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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. How did this topic became a topic of religion to guns?
  2. Oh cool! They're legal! But fuck, they can't be full-auto =(
  3. The only thing hot spicy foods do to me is just put me on the toilet seat.
  4. POLITICS AND RELIGION!!!! The Death Sentence is right and every American should have guns but abortion is wrong!
  5. IM CHRISTIAN!!! THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT IN THE PAST!!!! [/contradiction] (inb4religiousflamewar)
  6. Final Fantasy IV is great on the DS. It's a totally new experience of a classic. If they ever put any of the older FF games on the Wii, play FF1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
  7. I thought the series was supposed to die already.
  8. Hey, it shows you're lighten up by acting a bit silly.
  9. HEY! I'm the troll here, jerk! Don't steal my glory! Anyways
  10. She was actually afraid of you to the point that she feared for her life. She said there was time that you thought you would kill her. She went to Julia and Tinny for consolement and let's say...they experimented like high school girls at a slumber party.
  11. lol what? That is fuckin' funny! Oh and.... *Shin kick other karateka, knee him in the gut, and give him a nice elbow.* I spar with my other classmates so I don't know if those moves are illegal in an amateur karate tournament.
  12. She was bored. Ishtar said you had a small penis and you couldn't get her to orgasm.
  13. Ishtar is a whore that fucks Julia, Tinny, Celice, Cyas, Alvis, and Arthur.
  14. It's a "sub-culture" you should fuckin' hate and this is sad coming from a guy who holds no biased against many cultures.
  15. Do you want cum all over your popcorn when you cut that little hole in the box and your girl knows reaches and play with it?
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4bC1uKIA3I...feature=related This could be Julia theme if they ever used mainstream music in FE games.
  17. Yeah. I mean, seriously think about it. Test animals and releasing them. Where in the hell are they going to go?
  18. I used common sense this time around and dismounted my horse units. Hardain was pure evil to kill.
  19. Man, Ovo's team is fuckin' hard to kill.
  20. I can time and alternate universe travel to bring my broken soldiers to your time line. Beat that.
  21. FOOL!!! I too have an army of zombies and dead soldiers. Oh and I stole some of the remains of the dead allies of the First Generation and made them Dark Warlords as well!
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