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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Don't we already have a mod that bans people who he deems bad writers in the Creative section? Or does that section need even MORE scrutiny?
  2. I don't think it really matters whether we check his math on it, because we're taking his word for his turncount either way. Or why you're checking his math, for that matter.
  3. Herp, how did this get here? Bet its similar to balance...
  4. I don't know why you insist on calling Ena "Ena/Nasir". Its like you're actually entertaining the possibility of getting Nasir. I'm drafting Ena then. I'll start this weekend or something. At the same time I want to read books I just ordered. When I was already predicting slow progress anyways.
  5. Too bad we're not going by the most recent GameFAQS list.
  6. By anticipating the effects of the lockout.
  7. Any implementation that doesn't give the option of no member badge is a horrible implementation.
  8. I thought the reason we don't have member badges is because making a generic badge for almost everybody to use is dumb. I'm surprised that this is even being considered, honestly.
  9. Removing them has been on the to-do list since viewing straight-up postcounts was removed. IIRC, that was back when the forum had actual skins.
  10. "Hey guys how about you vote on a Marcus ban to decide it, okay?" "Hey guys I changed my mind about the vote thing. Marcus is unbanned even though more people are leaning towards banning him after a certain point. I'll try and have all my rules in place at the start next time."
  11. If you run into Deathgaze, you're going to need to do it all over again.
  12. Another clarification is requested. How the holy hell does one BEXP abuse in fixed mode?
  13. I'll bite. I don't have fixed or hard mode unlocked yet, but it sounds like I have 5 months to do so. Additionally, the rules need a clarification. Are undrafted units allowed to chant/dance/whatever its called in this game?
  14. I would expect that you're one of the people who hate Chrono Cross because he was expecting Chrono Trigger 2, same battle system and everything, and was then unhappy when it failed to be more of the same. Can't see the game for the fun is what I'm trying to say. Not that I've played Adventures.
  15. I don't remember making this thread.
  16. Now I realize why I like Melee more than Brawl. Things happen faster.
  17. Aeris's death might have been better if the player actually cared about her. A personality would have been a good place to start.
  18. There are Metroid fans that like Other M? EDIT: Command is shit, and wasn't worth the $10 I spent on it.
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