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Everything posted by Jotari

  1. Not to mention it fills the defense stance guage like there's no tomorrow.
  2. Oh I don't object at all to Tiki being in the game, I just feel they didn't use her (and Lucina should have known everything Tiki tells the party anyway, since she attempted to use the Awakening already in the Future Past). Her role in Future Past was good and should have been worked into the main narrative.
  3. Because her role in the plot could have been replaced by a sign that said "Btw, you should collect some gemstones."
  4. I don't consider Tiki all that important in Awakening either. They absolutely wasted her potential.
  5. Well perhaps royal is the wrong term. But like, important. Tiki and Fae are Divine Dragons, with Fae being the only dragon capable of transforming still living in Arcadia. Myrrh is a little more obscure given we don't know how manakete society is in Magvel, it seems like it doesn't exist that all, but she's still put forth as a rather important entity, being called the Great Dragon (even though that was obviously Morva). Kurthnaga is a male extension of that idea, being a young member of the Black Dragon tribe, the best most super awesome of the laguz. If anything, Nowi actually sort of bucks that trend by being relatively unimportant in terms of the plot and actually being acquired super early compared to the other characters.
  6. And it's not like there isn't precedent for hella corrupt clergymen throughout history either.
  7. Hey, I said if we really stretch it. Kurthnaga is taking the role as the young, but powerful royal dragon. Nils and Ninian are sort of outside that archtype given how their draconic nature is pretty underplayed and only plot based.
  8. Only the fourth actually. Though if we really stretch the term, I suppose we could count Kurthnaga and thus call Nowi the fifth.
  9. Wait, Foreign Princess only works for PVP? Man, that makes it way worse than I thought. I assumed it worked on basically all enemies, as Azura is the princess of all three major countries (though I suppose the Kotaro's soldiers, Kitsune and Wolfskins don't have much reason to see her as their princess).
  10. Constance still had her Balor tome close on hand, however, she was not willing to use it less than an hour after swearing she wouldn't. She did not tell that to Claire however, instead, opting to summon forth her shadow armour once more. "I'm ready," she said, despite the armour only being semi solid in nature, her voice was still muffled and metallic sounding from within the pitch black helm.
  11. Funnily enough, I'm pretty sure status staves can't miss in Thracia. The GBA was more powerful than the SNES. Gameboy Advance was a 32 bit console, Super Nintendo was only 16 bit. That's why there's loads of gameboy Games that are ports of SNES games with extra content (A Link to the Past even managed to fit a whole second multiplayer game onto it's Gameboy Advance cartridge). SNES did have better sound than the Gameboy Advance though, due to that super magical sound chip that was a big deal back then.
  12. Corrosion isn't that bad, given that it goes by level and you don't get it until Act 3, at which point your true level is going to be 30+ on the unit you're using it on. Meaning that aside from some of the weaker weapons, it basically works to remove the enemy of their ability to attack entirely. Meaning they just stand there blocking other enemies from actually attacking you. It's still not the greatest skill in the world, but throw it on someone who's capacity isn't full and you can get some use out of it.
  13. Well then you probably missed the associated artwork that went with it too. I really wish that convo was a proper support. Tiki desperately needs support and pairing the two of them together just seems kind of obvious.
  14. Lucina: Hey Gerome, I was just reading this history book and it says in the ancient and mythical kingdom of Nohr there was this one guy who tried to spout catch phrases and talked about his cursed hand. It sounds like Owain! Gerome: Oh no, no, no. It couldn't possibly be him. The text explicitly mentions that this Odin fellow has blond hair.
  15. But you wouldn't need a disguise for that. You'd simply not tell them you're a prince.
  16. Presumably Xander and Ryoma etc could become dragons if given an extra little push from Anankos. His soldiers wouldn't be able to though since they're not actually descended from dragons (can't use Dragon veins, I believe). Still, doesn't explain why Anankos didn't have possessed Takumi or the likes of Sumaragi turn into dragons (course even Gooron himself didn't turn into a dragon in Conquest, so who knows how it works? Anankos is crazy, poorly justifies just about any plot hole in Fates).
  17. Yeah, I guess that's possible. Still, it means no one noteworthy from the future that isn't connected to the group. It'd be kind of nice if there were some set units that come from the future regardless that can actually influence the plot, kind of like how you'll always Hannibal in Genealogy of the Holy War.
  18. Yeah, but then what about all the other people with their own will and struggle that just didn't happen to have parents that hung out with Chrom? Were they just not struggling hard enough?
  19. If fate chooses Lucina to be a vehicle to change fate, then she's not changing fate, that's fate changing itself. Either fate didn't choose the children and it's a massive coincidence that those specific people ended up on the mission to change the past, or fate did choose the children and thus their efforts to change fate were in itself a part of fate's design. The two things can't simultaneously be true.
  20. But if fate specifically chose her and the other second gen children to go back in time to change fate, then fate was never really changed. Fate always decreed her future be ruined and another be saved. Her actions were just part of the grand plan that she had no control over.
  21. Kind of undermines Lucina's entire perception that she's challenging and changing fate.
  22. Yeah, which like I said, is really damn coincidental. Absolutely no one else in the world was able enough to go with Lucina. I know breeding mechanics makes the kids strong, but they're seriously not so OP that everyone else in the world is inconsequential.
  23. I've just noticed how odd it is that absolutely everyone that traveled back in time just happened to be related to the first gen...Like the entire world was put to the sword and everyone had to fight or get wiped out. Isn't it hugely coincidental that nobody that was unrelated to Chrom's group made any head way and was included on the mission back in time? Did Lucina have some kind of strict nepotism rule for joining her group? "You're only allowed in the inner circle if you're related to the following people;" The closest we get is Yen'fay, who is a sibling to one of the army members, instead of a child, and he's only relegated to Spot Pass at the very end of the game. And I believe everything is done to imply that his presence in the world is completely incidental to Lucina's efforts given he doesn't have any interactions with the other time travelers and doesn't appear in future past (which begs the question, how did he end up coming to the present, and why doesn't he look twenty years older?)
  24. What would make sense? Disguising themselves? As pointed out already, they have absolutely no reason to disguise themselves when travelling to a location where absolutely no one has any chance of recognizing them. And it's not even like it was there idea to do it because they thought they were going to somewhere in their world. Anankos, who knows he's taking them to a different dimension (or the past or something) is the insists on disguising them.
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