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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. And today I hauled up a piece of trash/crappy pot at Greatfish Island using the grappling hook.
  2. Years after I first played Windwaker, I still manage to find things in the game I haven't found yet (some of it is islands I just never explored before). Just today I found out that Bokoblins can grab onto ledges and pull themselves up if you knock them off just right. I also learned that if you bust apart a Stalfos Knight and take his club before he reforms, he'll start to walk like he still has his club, then look down and notice he doesn't have it, and then break off one of his arms and use it like a pair of nunchucks.
  3. I have revised my position on wanting to eat a whole bag of dried apricots at once ever again. I don't want to do so.
  4. I've been more interested in the PSP2/NGP than the 3DS since I learned of it a few days ago. Here's hoping affordable is affordable.
  5. I"m going to be setting this game down because of a lack of fun. I may pick it up again later, but not in the near future.
  6. So I went and did some stuff. Like, I did the street section where you run to the Shinra Building and fight some clone boss. And the part where you fight Bahamut Something. Then after the shitty stealth segment (no control over the camera is my main gripe with it) I fight Genesis. Then I go to some bathhouse and get stunlocked by a griffin boss and die. Reloading from the far away save point I pick up Blizzara again and stomp him this time, then go and save again. Then after a stupidly long cutscene I fight Angeal and die when I forgot my buffs wore off and he OHKO'd me with a regular attack. Another problem I have with this game is how you can't change your equipment during a fight. You're already allowed to pause the game during battle, so why not just let you change your equipment while you're at it? This would be especially helpful when you are given no indication if the boss's main attack is going to be fire or ice based or whathaveyou.
  7. When I said "earlygame Ivysaur" I meant the Lv1 one you can make the game spit out for you as a wild pokemon in the Viridian Forest as a glitch. It will level up immediately to 100 after battle, evolve, and Tackle Brock's pokemon to death. EDIT: Its really the same process to make the game spit out a Mew for you.
  8. You're going to be rating the earlygame Ivysaur and earlygame Mew, correct?
  9. Stephen Conroy is one of the people in power (somehow) in Australia that smoked paint chips as a kid and continues to push new/support existing policies that are unpopular (and batshit insane if you look at them for more than two seconds). Policies that include banning images of women with small breasts and a lack of a Mature/Adult/What have you rating in favor of refusing to classify it (it doesn't get sold). This leads to people importing things at a cheaper price, or so I've heard. Conroy himself is concerned with creating an Internet filter to blacklist things that the government deems harmful for children and--oh just read this Wikipedia page. Skip to the part about the current government. Just know that its a fucktarded idea that if it gets hamfisted through sets a precedent for allowing a state to censor free speech to "protect the children." A poorly implemented fucktarded idea that sets a dangerous precedent. Its like they're going to accidentally create the start of an Orwellian dictatorship. If I have some of my information wrong, its likely because I only know what big parts of the news comes out of Australia.
  10. Moderating this forum, and consequently its members, is going to take a toll on a person. The track record for staff members confirms this, so it shouldn't be a surprise that this happened sooner or later. Anyways, Sirius took his job seriously enough, but not so seriously it got annoying. EDIT: Stupid puns.
  11. I went into a Mako Reactor to track down a scientist whose name has been forgotten except that it started with "H" and was either similar to a species of tree or a part of Europe that is waiting for the ocean to flood it. Apparently all Mako Reactors don't have any staff and do have large complexes beneath them located over churches. After running after the guy for a while (oh btw did I mention that Sephiroth was tagging along with me?) I fight three robots that I believe was a boss fight. I was using the spin attack Materia for most of the fight until I started spamming Blizzard (which has maxxed its level) until they died. I then get dropped into aforementioned church. Apparently Corneo was this guy's student who improved upon his techniques by adding a giant mutant to the bottom of the fall instead of flowers. I also forgot which guy made me fall down here, but I think it was the one with the wing. Actually, I don't think there was a trapdoor involved either. And now some little brat has stolen my wallet because I'm sure he needs the money to buy medicine for a sick relative because that's what they always need the money for. EDIT: I find that the game world in FFVII makes more sense if you assume that falling damage is turned off. This actually makes some amount of sense, because according to Bugenhagen (I think that's the floating man's name) demonstration in FFVII, gravity isn't holding the planet together because it will fall apart into pieces if it dies. Where this stops falling damage from occurring isn't certain. Its like if there's a great height like from an airship, or far above a construction zone (Advent Children), or a giant canyon (Barret's friend that he kills SPOILER ALERT) you can be sure that somebody will fall down it without any worry of damage. Looking back it makes you wonder why you couldn't just escape from the Shinra Building early in FFVII by jumping off it.
  12. Blue skies because its the only skin that doesn't look retarded in some way.
  13. On second thought, don't put me on the list.
  14. This playlog will more or less summarize what I remember about the game as I play it, so don't expect it to be too lengthy. Or good. I start a new game choosing normal mode because I feel like playing this game quickly. After watching the introduction sequence and killing a few guys (and getting worried that the only thing this game consists of is fight sequences) I learn that I can move on my own between fight sequences. Eventually I get to my first mission thing; ending the war in Wutai. By about the time I'm halfway through the palace I realize that this game is alot like some Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles game I played (Ring of Fates, I think). Only with less to do between fight sequences. The story hasn't struck be as anything special yet, but then again I have set the bar that is my expectations low for it because of its resemblance to Ring of Fates. After what I believe is the third storyline boss, located someplace in Sector 8, (I'm judging this based on which enemies with lots of health drop materia when they die), or fourth if the Behemoth in the opening sequence counts, I noticed a trend was emerging. My strategy for every boss fight was to just spam Blizzard until it dies. The damage can be tanked and healed off (though it takes time to do this), and if I run out of MP I can just use one of the Ethers I bought. Which cost next to nothing. Presumably this strategy will change when I gain access to Blizzara. Something I'd like to know is why Zack looks like he's having more fun in the cutscenes than when I'm actually playing. Why can't I have fun like that? Seriously, at times it feels like I bought a movie instead of a game. EDIT: AND THEN THERE ARE THE FUCKING SLOTS THAT POP UP EVERY 10 SECONDS. There are also some optional missions that you can take, but I haven't found them needed. Maybe later if the difficultly curve goes at a 90 degree angle or something they'll be helpful.
  15. You know all those soldiers that you're killing? They have families, with wives and young children that they love and provide for.
  16. Monopoly has sold over 250 million copies; I'd say its a contender for best-selling game worldwide. It probably is the best selling game ever.
  17. So long as nobody tries to make us go on a scavenger hunt in every dungeon we do and don't go to, I have no objections.
  18. I don't understand what you think is so great about Tech Demo 1, considering that the bowling in Tech Demo 2 is superior. But I'm not going to get Wii Sports Resort just for the bowling; I only have it because it was part of a bundle.
  19. Okay, so let's say that we do whatever you say we need to do. How then do we measure efficiency within your rules? My answer is time. Because some routes ARE quicker than others. For example, picking up Mog and the Moogle Charm before climbing the Cultist's Tower is faster than waiting until after the Cultists Tower to pick up Mog and the Moogle Charm for obvious reasons. So we would keep hammering out the route to complete the proposed criteria until we get the fastest time (or lowest steps if that's the way you want it), and then see what characters other than Gau get shafted.
  20. I will admit that I thought that he was talking about quality and not sales figures, which lead to our confusion.
  21. When I say expectations I mean what you expect out of other games in the series based on the quality of one of the games in the series. Apparently this wasn't clear enough, and you now think I'm some kind of moron who uses sales figures to determine if a game is worth playing.
  22. Clearly I was referring to the quality of the game. Sales figures have nothing to do with the game's quality. If sales figures meant anything about game quality then Wii Sports would be the best game ever.
  23. My major problem with your method is that you seem to want to make a checklist of things that you pick and choose, no matter how superfluous (like stealing Ragnarok).
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