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Status Updates posted by Sunwoo

  1. Heyo, if you were still interested in giving mafia a try, I was thinking about running my setup that you originally signed up for at the beginning of the year sometime soon. Let me know if this is still a thing you are interested in.

    1. Fire Emblem Fan

      Fire Emblem Fan

      I am interested! I'd just need a refresher on how it works.

  2. Hey, would you be interested in joining Vigilante mafia? We're trying to get mafia up and running again.

    1. Othin


      I appreciate the invite, but I don't think I'm up for mafia these days.

  3. Hey, if you were still interested in giving mafia a try, there's a new game that's taking signups right now, Vigilante Mafia.

    1. indigoasis


      Hey, sorry for the late reply.

      I appreciate the invite, but I think I'll sit this one out. Thank you, though!

  4. There's a new mafia game that just got posted, if you're still interested you should sign up for it.

    1. Fire Emblem Fan

      Fire Emblem Fan

      Sadly, I don't really have time right now. Some personal things going on, only hopping onto the internet briefly here and there to quick check things.

  5. Heyo, hope you two are doing well!

  6. Darros, you exist!

  7. Holy shit, you exist

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sunwoo


      Oh man, you said it. We're all old now, or something.

    3. Raven


      You got that right. It's gone 1am and I need to wake up in less than 6 hours for work, I'm gonna feel like shit if I don't quit now so I'll reply to you when I get on here again in like 3 years' time

    4. Sunwoo


      Lol, jeez, sounds hectic. Make sure you take care of yourself!

  8. Hello zeptogram

    1. Dayni


      Eyy Mr Minami! Sunwoo!

      I assume you've been at least following the whole topic of NTWEWY, I got it very early on and have been having a good bit of fun so far. (Spoilers)


      Sadly I am not that far in, got as far as W2D3 and got busy enough not to get much further.

    2. Sunwoo


      I gave up on sleep after I got the game last week and so I've finished the main game! But if you want to discuss the game at all, send me a PM! I'll do my best not to spoil anything 😛

  9. Whoa, didn't know you were a member on SF. Just wanted to say thanks for all the f2p guides and stuff, it's always a big help.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sunwoo


      Makes sense, SF is a pretty good place to lurk even without an account.

      Also, always nice to meet a fellow Rath fan. I was really happy you got to +10 him on his debut banner.

    3. Pheonixmaster1


      Ayy yup, hope you also get him to +10 soon! ^_^

    4. Sunwoo


      I have a good single copy of him and he has quite a bit of fodder. I actually try to leave my characters at +0, a part of me finds it fun trying to beat as much content with a team that relies only on fodder and not merges to get stuff done. It's ... certainly a thing XD;

  10. I'm always surprised whenever you actually exist on SF

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sunwoo


      I see. You're just not super active on SF anymore?

    3. General Banzai

      General Banzai

      Guess not, one day I will finish Thracia UV though

    4. Sunwoo


      You probably should finish that, yeah. I started reading it some time ago and it's pretty funny.

  11. Holy fuck, you actually exist

  12. THANK YOU BALCERZAK!!! That could've turned out badly, I think it should be fine now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sunwoo


      It's good! And thank you for responding so fast!

      Oh, also, I haven't been able to write anything lately because I've been busy lately, but I'll let you know if I get anything written soon as well! Mostly planning and outlining on my part.

    3. Balcerzak


      That reminds me I still need to finish that questionnaire and get it back to you, don't I?

    4. Sunwoo


      No hurry on that, haha. If you feel like doing it, I'll probably use it to incorporate some of your answers into your character's reactions to certain situations.

  13. Yo, do you want to join a mafia game Shinori and I are running? It's FE Heroes-themed, and you can sign up starting now.

  14. Hello Horita Repulsa, how is the lasagna?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sunwoo


      Nope, I cannot say that any lasagna is bad.

      Anyway, how have you been?

    3. General Horace

      General Horace

      Pretty busy, but it's a good thing.  Finally have some time off this week coming, going camping and rock climbing with some friends on Tuesday till next Wednesday, really excited for that.  How about you?

    4. Sunwoo


      Wow, sounds like a lot of fun stuff! As for me, I'm just tutoring and stuff.

  15. You should probably move the discussion out of the pull thread before eclipse shows up! Plus, I don't think she'll listen.

    1. shadowofchaos


      I did the more daring and stupid move. I asked eclipse to move my posts to general discussion or arena threads for heroes.

    2. Sunwoo


      That's the better choice, I think, might be best to just drop the conversation with Ana though because I don't think it's going anywhere.

  16. Hey! It's been a while, how are you?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sunwoo


      Oh jeez, do I know that feeling XD Is he staying sane at least?

    3. Bindi


      Oh yes, I make sure he doesn't get too salty~

    4. Sunwoo


      Poor Rey, he still seems to get salty every once in a while though. It must be hard work being one of SF's few translators.

  17. It feels like the situation in that livestream thread is getting to you. I'm sorry about that, it might be a good idea to take off for the night.

  18. Heya, it's been a while. How have you been?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sunwoo


      Right, I think you mentioned something about that last time we spoke. Hope things are going well and the job is enjoyable!

    3. Kirokan


      It is, just a little tiring. And keeps me busy from my ultimate passion. xD But a step along the way, I suppose...

    4. Sunwoo


      A step along the way is still a step in the right direction! I imagine it must be tiring indeed, but I suppose that can't be avoided with jobs!

  19. Quick question: if you came across two of your friends having a tug-of-war over a pot and a pan (cooking utensils) in the middle of a field, with no other context other than that, what would you say? Or how would you react?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sunwoo


      Lol, okay. That's gonna go in the story, minus the walking away part.

    3. Refa


      Potentially worth it.

    4. Sunwoo


      Well, I was asking you because I had gotten to that situation in the story in the first place :P:

  20. Heya, did you get a chance to see the new PM I sent you recently?

    1. Balcerzak


      Yeah, I checked in and looked at it, but have been too busy to really dig in yet. I'll try to make some time this week.

    2. Sunwoo


      There's no rush! I just wanted to make sure you got the PM successfully. Anyway, if I'm lucky I should get the next section ready for people to look through by the end of the next week.

  21. Yo, who drew the picture in your signature?

    1. shadowofchaos
    2. Sunwoo


      Haha, I remember that person, they did the lunatic mode artwork for Awakening. But yeah, the picture is really cute!

  22. Did you change the SF skin for today? Very funny :P: That said, Sakura is cool indeed.

  23. Heya, how are you and Belinda doing?

    1. shadowofchaos


      Pretty well. Just a little stressed as we're preparing to move to a bigger apartment.

    2. Sunwoo


      You guys are moving out together and on your own?

  24. Hullo Horace

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sunwoo


      Yeah, I've never heard of actuarial science before, but it sounds pretty interesting. Kind of business, kind of math?

    3. General Horace

      General Horace

      It's really heavy on statistics, but I guess some elements of business are there. 

    4. Sunwoo


      Makes sense enough. Statistics is fun.

  25. Made a reply in our non-Ensemble PM, not sure if you saw it yet.

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