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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. I think the problem isn't exactly that Leif isn't the best unit in banner (in fact, Myrhh is usually considered the better unit compared with SM!Eirika, which is an alt, and the banner's "main character"; the same happened with Zelgius and Micaiah as you said)... The problem is that Leif ended up feeling like an after-thought instead of the banner's main character. But I agree other-wise.
  2. I think I'll start dislike Lyn if the world starts to push her anywhere I see.
  3. Well... at least she now seems unlikely to get more alts before 2019 (she already taken a Seasonal and her Legendary Spot).
  4. Well, this is a legendary banner, with a Green (Aka: Wind) Bow thematic... it was kind of obvious the character that would appear here it will ended up being Takumi or Lyn... and ended up being Lyn.
  5. Well, it makes sense, there are non many options anyway (Outside of Charlie, the only other options I think are Rinkah, Echidna and Mackyua).
  6. Hory what! That is quite amusing xDDU I would like to have more Micaiah in my Barracks xD
  7. Of course; Gaius was mostly the second option that people ocasionally looked at... but outside of that yeah; Kagero was pretty much the only Dagger Unit that people cared about (and as you said was only strong during the Sword Lord + Takumi Meta).
  8. When he was new, he was perfectly decent (I mean, his only real competition was Kagero and Gaius)... but then more actually good Dagger Users appeared, and now Jaffar has actually a niche to play around... and all of them became better that Summer Frederick. Edit: Felicia also got a niche to play around, and in fact, it's technically stronger than Jaffar's.
  9. There are any unit you usually uses with the QR seal? And.. I think you should consider give it to someone with a Weapon that is good in Enemy-Phase (like a Slaying-like Weapon or a Distant Counter or something else that it's good in Enemy-Phase).
  10. Okay, I'll admit that one was actually my fault for messing up the words. Character that use it besides Nowi? I was in fact answering you first question about Nowi being a good user of the skill. But... well, pretty much any enemy phase unit that it's decently tanky and uses QR/Vengeful Fighter; they'll be good users of Fierce Stance; like pretty much any dragon. Which enemy-phase units you like to use? I would like to know which options you actually are considering.
  11. ... ??? Okay... Do you want me to be so blunt about the subject?... Very well Fodder that Kana to your best enemy phase unit... Foddder her to Nowi if that is your desire... Just fodder her already.
  12. Okay... I think I need to explain this in a more... complex way. Look; Nowi usually likes to have Steady Breath because that is the skill that makes Aether faster and helps her survivabilty the most... but, as you probably known Steady Breath is a rare skill (a very rare skill in-fact); and considering your avatar... I doubt you would like to fodder an Ike. So; thanks to the gods of luck you got Kana right? Well, Fierce Stance works in similar way to other stances skills like Steady Stance; so, it's a enemy-phase skill; and how Nowi is most of the time used for enemy-phase (with skills like Quick Ripostle), she will be do a good use of the skill... just remember to give her QR, you will ended up doing more damage even if Nowi is slower than the enemy.
  13. Okay, I think I misunderstood your question... I think you was asking if you should use your F!Kana into Nowi, and say yes... and Steady Breath is the usually the best option because of the Aether Procs, but Fierce Stance can work too.
  14. It's nice alternative to Steady Breath, a more consistent offensive one against the special-focused option.
  15. I think the CYL still has value to give life to some unnoticed characters (Leif ended up pretty high for pretty much that reason).
  16. It's probably the same thing anyway, but with slightly different pronunciation because of old-fan-translations not knowing the name's origins.
  17. Yes! Using Micaiah is very fun! Exploting enemies is quite amazing.
  18. Micaiah will be useful in the next Tempest Trials.
  19. If one unit that I already have wants to pity break me... They must be part of Merge Projects Specially Micaiah <3
  20. The skill essencially simbolize his "unlimited stamina" in battle.
  21. Yeah, being completely and absolutely strict... Only Falchion, Loptyr's Tome (and other bad guys tomes), Binding Blade, the Kattis (wierdly), Sieglinde, Siegmund, Ragnell, Yato and the brothers' weapons would be considered character-lock.
  22. Michalis ending seems to be an after though, and considering the fact he is unable to talk with Maria in that moment... In make me think the actually canon is the second option. That kind of disinformation would only be possible in a +1000 years history of lost information like the ages of the Macedon turn into a dark kingdom again.
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