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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. This cycle has ended. Will now send out results and write the update.
  2. Gaius Frakkin' Baltar has been subbed in for Snike.
  3. rghooerenoarivna;wegjia[gjj4g I NEED ANOTHER SUB. Let me know if you are interested.
  4. After stewing around for sometime, people figure that its a pretty good idea to kill that 13thshadow guy. And so they do. Also today somebody brought Radiant Dragon to court, prosecuted him for crimes he may have committed, and got him the death penalty. Radiant Dragon was: The police have released another report today: Let's all say thank you to the mysterious person on IRC who sent that to me. I can't say who it was, because that person didn't show up in the town square. Anyway. . .GOOD JOB FOR NOT LISTENING TO YOUR LEADER!!! Please don't do that again. And another thing. The same smartass from yesterday notices that Haze has returned.
  5. And that's the end of the cycle. Results will go out, and then the update will go up.
  6. A fucking reminder: Please reply to your goddamn role PM with "Idling" or something if you aren't using your fucking ability this cycle.
  7. Deadline is coming up in like not much more than 3 hours.
  8. They're terns. Figure it out. I had to play through PoR quick to unlock hard mode on my new memory card for the purposes of this draft. And I cannot bring myself to play it again so soon after going through it. Hence why I've stopped for now.
  9. Some guy was doing some big talk today, and decided he would play leader. He then pointed at that one guy, Swordmaster, who was wearing a "I Kick Puppies" shirt and said he should be killed. So he had his head blown off by a shotgun. After that fun diversion, some smartass noticed that Haze was no longer around. Looks like he can't be targetted or lynched until he's found. Additionally, the police have released the following report: Life has requested that those of you who have not claimed should claim to him, Haze, or me. This will ensure better town organization. Good day! It is now Cycle 2. Kills can happen this cycle. If you think I was supposed to give you a result and I didn't, then bring it up with me.
  10. I said this is not the place to discuss theory.
  11. This is not the place to discuss game theory.
  12. Yes, because a mad king who starts a big war isn't generic.
  13. Mello's goal was to be better than Near by capturing Kira.
  14. 12. All win conditions are eliminating the other factions.
  15. There is a link in the rule to a sticky in FftF about how to use IRC.
  16. All role PMs have been distributed, and it is now Cycle 1. Two reminders: 1. The game channel is #townsquare (its on the darkmist server, just follow the instruction I point you to below this line) Instructions on how to work IRC can be found in a sticky on the main FftF board, or in a link someplace in the rules. 2. Everybody's vote is defaulted to "No Lynch" on Cycle 1
  17. Because I'm dumb. It should be "Terrified Locals". I'd also like to request that you wait and don't do stuff like VOTE while not everybody has their PMs yet. Its just retarded.
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