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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Heath's wyvern is named Hyperion, which is also the name of a Greek Titan who basically did nothing. Hyperion is also the name of a battlecruiser that Jim Raynor stole.
  2. From who? Or could I just have a bunch of them, if they're already made. Or are they somewhere in the creative arts subforum?
  3. The worst ending is Death Note. It was great up until that part.
  4. I betcha a lot of Halo players would fail in other FPSers because they wouldn't be used to having a protective shield that regens to full in a few seconds.
  5. You're doing something wrong, but I'm not sure what. Libro>Correct Summon. I cycled through all Rydia's summons once, and that did it. Oh, don't attack him before you get Rydia. This lets the mist dragon hurt him.
  6. Ignoring the massive favoritism at work here, why don't you go start on Nino debate on the proper subforum?
  7. I think when you say wizard koopa, you mean Kamek.
  8. I just remembered, that I think some of the villages have stat-ups.
  9. I nominate Rutger for best unit in the game.
  10. Don't worry, I already brought up the protective shield thingy.
  11. Post Well what do you know, it works now.
  12. So, I'll get three items later. Then what the hell are the other three civilians for?
  13. Oh wait, you're right, it is. I forgot that chapter existed >_>
  14. In 4x, do I get anything for the civialians escaping?
  15. What game? >_> There's something in that bottom one on that cliff/forest area. I think it might be the bargin ring. I think there's also a knight ring in one of the villages. Oh, and there's alot of gold for Levin to grab to buy the elite ring.
  16. I didn't make it. I just said I found it. Overall, how is that list?
  17. Hey guys! Guess what I found! Top: Saphy Fin Othin Shiva Halvan Nanna Asvel Rifis Lara High: Felgus Brighton Sara Tina Carrion Dean Homer Linonan Pahn Sleuf Upper-Mid: Mareeta Sety Galzus Cyas Xavier Karin Salem Machua Lower-Mid: Eyrios Olwen Kein Alva Robert Hicks Dalshien Trewd Dagda Delmud Amalda Low: Leaf Eda Glade Fred Ralph Misha Miranda Bottom: Marty Selphina Tanya Eyvel Conomore Ronan Shanam
  18. Is there any reason why Reidrick (spelling?) seems familar?
  19. I meant when Leaf and Rifis get locked up. What happens to their weapons?
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