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Everything posted by Jotari

  1. Just got a weird glitch with the Devil Axe. Hands' HP rose to ??, he ate two counter attacks and then finished the battle with 1 HP.
  2. Missed the Master Seal from the boss in Chapter 6, the one in the shrine. Didn't realize it was a defense chapter until the last turn, so I also missed whatever was in those chests on the left. Only obtained two so far and both of them have gone to my staff users so they can provide some offense earlier. A lot of access to Master Seals in this chapter though, so I might promote Felix midlevel.
  3. I'm on Chapter 8 and I'd really love a second Axe user to deal with all the lances. Unless I've missed someone or was expected to promote someone, Hands is my only axe user currently. Maybe Knights could be hacked to have Axes at tier 1 (I've always thought they should get a second weapon to help them). Would give Felix a very nice contribution in his debut chapter.
  4. I'm playing through chapter 7 now and I never encountered any bug on that tile.
  5. I'd also like to see more of Alvis, particularly in Gen 1. I do think it's a massive testament to how good he is as a character that he makes such a big impact on the story and player despite appearing in only three chapters. I've been kicking around some ideas about making a thread about the exact subject for a while now.
  6. Oh yeah >.< they were in the prologue. Don't know how I forgot about that. Bishop it is for her then. Sedry can be my mounted mage.
  7. Mental Health awareness and gun reforms aren't mutually exclusive options. Every reasonably avenue of curbing the problem should be explored. It just so happens that, at least on a theoretical level, limiting the access to fire arms is something that is much easier to do compared to mentally evaluating every citizen in the country.
  8. This game doesn't have monsters, right? Because the Bishop description is still talking about Slayer, and the presence or absence of Slayer is a major deciding point on whether to promote to it over Sage or Valkyrie.
  9. It wouldn't have taken that much thinking to come to that conclusion on my own, but I suppose feeling like you're building towards something is more reassuring than just failing repeatedly. That and I was trying only sniping last time she was up and utterly failed (to the extent that I shockingly spend money on six orbs! Which is very out of character for me).
  10. I think Sedry should come with C staves so she can use Silence right out the gate. Her skill extended it's range feels like it's a bit useless out the gate.
  11. Ive been dying to get a Ninian for ages now and I don't want to fail on this banner. I was wondering what people's pull strategies generally are. Given that every five times you pull a five star unit, the chances of getting one goes up, it seems logical to spend the full twenty orbs on each session. But then you risk pulling someone you don't want at five stars and resetting the counter (which is exactly what happened to me with Marth just now, already have like six of him at four stars that I'm not bothering to promote, not really joyas to get a five star one). I guess the best strategy is to brute force it to start and then play it coy.
  12. Come one guys! This is serious discussion. Where's all that anger and resentment and attacking people instead of logic. Seems like everyone respectfully doesn't care that much. Entertainment me you sheep! This paragraph should be strikes through, but apparently I can't do that on mobile How could it not be in the same category? Mega as Bride is so ridiculously obvious. But I guess that's the curse of not being a popular character. Maybe if her stats were better it would have happened.
  13. *A Chameleon who can transform into one of your characters at the start of each turn and then attack. Has an inventory filled with Silver Weapon, has a tonne of HP which isn't effective by the transform and also has throne boosts. *More a troll move than anything special, but a mounted boss on a throne you have to sieze who is capable of moving, but only if they're able to canto back to the throne after the attack, making them much more versatile than any old regular throne boss while still keeping the throne boosts on enemy phase. *A recruitable boss that looks like a Camus at first, but will surrender and join the army if you break their weapon.
  14. We need more manly women like Echidna in the series. Balance out all the feminine men they've been throwing around in the recent games.
  15. Given that Reinhardt has guarded Ishtar since she was a child, it seems pretty unlikely that Olwen and Ishtar haven't met and formed an impression of each other long before Thracia.
  16. Every close sibling pair in the world aren't borderline incestuous. Olwen never expresses any desire to marry someone like Reinhardt, in fact, she barely mentions him. There's more sexual tension between Jill and her father than Olwen and Reinhardt. She definitely respects him and defends his honor when other people insult him, but that's about it. Her arc is squarely about saving the children and turning on Reinhardt to do so does not cause her much angst. I could see Olwen starting a support by chewing Ishtar out, but Ishtar would quickly alter the dynamic by completely agreeing with Olwen's perspective and revealing how she did in fact work behind the scenes to ensure the children weren't killed.
  17. I don't recall Olwen or Ishtar ever mentioning or otherwise giving any indication that they don't or wouldn't like each other. Reinhardt is their mutually connection, but if anything their mutual love for him should make them friends more than enemies.
  18. Hmm. They're not that bad, especially if the general curve is low. I feel like I might have just gotten unlucky. Still, his bases seem decent enough and if the growth curve is low, then it shouldn't matter too much.
  19. What are Cassius' growth rates? I've just leveled up without gaining any stats at all, and the previous level ups weren't too great either. Can't tell if I'm just getting RNG screwed or if he's not meant to develop well.
  20. I know it's a triggering formula. That's exactly my issue with it. If it was a base increase to crit evade, then that'd be a great skill. But the fact that it's a proc skill, and the proc is so monstrously low for something that happens so rarely means it'd never be used. At the very least I'd make it so it's just Skill+Luck, no dividing by three, as that's what really kills it. But given it a flat 50% activation rate too would make it more than useful without being broken. I even think making the user completely immune to crits wouldn't be altogether broken.
  21. Constance froze, rooted to the spot. That voice, it's him, it's Malaphar. He's here! Despite the circumstances, this was the last thing she'd expected. It had been so many years since she last saw the mage, he had slipped into the realm of the intangible. A threat she knew was out there, but could only contain the damage, rather than combat. Now she felt thoroughly under prepared. She had no way of dealing with him. No way or capturing him, or even killing him. Claire had practiced advanced magic to try and learn to defeat him, but Constance, like a fool, refused to ever seriously consider the ramifications of another reunion. She turned her head to the others and placed a finger over the front of the helmet, the universal symbol of silence. Then, she put out the light and left them in darkness.
  22. Princess can use staves and Prince's can't in Genealogy too. Damn sexist game mechanics. Stave wielding Prince!Leif would have been amazing for Thracia.
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