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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. Well, reflecting on a mature discussion (you know, something that the lot of you guys fail at when having a discussion on controversial topics) on race at my College Reading class. We were talking about how black people and generally, everyone need to move on beyond race and stop using the blame game tactics. Honestly, I don't get why many of my black brothers and sisters like to blame "The Man" or think that the Government should give them free money (Wellfare Checks) just because they sit on their ass and do nothing until the next month. Seriously, why do black people think that doing nothing and getting it for free is the best way to live? Had anyone told us that you know, you fuckin' work for your money? Another thing I find funny about blacks is reverse racism. It's a hate crime if some white fellow comes up to you and shout "N***er!" in your face and you wanna get upset. However, I can call a white man a "Cracker", say a lot of ignorant thigns about whties, and beat him up and it's not a hate crime. It's funny. Black people find it okay to make fun of others races but dare you make fun of us an we wanna pull the race card and cry "victim". Take this contrveral cartoon for example: See, to normal people with common sense, that cartoon is basically saying that Mr. Liberal God's new plan to help the weaken economy is so poorly written that anyone, even a wild animal could had made up that bullshit. Now, here's the sweet thing about that picture. Some idiot black guy by the name of Al Sharpton saw it (which is impossible seeing young, immature, ghetto blacks don't even read the newspaper) and wanna cause a huge shitstorm calling it an "Racist" image. Now, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Sharpton a little... racist himself? But hey, it's cool you know! He's black so he can get away with his hatred for white people! Seriously. Black people need to get over the past, forgive what happen and stop blaming fate or the world for their struggles.
  2. What pisses Snow_Storm off? -People who act tough, smart, and arrogant on the internet but in real life, they're cowards. -People who use race as a way to get their way. -Politically correctness -Modern pop culture -Ghetto black people
  3. You can not tell me that's not broken.
  4. Your dad touched her when she was 10. He told Altena to keep her mouth shut or he would feed her to the armies' dragons. Also, Patty is at Level 1 with 15 STR, 13 SPD, and 12 DEF. With the Blagi Sword I had Holyn gave her, her RES is 12! PATTY IS BROKEN!!!
  5. So Raphael is a pedophile vampire? Hell, I bet he forces Amy to get on her knees, monster. Anyways, you married your sister/cousin?
  6. Oh, why a black man always gotta serve a white man or woman, huh? RACIST! Besides, Altena isn't your real sister so why you care about her or something?
  7. Dammit! Well, in that case... (Kidnaps Altena) "If you wanna see your sister/lover alive then give me the your nation, along with Lenster. Failure to do so may results in her death."
  8. I mean, I got his YouTube account so it isn't like I totally miss him and I can't get upset with him seeing I too am trying to get some deep shit on another forum.
  9. Fuck you! FOR THE GLORY OF LENSTER!!! (Fires an arrow at Arion)
  10. Final Fantasy IV and VII defined the series. Prove me wrong.
  11. I take FF8 over FF6 any day of the week. Final Fantasy 6 is just a freakin 2-D interactive movie.
  12. What's the big deal with FF6 however? That was the worst of the series. Seriously, you can not beat a master piece like FF7 with an inferior game like FF6. Yeah, girl with anemia trying to find herself in the world. Already been done.
  13. Hey, which is more broken: This fighter's leg - Or the cast of FE4: Second Generation?
  14. Before I pass out from a headache and a painful wrist injury, are there any hacks for FE5?
  15. I demand yuri incest of the twins Bridgette and Edin from Fire Emblem 4 ASAP.
  16. FE4 WILL LIVE THROUGH THE NERCO AND MOD HATING!!! Anyways, I got Celice STR to 22 at Level 15! Talk about broken!
  17. BLACK POWER!!! PROTEST!!! (Note: And yeah, I know the true meaning of that cartoon. That plan is so made up of fail that even a moron could had wrote that shit)
  18. Black people can't run a website without having rap music and shoes on it so I can't be Jyo.
  19. You see the older topic with clean, mature posts with no flames or insults but dammit, they get lock. The newer ones are fill with flames, harasment and people attacking other peopel in the open.
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