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Everything posted by timon

  1. If she doesn't act excessively boyish she could be fun, also the fact that probably Jeralt is not making it (either because he's evil or just dead) is a chance to have depth in the character. Here's to hoping that she grows out her hair post-timeskip (hopefully without any stupid style, just normal long hair, maybe a bit uncombed).
  2. The fact that Byleth doesn't change at all (not only outfit, but appearence as well) makes it possible that the "timeskip" is actually Byleth going forward 5 years (Sothis does have time powers after all). But then it wouldn't make sense for the supports (he'd be 5 years younger than the rest), so maybe it's just laziness from the designer idk
  3. I mean Seiros is a goddess, and this is fire emblem, goddesses are usually dragons. Also dragon wings circlet, greenish hair, lizardy eyes, I don't know what more there could be really.
  4. Why do they insist in growing hair on the forehead, it's so bad lol The portraits will probably be better, but from what I see here Ashe is a bit worse, Caspar is still bad but taller, Felix is a bit more serious (as in less edgelord-y?), Lysithea is just the exact same (weird, I'd think she'd be the one to change the most, going from 15 to 20), Lorenz is honestly just as bad. On Hilda... I love ponytails and hate fringes, I don't know what to think anymore.
  5. There has been talk of crest sperimentation, so maybe not every crest is "natural" (as in "comes from the bloodline").
  6. Eh yeah, the outfit on the legs is a bit weird, but I stand by my point, the face is much much better on the girl and I don't dislike the armour (the belly button is a bit weird but surely not a deal breaker). Also I don't really care too much for the full body artwork, in game we basically see the class she'll be in and the portrait (which is lovely), you see this model only when roaming around. And honestly I don't get the problem with "but she's a teacher :O" (as I didn't get the problem with "teacher romancing student nono"), people are forgetting that this is not high school, they're not going in class to do some maths and smoke weed with mates. It's a military academy, they're training to be soldiers goddamn, I don't think clothes are a problem (and yes, I know they're going the full anime school way, but IN THEORY this should be military training, and I actually hope there will be some of that as well). MEANWHILE the guy has dead eyes, overgrown stupid hair and a void expression. Honestly, this is worse than Lorenz, it's terrible. WTF is this shit lol, how did they even think of that.
  7. Random thoughts: Gender locked classes are a bit all over the place, curious to see what happens at the last tier. Paladin seems very good, but I'm sad there's no spear infantry (no armour), hopefully the last tier will fix this. Also no direct Dark Mage promotion? Seems weird, you'd get to use dark magic and then "forget" it, unless Warlock actually has it, if that's the case girls will be able to use it as well (restricting dark mage to male is very stupid anyway). Another confirmation that I'll never use Gauntlets in my life, they look so retarded lol Last but not least: do we know if Anna is playable?
  8. I was initially going Deers, because democracy underdog is cool, but then they got the joke character (Raphael) and the wig. Last trailer definitely made the choice for me, I really can't stand the POF (Power Of Friendship) shite, they said that Claude was going to be a multi sided character, and I still have hope, but from what we've seen so far eh... not so much. And sideburns are f*ing horrifying lol On the other hand Edelgard looks like a much more interesting person, and considering we can "steal" students I may as well just base the choice on the lords.
  9. I want to see some glorious beards, we haven't gotten any of those in a while now. Also Hanneman needs to never change plz, or give a monocle and staches to every student, that also works.
  10. I mean that's just completely subject to opinion, I for example I'm on the complete opposite side, I absolutely adore the female design, on the other hand the male one looks very stupid to me (face is weird and hair is a joke).
  11. I hope Faith is just healing+support tbh, too much offensive magic makes a mess, I'm fine with just Anima (3 types for flavour if anything) and Dark as offensive spells. Also looks like spells are learnt both by Reason level and by class (order shouldn't make a difference), in the description for Mage class it says it gets "Fire" which is "unit learns Fire or gets more uses of it if it's already known".
  12. I'd actually prefer if that was the case, with a "standard" Edelgard path and a fourth "alternative" one (wheter it is "everyone is happy" or "everyone dies") hidden behind some circumstances, because unless you're an Edgelord (note: that was for the pun) I don't see where it would make sense to put the "do you want to go standard or crazy" question. The same applies to a golden path, making it an obvious choice kind of negates the alternative (like Revelations, why would you side with one family and kill the other when you can stay neutral).
  13. That brings me the question, do we know how exactly magic works? If a unit learns a Dark Mage spell, will he keep it when maybe later on he reclasses to Sage? Or are spells learn and then "forgotten" until you come back to that class?
  14. Let's hope that he joins the hairdresser schooltrip during the timeskip. (along with 3/4 of the other males in this game rofl)
  15. That's what I'm thinking, you recruit them, you play with them in the academy phase, and then that enables a "typical" FE recruitment in a later chapter, I don't think that immediately after the timeskip everyone just goes "welp, love my ol' teach y'know? bye". Then again there's a lot of students, so I'm not sure they're willing to program a recruitment scene in a specific chapter for every single one of them.
  16. I don't agree with that, it's not limiting you, the options open as long as you decide to play in a certain way. If you're choosing the Eagles you will no matter what miss out in the content of the other 2 paths, in the same way if you don't recruit some characters you will miss out on the units themselves and on aspects to them related. So you can choose to be a completionist and spend a lot of time in getting everyone (which doesn't sound possible in hard difficulty, seen as there's no infinite grind) or just have multiple runs to see the game all around. It's surely not the first time this happens in the history of FE, we've always had characters that joined only if you met certain requirements. The only difference here is that you can tell what you need to get someone, as opposed to past instances where a character would be an enemy or an ally based on some decision you made in a battle chapters earlier. Unless they pull a Revelations it's not possible to get all the content in one go, and even if they do you'd still miss out on 3 paths.
  17. Sorry but what am I missing? How are we saying that this is Dimitri? It's literally a random armoured foot (not saying it can't also be him).
  18. Eh, I wouldn't be so sure, it's impossible to determine whose boot it is that crushes the mask, at first glance I thought it was the Death Knight, but it could be literally anyone with armour.
  19. I think it's just "super sayan" really, it's there to represent some form of awakened power (be it the crest, some Seiros connection or whatever else). On Jeralt: either he is evil, he is not our actual father or his appearence is a disguise. I don't believe for one second that the sacred chosen hero that can wield a legendary weapon and has a powerful crest is just the son of a random mercenary guy, unless he slept with Seiros herself or something.
  20. I feel like if there's a fourth ending (be it golden or bloody) it's going to be made like that, so not from explicit choice, but maybe you go down (or get the option to) the 4th road if you check some criteria by the end of some chapter (like killing/recruiting some characters, or winning some maps before a certain time limit, just examples). What I'm sure of is that it won't be just a click, for Revelations it was like that but if you think about it you still must unlock it (with money, that was the issue). A "Revelations" path in the base game wouldn't make any sense, if they just give away the option to do the logical thing they might as well not even program the alternatives.
  21. A scythe is in fact closer to a spear than it is to an axe (especially because we don't really have the long axes in FE, they're mostly one-handed even though they're exceptionally big). The thing is, they need to animate it differently, because thrusting is not the most effective way to use it (unless we're slashing with lances, which - knowing FE - could also be a thing). That's a bit of a fear I have with all classes using everything, especially the mounted ones, there's a lot of room for awkward animation. We've seen cavalier!Sylvain with an axe and while it wasn't bad it definitely looked a bit clunky, towards the end of combat it looks like it's a spear animation but with an axe in hand.
  22. I don't really care too much about same-sex options, so I prefer if they have it when it makes sense for the characters rather than "balancing" it around and giving the option just to make it even for the houses. That said, if both Linhardt and Lorenz are options would be interesting to see if they are an option for each other (which also brings the question: are there supports between students from different houses?).
  23. Glad we can recruit units from other houses (as already hinted), hoping that you can't just take everyone and strip down the other nations though, especially of relevant characters (close to lords). That said I'm not a fan of how that works, having to train Byleth in weapons that maybe you don't care about at all just to get a unit is a bit of a waste of exp. Then again Byleth is probably going to be OP so maybe it's not that bad to invest some exp for something else. I was hoping to see the last panel of classes, especially because I'm not a fan of the peg>wyv way (maybe the peg comes back in a "top" class?). Also would be weird to have the pegasus female only if at the end of the day it's just intermediate... especially considering that there will probably be a berserker/brawler promotion that'll be male only (and maybe a Sorcerer as well). New units look nice, especially Flay. Graphics is bad but not THAT bad, I feel like it was way worse in the first trailer. To add to that I'll probably play mostly handheld so it's a big whatever for me.
  24. I mean they're probably what, 17-18 during the academy days? The skip is exactly the shift from teen to young adults (definitely still "in time" for breasts to grow). Also consider that they go from school uniform to fancy regal dresses and hairdo, that might make it look like they're older, though I'd say maximum 25, surely not 30.
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