake visible on the world map attacks me. I use the Sense magic, and learn that its hit points are only 4000, so I decide I can take it on. Then it 2HKOs Cloud, and I load my save from infront of Chocobo Bill's. EDIT: WTF DO YOU MEAN THIS RETARDED LOOKING MACHINE IS A PARTY MEMBER?!?
  3. Oh, you must mean Mister Peabody and his human boy, Sherman. I believe that's actually a segment in Rocky and Bullwinkle shows.
  4. Here's a hint because somebody guessed part of it. It is polar bears, and they are in a snowstorm, and they are doing something. Figure out what that something is and you'll have the answer.
  5. At the brothel I choose the group room because I assumed it would be more amusing than the other room. It was more entertaining than I could have hoped for. Eventually we fight some giant sewer rat or something with no relevance whatsoever, and its around this time that I learn that if I push the Select button while walking around a pointer will show where Cloud is, and entrances/exits to the screen will be shown with red arrows. This is important because it saves me the headache of figuring out where the fuck I can actually go. Some more stuff happens and I eventually save on floor 60 something of the big tower that the hanging debris conveniently leads us right to (the exact place we wanted to go).
  6. Whatever this thread was about, it is now about discussing bug infestations. Like this forum's code.
  7. The answer will be given eventually if nobody gets it.
  8. Guess what I drew. I'll tell you whether or not you get it right.
  9. To be fair your run was back when we didn't really know what we were doing very well. However, you did pick Mage MU, which was essentially staffbot.
  10. Getting rid of the dots has been on the to-do list forever now. It probably has lower priority to Joshua than removing the option for members to change their display names.
  11. I believe that the reason that Sabin can Suplex the Phantom Train is because when Sabin Suplexes an enemy, the game checks to see if the enemy is larger than Sabin, and if it is larger Suplex fails. For some reason the Phantom Train isn't coded as being larger than Sabin, so he can Suplex it.
  12. The Pokemon Yellow commentary was awesome. Not only was the runner explaining how to do all the glitches he was, he was also subjected to trolling by his strategy guide.
  13. I take it you plan to abuse Joker Death for Kefka's Tower, right?
  14. Why are you going out of your way to get Terra if she isn't required?
  15. I love how everybody says that the Ouroboros Labyrinth is twisting and stuff, and it ends up being straightforward.
  16. Started the game today, and immediately realized that these graphics suck will take getting used to. About 20 minutes later I beat the robo-Whelk. On the way to the hideout I realize that this is probably a stupid dystopia. After getting to the hideout I learn that the bartender is a playable character, that there are going to be many more alcohol references to come, and that the protagonist is a terrorist. A terrorist with stubby elbows. Maybe if the backgrounds were toned down a bit, the characters would able to be less ugly. EDIT: Okay, where the fuck are their mouths?
  17. I don't think you ever finished that FFVI playlog, did you?
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