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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. Yokota was co-director of Awakening, and he co-directed the Xenoblade games as far as I remember.
  2. This makes me wonder if Brammimond it was actually a male, or if the current no fixed Brammimond it's the one Athos and company known since the beginning; so nobody actually knows how Brammimond was born.
  3. It would be fun if Hermit's Tome it's like you describe, it would give us another anti green tanks counters, specially to deal with annoying Surtr in AR when we start to get without units that properly counter him.
  4. Quan has similar power to that of Sigurd actually (More Str/Def, less HP/Spd), but using Lances and lacking a reliable way to double attack hurts him.
  5. I think he(?) is refering to the Top 8 VG where Camilla beat Lyn in a very random way after getting one of the most massive last minute multipliers.
  6. The full list is out: https://fecipher.jp/cards_category/bt0017/ I'm surprised we only got a Lucina Card (I guess it's because she got a bunch of Starter Cards), and there aren't any card for Lyn and Hector; in the other side, Eirika and Chrom got 3 Cards (and also SR+ like Marth and a bunch of important supporting cast).
  7. Well, I remember they used the English Names of the Tellius Games in the Recollections, it appears in any place where it would make sense instead of the literal translation.
  8. So far we know about 26 if we count each Byleth as it's own unit. There is evidence that it would be 27 Characters considering something revealed in the E3 Gameplay; nothing is known about other potential playable characters; if I get to be spoiled I'll give you the exact number 😛
  9. Well; the red units are the one with the most five star units in the non-limited pool, and they wanted to avoid color sharing with these banners.
  10. Amiti it's the first (well, second if we count Niles weapon as a pseudo Gen 2 Weapon) weapon with two effects (Brave and Spd 3) to be refineable, so... who knows; maybe they're preparing us for the day they decide to start refining the weaker Gen 2 Weapons. But they would start with the ones with the less effects of course (like Shiro's and Siegbert's).
  11. Yeah, Surtr it's just the most tanky and probably overall better of his kind, but is definitely not the only one.
  12. That is technically true, but it would essencially create a different timeline where Marth became depressed and was unable to properly run the Empire or something So IS went out of their way to make sure all the pairings chosen not only were canon, but impossible in any capacity for the player to mess up... which it's the thing that applies with Leif/Nanna, Marth/Shiida, Boey/Mae, Clive/Mathilda (change ending through death of the non-main characters of the pair) and Micaiah/Sothe (changing ending through going out of your way to remove their base A support, that is prove enough of the intent to be canon). The only other pair that I remember that can't be mess up and it's actually playable are Calill and Largo.
  13. I have like 230 Orbs right now, physically at least like 50 Orbs saved of login bonuses and maps that I haven't done yet. I would have liked the B!Caeda, but Micaiah is Micaiah, I can't feel bad about that :D
  14. Pulling in the New Bride Banner after like 100? Orbs I got +Def -HP Tanith and +Atk -Def Pent (in that order); I mostly wanted Pent (becauseofreasonsonlynicefeelingscanunderstand), so I'm happy with this. I also tried a bit summoning for Bride Caeda...and ended up getting a Micaiah xD (now she is +5, and without a doubt my 5 Star Only with more merges)
  15. Well; at least with Tanith and Sigrun they're kind of lucky they're using the "wrong weapons" in their Alt Tanith is the Sword Girl and Sigurn the Spear Girl.
  16. Oh yeah; I'm not saying they don't bounce; I'm just saying that her boobs (Kagero's) are large enough to be noticeable without being too close xD
  17. Nah, Kagero actually looks more or less about the same; specially when I have in mind her battle model in Fates and her... interesting physics.
  18. I'm not expecting anything in particular from the leak (even if they indeed are quite entertaining to read) These are the things are the most likely to be true: - The game having a time-skip of some kind (supported by trailer hints) - The game having sub-par maps (supported by logical sense) - Being able to have a relationship with the students.(supported by logical sense and some minor hints) - Edelgard having an exclusive armor promotion.(supported by trailer hints) Other stuff is hard to say; it's believeable, but isn't concrete enough.
  19. I wonder since which time Camilla will be technically able to get Alts again, I don't know how Maternity Leave works in Japan, but I'm least sure she is perfectly on-time to get her CYL3 Alt. Leaving after July make her probably unlikely to appear in characters designed for February, March and April unless they have something designed with a ton of anticipation.
  20. Micaiah it's more lewd than expected Brand new shirt, still midriff :P
  21. Yeah, it's quite interesting fact since the beginning of the game that they're the exception to the typical skills restrictions. I wonder why exactly; I guess magic damage it's too good to allowed you to use it many times.
  22. Oh! You have a interesting list of character to get, personaly I would also like to have Machua, Ced, Sara, Niime, Echidna, Illyana and Laura. I'm also saving orbs after Leanne and some other 5 Stars in the Golden Week,
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