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Everything posted by Arachnofiend

  1. Edelgard has some pretty heavy subtext going on with multiple other women; it's particularly obvious with Dorothea and Manuela. Can't help you with Mercedes, while her ending with Annette carries similar implications to Edelgard/Manuela the conversations themselves lack any romantic text (Manuela is outright hitting on Edelgard in their A support). There's never any explicit confirmation because Nintendo is like that (though I've heard these endings are more explicit in the Japanese I can't confirm it). But if you're gonna accept, for example, Petra/Dorothea as a romantic ending then it's hard to argue Edelgard/Dorothea isn't.
  2. What's the most efficient way to raise Byleth's proficiencies? I tried making Byleth a Gremory this run but have struggled to keep her Reason and Faith anywhere close to on par with the students - she's level 26 now and still only has a B in reason and a C+ in faith despite having moved to using Reason in combat exclusively for the majority of the game. I assumed the tutoring during Explore was the best method but was wondering if there was something I missed; this is on hard mode so I imagine it's gotta be even more impractical to do something other than swords with Byleth on Maddening...
  3. Just to clarify, you'd be playing as a native group in this story, and the conquistadors would take on a Begnion-esque role? That could be interesting.
  4. Titania is too good to be this kid's mom, why would she be his wife Though while we're at it... Ike is too good for Soren. He's better with Ranulf.
  5. Path of Radiance has one of the best stories in the entire series. I will say that if you play PoR for the story I would... not recommend playing Radiant Dawn afterwards. Much of what makes PoR interesting as a narrative is stripped away in Radiant Dawn after the first arc or two. For the other game in the argument, I wouldn't say Blazing Sword has an amazing story (it's good and can be interesting at times but doesn't stand out in comparison) but Blazing Sword benefits from a very good cast. The three protagonists play off of each other quite well, and many of the more minor characters manage to make themselves memorable and endearing in the spotlight moments they get.
  6. 1. I'd be fine with a new game or a remake. 2. A Jugdral remake would be fun; I'd be very wary of remaking Elibe just because I think my heart would sink seeing the animation quality actually drop in a modern remake. I'd be wary of what they may do to FE4 too, but at least there isn't anything that I can say with absolutely certainty will be worse in a remake. 3. Tellius. No question. PoR has basically the opposite situation to the Elibe games where the animations desperately need improvement in what is otherwise an excellent game. Couple with the fact that PoR is the game that never got the chance it deserved to succeed and the fact that Ike is one of the most popular Smash characters that most people haven't played the game he's from and this is an easy choice. 4. I'd honestly prefer to vote "None of the above" on this question. A lot of what makes 3H's story as good as it is is what we aren't told; it would diminish the value of the Hubert/Hanneman supports if we ever directly met Marquis Vestra and learned which one of them was right, for example.The worst possible thing would be to go far into the past and find out what really happened with Nemesis. Right now our only perspective on that conflict comes from two opposite ends who both hold flagrant biases and are proven unreliable narrators, and that should not change.
  7. Characters with crests are noted as being ridiculously strong through magic boosts without actually having the muscle to justify it. Dimitri is the the obvious example here - he's explicitly way stronger than Raphael is during the Academy phase despite not having any more visible muscle than anyone else. I'm not much of a fan of Byleth's outfit either though. Like, who dressed her in that? It certainly wasn't Jeralt, and I can't imagine Byleth herself being interested in any clothing that isn't simply practical. She'd be dressed more like Shamir.
  8. Lorenz is a fascinating and very unique character; he's the concept of noblesse oblige manifested as a person with an insufferable haircut. I think he's the "ideal" noble character in a way that a lot of the more initially likable noble characters miss out on since he has a strong understanding of the massive power imbalance between the nobility and the commoners - the way he presents himself is annoying but his philosophy is ultimately much more useful than the nobles who insist on having an informal relationship with commoners without realizing the barrier that makes that impossible. I disagree with him in that I think it's better to tear down those barriers but I can at least respect that there's genuine wisdom to his philosophy.
  9. My weakness to cute girls tends to lead me to using far more archers and myrmidons than are considered wise. Characters like Mia, Marisa, and Rebecca almost always get used just because dammit I like them and am willing to put the extra effort into making them work.
  10. Which was made first is largely irrelevant in this discussion, it's all "shoulda coulda woulda" and none of us have the full context of what strains the production process had to deal with. Verdant Wind has more of a right to exist than Silver Snow does just by merit of being one of the houses - Silver Snow is only there for cowards who lack vision anyways. 😛
  11. I don't disagree with any of that; Verdant Wind has its problems as a story and isn't a great look at Claude as a character beyond some things you have to read between the lines for. But if Silver Snow is going to follow the exact same path of "Reformed Church" that Verdant Wind does, then you cut Silver Snow and make Verdant Wind more exclusively Claude. If Silver Snow were a "Rhea was right actually" route then there would be room to differentiate the two, but as it stands you really only need one of them, and it's kind of absurd to cut Verdant Wind unless you were going to go all the way and cut the Leicester Alliance entirely (which... would suck, frankly).
  12. I would have cut Silver Snow entirely - if you're not gonna have the balls to make it a route where you support Rhea then it just doesn't have anything of value to say that isn't already said by Verdant Wind. The truth behind Byleth's birth could have been done elsewhere. Cut Silver Snow and suddenly Verdant Wind can have content that makes sense for Claude and Crimson Flower can have as many chapters as the other routes got.
  13. Kind of sad how many of these suggestions are just "class that already exists, but without the gender lock". I'll admit that it irked me when there were male pegasus knights in Fates but they went way overboard with the genderlocking in Three Houses even by my standards, and it's clearly been a very unpopular decision among the community to do it at all.
  14. I'm playing Azure Moon with Japanese voices and... I'm kinda surprised by how much better the dub is, frankly. The original version has it's fair share of great acting (JP Hubert is just as excellent as EN Hubert, EN Mercedes is the reason I decided I was gonna try the Japanese on Azure Moon and the original voice for that character has not disappointed) but many of the performances that stood out to me in English fall flat in comparison. Rhea and Seteth are the big ones for me - the English voice acting does a masterful job of portraying Rhea's anger and Seteth's frustration. The Japanese isn't bad, per se, it's just... the English is really, really good.
  15. Hubert's more initially shady than Dedue, but the difference is that while Hubert's loyalty is at a similar strength he expresses it far better - he's not just Edelgard's loyal retainer, he's her most trusted adviser. When Hubert's asked the question of if he would do anything for Edelgard by Dorothea, his answer is a resounding no because he will make an exception for things that are not beneficial to her. Dedue's loyalty, on the other hand, blinds him to any rationality.
  16. One thing that'd be kind of neat would be a Gauntlet/Faith version of Mortal Savant - I'd call it Monk but that's already taken. It'd solve the issue of there being no gauntlet classes women can take without just making War Master again. We also really need a Halberdier, probably as an endgame viable Advanced Class rather than a Master Class.
  17. PoR is one of my favorite games of all time... but the combat animations are a massive black stain on it. At least the character portraits are good!
  18. Still looks better than the 3DS animations I guess. It's been a long, long time since the GBA era and the last time Fire Emblem was one of the best looking games of its era.
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