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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. I need a job. Help me out! I mean, I'm not a lazy bum and I have sent out many resumes and I did had an interview a few weeks ago.
  2. This. Yeah, people don't keep it simple and just make the who deal worst.
  3. Steven Tyler


    I want to work ANYWHERE! (Well, almost anywhere) I tried to apply at a job for Game Crazy but no luck. I hate not having a job.
  4. At first, I thought this topic was about "It's not! It's too!" Kind of shit. I agree with the topic creator. It pisses me off when people think it's cool to put "It's 2!"
  5. inb4vistrasucksbypeoplewho'srunningitonoldhardware Vista is actually a bit underrated. I for one enjoys it! So, was it a software mod you downloaded?
  6. Bitches and hos are nothing but tricks!
  7. I should roundhouse kick you. Mike Jones is a piece of shit rapper however. He's one of theleading factors of rap being crap.
  8. I demand my warn to be drop to 0%!
  9. Damn, beat me to it! You see, if you say those such things in real life, you should be slap silly.
  10. What can I do to be a judge?

  11. Is it me, or are most of parings have been nothing but f/f slash?
  12. Why so serious? (Pulls razor blades) LET'S PUT A SMILE ON EVERYONE FACE!!!
  13. ^. . .too easy. Besides, I don't large unnatural tits. They look ugly.
  14. I'm more of an ass man. So I don't care for tits.
  15. Not into guys but . . . "Ever had a piece of sexy black chocolate before?"
  16. I don't like Chiki. Now, where's my Dragon Killer Sword? Chiki's cool and nice.
  17. This. If only more people thought this way about their looks, self-esteem problems wouldn't exist. Add me to the list. I have no desires for online lovin'.
  18. Same thing I was thinking when she made this topic.
  19. Snow: "NNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" *Blindly shoots at Chiki, hoping a bullet can kill her)
  20. My bad. I saw pixie sticks in the original post, and I thought that affect your "Blizzgasm"
  21. You're a strange one, getting all work up over one pixie stick.
  22. *Snow fires at Chiki* *Snow misses* *Snow reloads* *Snow points gun at Chiki* *Snow is in fear*
  23. You get off with the help of sugar? What's wrong with you?
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