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Sir Gerwald of Vallora

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Everything posted by Sir Gerwald of Vallora

  1. If we're talking earlier games as costumes, I'd want an Awakening pack just to see a Walhart outfit for Edlgard. I suppose other characters would work too. Nah for Flayn, Robin for Byleth, Virion for Claude, Chrom for Dimitri. I'll have to think about this some more, actually.
  2. If we're talking earlier games as costumes, I'd want an Awakening pack just to see a Walhart outfit for Edlgard. I suppose other characters would work too. Nah for Flayn, Robin for Byleth, Virion for Claude, Chrom for Dimitri. I'll have to think about this some more, actually.
  3. I'll admit, I've never really listened to Vocaloid music, but this mashup has no right aounding this good.
  4. But your missing out on Nah, who is an an absolute powerhouse of a unit. Plus, Henry, Donnell, and depending on your customization, Robin, all look like they're on the younger side.
  5. Depends on the game. A Zelda game feels a lot more like an art form, Call of Duty has always been a commercial product, and Halo is somewhere in the middle.
  6. That's as easy as saying a fantasy game will have swords. I'm pretty sure my writing project from when I was eleven would hold up better than 50 shades.
  7. Do you mean an image, video, or a way to hack it into a rom?
  8. For the love of- Does Autocorrect mind? But that's great. I got a degree in somethig similar, I think they were calling it Graphic Design. I've been freelancing for a while, and it's a pretty solid job. I hope you enjoy it.
  9. Still looking good. I think Kael is a marked improvement. Pretty close to official art actually. Man, I need to convince myself to try more Photoshop for art. I can composite in no time, but I've been hooked in Illustrator for too long. But hey, if you're doing that well with Photoshop, I may have to give it a fling. Might I ask what degree you're aiming for?
  10. I say they should either be customizable lords, with no real change to the story or formula asside from changing thier appearance, or they ahould be side characters, similar to Robin but without the whole Grima debacle, who are just along for the ride. I feel like Byleth not being voices and having no personality aside from cutscenes is just a waist. In all honesty, an avatar should just be a Unit you name and change the appearance of.
  11. The leader could have always simply said his nation was an empire now. France took up the title of "empire" when Napoleon took power, then dropped it as soon as he was deposed.
  12. I actually really like your sketch. I dont even think it needs to be cleaned up. The messyness of it actually gives it a lot of texture, as well as a bit of character.
  13. Oh, you read the whole thing? Sorry I saw this so late. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
  14. Probably Lonely by Nathan Wagner. When I was a lot younger, I lost a lot of friends, even some family through various means. While I've learned to live with it, this song took me right back to those days.
  15. Here's one I put together after playing Ashen Wolves, mostly so I could work in one of my faborute historical fighting classes, the Hussar. (It's a word doc becahse I couldn't carry over the tables that took way to long to make.) https://1drv.ms/w/s!AlZTAhgfdrcWgZdFNsMcAcaihKc_bA
  16. Here's some I made for Lynde/Gerwald, the main pair of lords from my Oracle of Veles Project. They don't have any skills or growth rates, mostly because I'm focusing on the story before the mechanics. (I also incorporated early firearms in the story, to acoid confusing anyone.) Swordfighter: Similar to the mercenary, the swordfighter utilizes one handed swords and shields in tandem and can also use handguns. They very in appearance, but wear semi complete sets of plate armor. They promote into the Royal Lord class. Royal Lord: A promoted version of the Swordfighter, they make use of one-handed swords, two handed swords, handguns and muskets. They wear nearly complete sets of plate. Marksman: Similar to the standard Archer class, the Marksman makes best use of one-handed swords, bows and crossbows. They are commonly near fully armored, with only areas that would constrain movement being lessened. They promote to the Royal Marksman class. Royal Markman: A promoted version of Marksman, the Royal Marksman utilizes one handed swords, bows, crossbows, and muskets. They appear to be wearing more extravagant armor than the Marksman
  17. Hey there. Nice to see someone also writing the dialogue for an FE like game. I always love meeting fellow authors.
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