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Everything posted by NaotoUzumaki

  1. 1 : make CS a separate options to buy as a stand-alone DLC. 2 : make Byleth their own MC instead of an Avatar. Intys made the mistake of marketing Corrin as an Avatar when they had their personality set in stone but made the opposite problem for Byleth. They don’t talk but are set in stone too much in the world. Make and avatar a mute with a customizable appearance. I’ve had friends that got disappointed because of Those false advertising. 3 : Jeralt shouldn’t have died period and he dies when the fusion with Sothis is close to happen.Make Rhea not put on mission outside the monastery with Byleth to avoid telling Byleth the truth. Especially since CS exists now. Make Rhea force him on near death mission as a believable way than the under utilized Kronya
  2. ok ive got mine. Name : Naoto Hoshi Race/Origin : Manakete/Human Hybrid/Hoshidan Lineage Gender : Male Pairing : (Female Byleth) Age : 14 (Pre-Timeskip) 19 (Post-Timeskip) Heigth : 110 Cm (Pre-Timeskip) 140(Post-Skip) Likes : Reading - Studying - Self Improvement - Honesty - Helping Others - Protecting People - Cooking - Cleaning - Cats Dislikes : Womanizer - Identity Theft - Necromacy - Torture - Conflicts of Nature vs Nurture - Mind Control - Emotial/Growth Stunt Natural Strengths : Sword - Bow - Authority - Brawl - Riding - Flying Natural Weaknesses : Spear - Axe - Heavy Armor - Science - Faith - Reason Budding Talents : Faith - Reason Base Stats : HP(10) Str(9) Mag(6) Dex(16) Spd(14) Lck(12) Def(10) Res(10) Cha(14) Maxed Stats : HP(45) Str(29) Mag(24) Dex(60) Spd(58) Lck(48) Def(35) Res(35) Cha(30) Class : Commoner - Myrmidon - Thief - Swordmaster Joined : Prologue (All Paths) Quotes : CF To Dimitri : Don't even bother judging other people inner demon until you clear you own your boarlisness. To Claude : A complete reform is needed you can't be as Naive or the same mistakes will begin anew. not forgiving doesn't make you the bad guy but makes other takes responsabilty for their own mistake. To Rhea : I don't care about what you did to Byleth. A possion via a Crest stone or a corps turned into a weapon its Necromancy at its finest. to me you the children of the goddess are the same as the one who took Byleth dad Jeralt away from her. To Seteth : Its obvious who Rhea You and espicially Flayn really are... I once admired your dedication only to see a coward running away and let a maniac create a dystopia for years. To Flayn : Hello Flayn or ... Should ''Saint'' Cethleen hows big brother seteth or Should I say Papa Cihol? Paralogue : Chapter 12 (All routes - Before Holy Tomb - this Month Only) If Cleared - S Rank Byleth and Removes the Crestone and Destoys it with the SotC + S+ Sword rank
  3. I’ve been wondering about a 5th potential path in CF where it’s a variation of CF. What if Byleth after fusing with Sothis would have went to a doctor on a weekend after Edelgard coronation as Adrestian Empire and got their Crestone in their heart Remove and Destroyed.And the Holy Tomb after the Battle they are forced to choose but gives a smile to Edelgard and fakes a sword whipped swing but kills Rhea Instead how would things change in the Timeskip.Here are the Rules 1 # Byleth Heart starts beat after destroying the crestone and Rhea dies at the Holy Tomb. Byleth destroys the SotC afterward and doesn’t go to sleep since early Sothis Removal. I’m curious about you guys takes on this hypothesis. How would you write this what if ?
  4. To they I hate how bipolar the story gets a time since there no foreshadowing to things. 1: If Rhea had hired Kostas to presumably Find Jeralt and her Mother Vessal it would make more sense and can deny the claims. That way the flame Emperor sympathizing with Kostas would show the Emperor part of his name and show he is a leader figure. 2 : Her giving Byleth a Professor role even recommended by Alois is retarded. At this point to the student and Faculty execpt Rhea Byleth is offered a job without a Background check on meeting for the first time Rhea. 3 : Flayn kidnapping doesn’t make sense since her blood being special doesn’t help make things flow and if after Jeralt’s death and Kronya. Solon last breath would explain why Nabatean Blood allows them to steal someone’s identity. They tried to give signs but it was hollow in way. A clue gives you a direction to search the next puzzle piece to complete the picture frame.
  5. Another unpopular opinion I have is the recycled avatar worship and that the world or parts of it can’t function without Them. I’m mean you avatar in Awakening is the Evil God. In fate is Dragon Hercules with Corrin with their Evil Dad Anankos and Three Houses is you the Vessal of the Good Goddess Sothis and Becomes the Second Coming of Her. I mean Intys if you’re unable to make a world without the Avatar that’s fine but is it necessary to that they exist. I mean if you have a character that can Fulfill their avatar role as actual existing cast why put them in there in first time place? Don’t get Wrong for the people who like them but they can’t keep recycling the avatar ideas in everything and not expect their writing to become Fanfiction Tier. How about an Avatar who is quiet shy one and is banished in a similar event to Lyoid Irving where their friends and them are banish trying to do go but paint a target on their own birthplace. There are way to make the avatar follow the MC without poor Writing. I’m still irked at Byleth not taking over Jeralt mercenaries and saying no to the church.At least give a reason why they can’t say no to Rhea then we can’t Outrun the Knights.Is there a death sentence for the runaway or is there a you can’t leave the church one inside but the latter is bs since Jeritza and Seteth go to town for supplies so what the actual excuses that they can come up without saying plot
  6. The problem isnt just the fetishizes in games. Japan is a very insular culture in a ALMOST racist way.the Xbox flopped in Japan cause they didn’t like a Americans console having better specs than PlayStation or Nintendo. Their aim for selling is Japan first then the rest of the world. Foreign Student a way more bullied in Japan then elsewhere. Tales of the World. 2&3 never released Worldwide or got rerelease in this day and age. They understand other cultures but don’t want to change it. Avatar are an example of this. Easier to make players feel important with their fetishizes than having a D&D or CYOA or JumpChain style one since its easier for money.Its Why you will never get a Naruto/DBZ game where you truly change history with actual consequences. Imagine having a Naruto story where you Are Isekaied into Naruto Uzumaki himself and change the story for the better and Destroy the Author Actual Story and its Sequel just cause you’re playthrough makes more sense story wise. There insularity is to the point that Japan allows rip off of DBZ into other Shonen as a Saying it’s Flattering.Naruto would use Ultra Instinct they gonna ´ be ok cool bro´ but if Harry Potter used it they trow a shit fit
  7. Exactly Jeralt’s death bugged me since in a Corrin’s mom death was more impactful He/She see her jump into a mortal wound for them and they go berserk/Dragon. Byleth first tear are stupid because of Rhea experiment on theme since they never showed emotion until Sothis awoke inside them. Play fate again up to chapter 5 and play as Corrin themselves and you will get feels for that scene unlike Byleth. Mikoto death scene will be the second best next to Ike dad since they react like anyone would. The next chapter it’s revealed that Thales just didn’t want the church to know about The Agarthan. It makes Jeralt death meaningless since up until that scene you thought that it was meant to be Jeralt end. There is a time and place for everything. If things are gloomy after a war you don’t put a joke with a banana peel music in there
  8. Fates pair up all the way sure my other unit won’t gain Xp. But the shield gauge in fates was more reliable for guarding and the pair up attack was guaranteed my ajustants rarely heals me. I have on new game+ a S+ Faith Mercedes and she barely heals as a ajustant that it’s better to use a vulnary or clearic heals during said turn then adjustant. I’ll take a maddening Classic with fates Pair up any day over the adjustant
  9. Neither did I. I actually don’t believe it Rhea would do it. WHAT I DO BELIEVE is the reflex newborn have to breathe. Normally in childbirth you have the mother. 5 handmaiden to help her deliver with the doctor to help. I believe the nun in Abyss saw Byleth being Born and was Healthy but a take on this is Rhea could do it to Byleth to still have a vessal. The nun who recognizes Byleth in Abyss could ALSO BE ONE OF THE HANDMAIDENS.meaning she was a witness of Byleth birth.Besides Rhea would not allow said nun to leave the church to spread word of her experiments.She could banish her to abyss to still control the nun from spreading the information. Imagine a scenario where Byleth snd Jeralt returns to Garreg Mach and said nun is in the monastery and tells Byleth and Jeralt that Byleth was Healthy and About the crest it would make Jeralt find a doctor to remove the crestone. But they come back with the Heir of Adestria Faerghus and Leicester Alliance and this info is dumped on them while the church is sandwiched between all 3 Nation. Also the nun appeared in Abyss after Jeralt’s death and before Byleth merged with Sothis. Coincidence?
  10. True but baby cries and move when they are born normally which means he was born healthy. Again with Dorothea he actually doesn’t have a heartbeat in canon. In VW rhea says viewed Byleth as a it or Body for her mother to inhabit. Second in CF only Byleth Heartbeat happens 3 times 1: When Edelgard asked to accompany her to her coronation as Emperor. 2: When to chose to Kill or Protect her 3: When Byleth and Her kills Rhea the Crest stone Dissolved snd their Heart Beat for the first time as Human Byleth. And their Heart started to beat the moment Sothis took more hold in them giving them emotions. Again in VW also Thales states that the Crest Stone of Flames Prevents Emotion and Heartbeats. Aelfric even comment how Sitri never decayed after 20 Years. Thus proving that Byleth was born healthy. Babies Cries coming out of womb as reflexes since there finally breathing the outside world for the first time. Speaking of personal experience my younger siblings died a stillborn and he came out of the womb flappy and already dead. So yeah Byleth was born healthy otherwise the nun wouldn’t have said that and Rhea controls Abyss which is part of Garreg Mach. And for a question for anyone doubting this hypothesis. Sitri was the 12th vessal and Byleth was the 13th. Considering the average lifespan of a human is a 100 years old Rhea saw nothing but failure for about 1200 years. Is she really not as insane and inhuman as most claimed after burning Fhiriad alive to do this to a newborn without opposition?
  11. I know she recognized Byleth. The conversation with Arundel/Thales with the Flame Emperor explains that it’s impossible to use a Relic without its Crest Stone and with Miklan cases almost confirms this. Meaning to use a Relic. You need to Relic itself with its Crest Stone and Having the Crest in you family’s blood. Thales is certain nemesis didn’t have offsprings. I trust Thales/Arundel explanation on this since the Agarthan created relic from the Bones of Nabataean and the Crest Stone From their Heart(Organ). This is the only explanation that Rhea/Serios agrees in VW. I mean she sent to prevent to black best transformation of Miklan. To prove even Further this hypothesis.Hanneman the “Father of Crestalogy” even says that “even with such a Mysterious Crest as the Crest of Flames all Hero Relic need their Crest Stone a a Compatible Crest Bearer” his Support with Byleth reflect on how much it’s hurdle Crestology and science backwards if that’s the case. Meaning The Church doesn’t want technology to happen less a second coming of Zanado
  12. That’s what I thought in my CF run but she says Byleth was Healthy.Need I Remind you Jeralt caused the fire and ran cause Byleth wasn’t Healthy since they never cried or had a Heartbeat. The fact the she says Byleth WAS Healthy suggest that Byleth WASN’T A STILLBORN. Meaning she helped with Sitri Delivering Byleth into the world.
  13. True the it my inheritance cliche for power has been done to death. Seriously Carcino was like a good start for a moral grey leadership set in a different way since it’s settled by debate. I wouldn’t mind the God/Green/Nabathean Byleth if he actually earned it rather than Sothis guiding him. If you wanna make a chosen godly protagonist for a route he HAS TO EARN IT. SS is worse after the AW route since in 3 route Rhea/Seiros lies about Byleth and I’ve found a nun in abyss after re completing CF route that says This : “Byleth you’ve grown since but I suppose it’s expected of a healthy baby” I’m sorry but right now SS lost big points since it turns Rhea/Seiros fulfilling Sitri’s last wishes and by proxy make a Sothis Vessal into Killing it’s weak outdated vessel for a newborn who can’t be feels emotion after this. Even Seteth/Cihol says: I’ve found the answers in Jeralt’s Diary about his departure. The baby that died in fire has returned to us.Rhea ... what did you do to that child nothing questionable I hope.” And she shuts him up saying.” Quit they will be here soon” again she set Fhiriad on fire” She isn’t a moral compass to begin with.
  14. CF is my favourite it gives Byleth personality and they need more since they are a silent protagonist.Also work since Byleth is hired by the church to teach.as doubt throughout the part 1 and the narrative give clues: 1 : Prologue: Jeralt literary goes “Why him” on Alois not cause he a bad person but because the church found him about and his child. 2: out of 10 missions up to chapter 10 in white clouds Jeralt is only helping in Remire Village and the Abandoned Chapel. It gives you the impression that Rhea/Seiros doesn’t want him to tell you about the Crest stone in your heart since he fled with ya 20 years ago. 3: Lonato’s don Christophe was executed by Catherine while Innocent and those who slither in the dark told Lonato and western church about The Church of Seiros true motive. One of them even goes “ this isn’t what we were told would happen “ 4: Miklan Sylvain brother was disowned cause he lacked a crest. The Crest stone of the lance turns him into a beast. This tells you that the hero relic were alive and that the crestone check if your compatible or turns you into one. The SotC is missing his crestone and at the time you only know it’s impossible to use it without it via Arundel/Thales “ impossible using a relic is impossible. The king of Liberation(Nemesis) bloodline shouldn’t have” even Rhea/Seiros confirms this by saying “ of course that why we rushed to recover it” meaning the beast transformation should have happened to Byleth. 5: Rhea/ Seiros tries to deny Byleth vendetta against Chronya not out worries for her staffs but because if Byleth gets stabbed in the Heart. Her mom Sothis dies and Fódlan history that she wrote with lies to recreate her meaning mass riot demanding answers from Faerghus/Adrestian/Leicester and they are in the middle of fodlan not a good position to be Flanked on all sides of Garreg Mach. 6: If you side with Edelgard she goes Insane and calls you “ Another Failure” so yeah CF epilogue with TWSID is horrible but as Lysithea said in CF : it’s the shortest path to fixing this problem if crest and everything
  15. It that fact that makes me hate avatar as a protagonist simply because it’s implied about Byleth that they have a personality. The avatar of this game should have a student/mute protagonist because I’m sorry but Byleth would have tried more. Again Byleth inclusions in 3Houses feels rushed since they wanted a vessel for Sothis but made him mute.Even Corrin screamed at their mom getting in the way of ganglari shard and screamed. You avatar should disposable or an observer. I would care a lot more if Byleth was a fully voiced rpg protagonist that grows. It would make this more impactful for me. Sadly Byleth is a rushed plot device/plot Armor because they needed a vessal for Sothis and realized they advertise an avatar in the game but didn’t include it last second and compensated by divine pulse and Byleth getting their d..k sucked to prevent players refund who had been lied earlier
  16. Exactly the feels match but there no explanation like the Agarthan could conter it I mean it would make sense if Thales was the one preventing the divine pulse and taunting about not changing fate
  17. True I just said if they were lazy. I’m all for genealogy of the holy war remade.
  18. True and a remake could rake more money for Intsy to make a even better new game. They have the engine with 3H if they feel lazy to rake in dough a FE Blazing Sword 3HOUSES style. Plus it’s FE 30Th anniversary and FE Blazing Sword WAS the First FE in the West
  19. Exactly corrin should have went to a dragon gate to fodlan or Thracia or whatver and do a middle finger to both side Saying F...k I’m out. The narrative is so bad for fan service that you introduced a keyblade wielded or anything to remove her from story and the world stops exiting since Corrin isn’t here anymore. It started a trend called Avatar d...k S.....g Contest in support which some of 3HOUSES support are guilty of
  20. That true it’s realistic in scenes for drama but jeralt death was stupid. They went with drama for drama and to capture Ike feels from radiant.I mean your bending time it’s already Overpowered to begin with in concept. If they at the very least said divine pulse was depending on focus and extremely draining and a Katakuri style weakness of being composed to use. It would work since Thales as technology to rival it and Byleth isn’t thinking straight to use it properly. Again the scene nails on the feels perfectly but that small pet peeve could be solve by explaining the more Sothis stays awake the more expressive Byleth becomes and since they never showed emotion until garreg mach it would contribute to solve this issue.
  21. Let’s be honest about 3Houses it has flaws but the character design and appearance with personality I can see that but I’m an Asperger Syndrome from Autism. I thrive in grinding games Monster Hunter and the Like and 3House gameplay turned me away most of time. Those character cannot even save grinding for me. That a first
  22. Exactly the bonds are not there yet they have to be formed. Also Corrin mom Mikoto takes a mortal blow for them and dies from said Sword Ganglari from THEIR SUPPOSED FATHER Garon. Doesn’t paint norh in a good light especially with the memory seal. Again another problem the story happens because of Corrin and there isn’t enough moral grey to make the conquest or revelation path worth it.
  23. The problem isn’t the sibling par regardless of norh or hoshido. It’s the fact that the writing is poor. Imagine if you were Corrin and you learn that Camilla /Xander/Leo/Elise are not siblings and neither are Ryoma/Hinoka/Takumi/Sakura but you’re mom Mikoto married Sumeragi therefore making them familly. What’s worse is the nohrian royal knew of Corrin Loyalty Seal that changed her memory. The point is Norh was a lie they made her live. With that logic hoshido should be the Canon one. Since norh and vallah are nothing logically.ore the alternative Canon would be Corrin leaving this place for awakening since it shows dragon gate awakening intro in text. Point they painted the chose you path setup to poorly with the background before that making having a choice pointless
  24. To me it’s permanent death in fantasy setting since a arrow to the knee like in Skyrim in FE is crippled for life while with futuristic ones most of the time tech can heals anything almost defeating the consequences. I like having character take a wound or dying to save more life. It makes your mistakes and theirs death more impact full since you don’t want it to be in vain.
  25. As I said make Edelgard that role and Sothis the narrator again their priorities on 3houses should have been gameplay since the way they made it you can’t skip the conversation or story. Again Sothis with Byleth have some merit but I would have added Byleth and avatar as free updates again. The devs in conference should have been “ okay team what the theme/lore for this game. Ok its settled now which of those ideas are not needed at day 1 release
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