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Everything posted by NaotoUzumaki

  1. Exactly They suffered from poor decisions in making them the professor role and having an inconsistent. Being Sarcastic and being nice one conversation later is not consistent enough to know their implied personality like being a passive quite kind of person. They gave us 2 avatar where the problem was THAT THEY WERE TOO DEFINED AS CHARACTER and Made them AVATAR WHEN THEY ARE ACTUALLY PROTAGONIST.( cough cough ...Awakening Fates..) and they decided that the next one Byleth should be Mute But made him the protagonist but full of inconsistencies. Intys DOESNT understand that we want TOTAL CONTROL OF THE AVATAR FOR THOSE WHO WANT ONE. If I want to say fuck the Church to Seteth or Rhea early let me and have a mini version of Crimson Flower. Hell the only instance I could in White Clouds was when Rhea asked me about Sothis and I responded who is Sothis. Got massive support drop from her and Sothis called me out on it like the devs saying No to my ideas. Hell then afterwards Sothis forces Byleth to always follow THEIR OWN PATH after I just got called out on it.
  2. Here how they should have done it as a what if conversation. Jeralt : Nothing like that. They want you to teach It seems. Byleth : Shouldn’t you be more suited for this then me Father a stranger without background for this gig. Jeralt : True but she forced me to rejoins the knights of seiros. Seem she HAS something planned for you so watch out for lady Rhea. Byleth : how about I just takeovers the mercenaries instead ? They need you not me. I never known them enough to be wanted here. First I discovered you were a knight here and now she want me to stay after having met a green haired Imp in dream before. DOESNT it raised a red flag Father? Jeralt : Crimson Byleth : Then why are we still here ? I’m starting to think you ran away for a reason.
  3. True but the point was that they are TOO INTERTWINED WITH THE PLOT. All I ask is an Avatar that’s mute but like Donnel or Mozu. A random person being attacked in their own village and having to take arm and being noticed by the MC army to be recruited. Byleth or the Mentor Character Arc is about bringing the next generation to face their fault and problems and learn to grow from them. Having a Mute Vessal is a stupid decision in a very talkative and defined role they served. Having a new student being the avatar would have been better at having the Avatar ask questions like the player since they would benefit more then a mentor. Point is an Avatar is a Vessal for the player to experience the world story. That role is the rookie/greenhorn arc. Putting the Player’s character or Avatar in a very story driven role with a husk of no personality isn’t optional for a teacher/mentor figure.
  4. The thing that doesn’t help Byleth is that they have Sothis in them helping make decisions so it feels less like a mute protagonist and more a puppet of Sothis.While the house leader are the protagonist in fact I will precise one thing about avatar not the being MC. I think that most people of the fan base are sick of Avatar being plot important. Chris was basically the best execution of one since he was a villager like Donnel a recruit not anybody important early on. Robin’s major was flaw was being tied as Grima the Final Boss Vessal. Corrin was just a important Noble heir to both Hoshido and Norh while being a demigod. Anankos and Mikoto child. Byleth having the goddess that the Agarthan have killed and the war of heroes wage which created the church in first place where 2 out of 4 route are based on that connection doesn’t help. All I saying is I want a villager avatar that if it dies doesn’t have a bullshit out of jail card like the hands of time or turn wheel. Seriously Inty it’s like only badass can stand up in this setting
  5. I think they should write a better story with better story telling and world building. I like avatar but THEY ARE NOT NECESSARY. It’s incredibly immersion breaking when you see an axe user like Edelgard fighting an axe wielding ennemis herself and counters with a petty dagger of all things. Its even more so when you as a player role playing the MC and going with flow as better ideas than the character living there themselves. Just to CLARIFY: I am not against LINEAR and STRAIGHTFORWARD stories but I like if my ideas is better to be told why my ideas is refuted.Like the blue Lion choice of invasion but being relegated to the default. I get but why waste text prompts and choice if I DON’T HAVE A CHOICE. Byleth would have benefited WAY BETTER being fully voiced in personality and as an actual Ptotagonist than an Avatar
  6. Yeah the replay comes from the other route only in part 2. Hell having a Student character creation as DLC would have gave more replay value since your student house would determined where he is from and acquaintances. This at the bare minimum would offer replay value.you can’t even give Dark Seal a pass since new game + saves battalions already. Hell the student would give Byleth a personality like in FF. sure FF protag were mute but scene showed their personality.It woul have made Byleth more alive than a human puppet for Sothis.I would replay the Beginning IF there was SOMETHING to get every time that I could unlock only on a specific route but nada none zilch.
  7. I agreed it fell out of place.To me it should have been Rhea hiring disposable thug to find Jeralt and Byleth to claim back her Mother Sothis Vessal. Edelgard never explained why Dimitri hate her or specified the why. To me the Those who Slither in the Dark Cornelia should have been told on Dimitri death bed at gronder. He blames Edelgard for the same reason Neji Blammed Hinata for his Father Death when she was 6. He never thought that his step mother and Edelgard mom would do this to save her daughter and Cornelia used this loophole
  8. Agree 100%.Jeralt didn’t make sad like it should.Jeralt death to me was basically queen Mikoto without boobs and dick kinda death.I Byleth were just silent without being an avatar.Someone who is quiet and passive becoming slowly more talkative I would relate but I can’t.Take the avatar Intys or make them random village that are non essential but a cool addition.It takes immersion when the teacher is getting stuffed explained to him while the students says that they are amazing as a teacher.I didn’t do shit guys.
  9. Personally it’s the avatar pandering for no reason.In game’s you’re worshiped for no reason at all.Bernadetta who shouldn’t even follow your lessons and run away feels comfortable just cause Byleth has Sothis inside of them.If I actually helped her problems and was showed her growth like Marianne I would be fine.Another unpopular peeve of mine if forced choices with the illusion of control.Like asking who Lonato is or why he is doing that rebellion.Oh ok....you’re just gonna tell me anyway then why did you make choose like a dumbass if it was pointless anyway.Ever since Awakening that trend has become more common in FE but became much worse in gaming period since 2019 onward.
  10. True but they are clues given To Byleth about not trusting Rhea. #1 : Jeralt was an Ex knight and knows of Sitri Aka his wife being the 12th vessal. # 2 in VW claude finds in the library a book with a picture of the immaculate one (Rhea Dragon Form) and Seteth destroys it. 3 # Jeralt is never on a mission with Byleth other then the 1st mock battle the battle of the eagle and lions as a text box Only and on his npc mission dies. So out of 13 part of white cloud Jeralt is 3 times on mission with Byleth OUTSIDE the monastery. Rhea moniters their interactions. 4 # After getting green haired Byleth Setheth says the child though To have died has come black To us and rhea shut him up. # 1 #3 & # 4 are all on every route
  11. Wow this goth real good so fast guys. Im impressed by all of it i am tempted To make a variation where Kostas destroys the Crestone in the prologue of white clouds.
  12. Again I agree with Samz707. Dragon dogma got a switch port three houses still don’t compare. Again plot armor is fine but 3houses is doing DBS Moro Saga levels of Goku Stupid and Plot Armor abuses that plot armor. Edelgard not using her axe against Kostas.Its retarded just make attacked from behind whil she tries removing her axe from one of Kostas dead grunts. Again I’m not putting my money on Byleth teaching me how to fight. Hell im sorry but Corrin Herself might be a better teacher.
  13. Exactly I’m not asking for a masterpiece of a novel in writing. I am asking a question as why is Byleth a teacher when his dad is better suited for the role? Why is learning divine pulse in cutscenes against Kostas makes Edelgard a fellow axe user herself use a dagger to defend herself? Is there a way for her being attack to not be able to defend herself ? Could she have been back attacked? What I want is for the game to show me rather then tell me why this happens. An example when Liffey trains after ace death, he put a 1000 people to sleep 2 years later but we’ve been showed why he trained. I want my question to be ok what next in hype and not be confused at inconsistencies.
  14. I did I just think her hiring Kostas makes more sense then Edelgard. I know the flame emperor even says I’ll have to find your replacement to Kostas. And I cleared CF SS and VW with CS so yeah I prayed the game.
  15. Yeah true but if rhea wanted to keeps Byleth she could have made him a squire. Let’s be honest I think she sent Jeralt on mission outside the church while Byleth teaches the students so Jeralt and Byleth are not doing a mission outside where he can tell Byleth about the crestone and their mom Sitri. Rhea wants To influences Byleth without a 3rd party opinion. I’m starting to think she hired kostas to find Jeralt and not the Flame Emperor/Edelgard
  16. Another problem is how the game is marketed as ‘’your student will change the world’’ it got people’s hopes way too high especially the avatar who was to grounded in fodlan for immersion. People got overhyped and got disappointed later. Byleth being a teacher doesn’t make sense even as a mercenary since the mercenaries normally don’t have magic meaning Byleth can’t teach 2 major subjects in reason and faith magic. And it’s not like sothis is in control of Byleth’s action.She’s more of a spiritual guide and friend for Byleth then anything.Again Jeralt should have been the class teacher since at this point he had more experience to be a teacher than Byleth. Even teaching the theory or textbook version of reason and faith magic doesn’t teach you physically how to use it.
  17. True and it’s not like bamco inst approchable if smash wii u and ultimate is anything to go buy and bamco created a couple anime rpg there they are better fitted right now
  18. Yeah and FE anime graphics mixed tecmo warriors realistic graphical background and character is jarring to say the least if. Tales of character and background are anime ish nowadays and most DBZ/Naruto too but they aren’t 50/50 like 3Houses graphics
  19. Exactly but I understand investors are wanting to know their money are not wasted but if the developers didn’t have that issue they would maybe have solved more issues but investors coupled with FE fans wanting news didn’t help. The developers should have all the time they need before showing a prototype.
  20. Thank you All for you opinions. I appreciate the effort you’ve done in this scenario. I think I’ll change the topic to a what if 3 Houses. So feel free for new what if when Byleth early crestone removal during childhood
  21. Dorcas IMO isn’t popular by meme as fad a I know but he joined a bandit group to heal his wife leg so he might be a random guy in fe7 but he is compelling to be fair I’m more suprised that glass isn’t here with his meme intro with the manekate sword
  22. To be fair a weak lord Like Roy is a more compelling one than Byleth who is God vessal since they aren’t op and that can put them in good scenarios for writting while writing an op lord you don’t have much other than Saitama route of boredom. Roy game along with genealogy of the holy war are good candidates for a remake to improve their game and see if Roy deserves even more praise then being bringing FE to west.
  23. True Edelgard uddimg a knife against Kostas was stupid as a fellow axe user herself just to show Byleth god powers. You could just have her finishing a grunt and isn’t aware of Kostas and Byleth dies but goes back in time to prevent Kostas.
  24. True which is also why I went with defensive build on both front and magic with my dude since Byleth even as all rounder unit is a dps unit. I’ve made his weaknesses being budding talent in black magic and white magic for healing and counterpart to Byleth physical attack skill while mine has poor attack and good weapon rank but teaches defensive skill. Otherwise they aren’t a foil and close friend for a Byleth Vanguard. PS: being a Jeralt mercenaries would help a lot having influence on Byleth making her bonds more important then the church.the vanguard MyUnit could save Jeralt after a good planning an open a 5th route the Mercenaries route where Jeralt reveals the truth of Rhea plan on Byleth and everything. It wouldn’t be Beginners friendly but it encourages different play through with Vanguard MyUnit instead of Byleth
  25. I agree fully I’ve done all routes and CS and the game play feels stale when you know the story since it feels like a grind on repeat play through after experience all 4 path. Even a student avatar would change things in the monastery since you not a faculty teacher interacting. The student could have a reputation level and a student level to determine your social standing in who you can Interact with and how people see ya thus replay value without feeling like a chore. The monastery is chore one your professor level and your weapon rank is maxed along with all support max, it becomes padding. PS : we really need an update to this game since it’s been a year from an actual direct from Nintendo and to not let this game die feeling stale
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