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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. [spoiler=Chapter 6] Larcei and Ulster Lana Oifaye and Lester Delmud using his Thracia portrait Lewyn and Julia using their Thracia portraits Arthur using his unused Thracia portrait and Fee Schmidt using Seyme's portrait from Thracia Neither Johalva nor Johan have Major Neir blood anymore [spoiler=Chapter 7] Leif and Finn using their Thracia portraits Jabarro, Bramsel using Cowen's portrait from Thracia, and Ctuzof using Veld's portrait Ishtore using what looks like an edited splice of Brighton's and Reinhardt's portraits from Thracia, Liza using a recolored Amalda portrait from Thracia, Blume using his Thracia portrait, and Tinny Nanna using her Thracia portrait Some guy using Lobos' portrait from Thracia Shanan and Patty Some guy using Ctuzof's old portrait Generic soldier Leen and Ares Vampa, Fetra, and Eliu using edited and recolored Lara portraits from Thracia The fem!Hero in front of Darna using a Beo Sword
  2. I asked permission so it wasn't like I was just jumping in the thread to show of the portraits of the 2.97 version. Speaking of that, here are the ones from Chapter 4. [spoiler=Chapter 4] Lewyn and his uncles Maios using Coruta's portrait from Thracia and Daccar using a recolored Gustav portrait from Thracia Cuvuli using Veld's portrait from Thracia Deet'ver using her daughter Misha's portrait from Thracia Pamela using Femina's unused portrait from Thracia Mahnya and Lahna Andrei Donovan Lamia I've edited my other post with the names for the bosses. EDIT: [spoiler=Chapter 5] Vaha using a recolored Mareeta portrait from Thracia and Aida with a recolored Amalda portrait from Thracia Slayder using Paulus' portrait from Thracia Hardin using a recolored Barat portrait from Thracia Travant Magorn using Dobalzark's portrait from Thracia The three minibosses near Reptor no longer have Eyrios', Olwen's, nor Amalda's portraits [spoiler=Beo Sword and Chapter 6 sneak peek] Anyone can equip the Beo Sword in this version of Binary, just as long as they can wield B swords Further proof as Delmud is Lex's son Old Arvis Danan, Johalva, Johan, and Harold using a recolored Oltof portrait fron Thracia Shanan Seliph Bit late for this I guess, but it seems like all of the villager portraits come from Thracia, but I'll make a note if there are any interesting ones.
  3. Oh really? I haven't seen them yet, but I'll keep an eye out for them.
  4. Hello everybody. Bananas has given me permission to show off some of the new portraits in the RM 2.97 version of Binary. This post will include the portraits of Gen 1's playable characters, plus some others. [spoiler=Gen 1 PC] Sigurd Noish Alec Arden Finn Quan Midir Lewyn Holyn Azel Jamke Claude Beowulf with Beo Sword Lex Dew Deirdre Ethlyn Raquesis Ayra Fury Tiltyu Sylvia Adean Briggid [spoiler=NPC] Shanan Manfroy using his Thracia portrait Chagall and Eldigan King Azmure Prince Kurth, Lord Vylon, and Lord Ring Lord Reptor and Lord Langobalt Arvis Oifaye Weapon Repair Guy probably using one of Thracia's villager portraits Pawn Shop Guy using Thracia's armory owner portrait Anna using her Thracia portrait Arena Guy using his Thracia portrait Fortune Teller Guy using Thracia's old man portrait Item Shop Guy using one of Thracia's villager portraits [spoiler=Prologue] Gandolf Dimaggio using one Colho's Thracia portrait Gerrard using one Zile's Thracia portrait [spoiler=Chapter 3] Jacoban Gomes, the pirate who took Lex's Brave Axe using Jabal's unused Thracia portrait Dobarl using Colho's Thracia portrait I'm not going back for Chapter 1 or 2 portraits, or the dragon boss that supports Chagall, but I'm sure I'll see their portraits again sometime. The guy who drops the Barrier Ring had Conomore's portrait from Thracia 776.
  5. That's the point of Mimikkyu. The cloth it's wearing is based on old Pikachu merch from 20 years ago.
  6. I don't like Kiteruguma. Normal/Fighting is cool typing, but I don't like the design. The concept is nice and creepy though. Mimikkyu is absolutely adorable; it's on the team. That makes Litten, Vikavolt, and Mimikkyu for the definite team. Salandit/Drampa might make it on if I don't find others I like, and there's a saved slot for something that isn't seen pre-release.
  7. I would laugh so hard if it had an evolution that was like Raichu and it was upset because Raichu gets no love.
  8. Am I the one who likes that Litten's potential final evo? It looks really cool and it's my favorite fire starter final evo design. Rowlet's is actually my least favorite. Something about it just puts me off. Popplio's is alright, and it works in a kind of "ugly duckling" way.
  9. Some people are speculating that if Wrestler Litten is real, it kinda looks like a heel, so it may be Fire/Dark.
  10. Serebii is speculating that Charjabug is the evolution of Grubbin, which makes sense. It would save me the trouble of raising two Bug types, as Vikavolt is pretty awesome. Drampa is kinda cool looking, but something feels off about it. Bruxish is ugly. Cutiefly is alright I guess. Togedemaru is cute, but not team worthy. Tapu Koko is interesting. I thought it was Normal/Dragon.
  11. Not that I'm a contributor, but I'm curious on how a section on Savage Enemies would be set up. They appear, as far as I know, in any Idolasphere except for Illusory Daitama and Illusory Urahara, and what enemies appear is based on Itsuki's level (I think every 5 levels they change). EDIT: Fought Savage Enemies in Illusory 106, Shibuya, Daitou TV, and Studio at level 39, they were all the same group of 2 level 41 Red Shamans and 3 level 41 Regal Paladins. I'll edit again when they change. EDIT: Level 40 Itsuki, Savage Enemies are now 2 level 46 Bloodwing Knights and 2 level 46 Regal Knights.
  12. What happened to Oifey's name in the spoiler title?
  13. Senno was not promoted, and I did Ophelia's paralogue after chapter 8.
  14. Pikipek is nice, Yungoos is blech, and Grubbin is adorable. Battle Royals seem cool. Solgaleo's and Lunala's formes are alright I guess, nothing special. Soul-Heart seems useless in singles, but Gamefreak does doubles for official tourneys, so whatever. Current team is looking like Litten and Grubbin so far.
  15. Konnor97


    Hello Jackus. Welcome to the forums and the series.
  16. I don't see why she should only have minor Naga blood because her dad was the major carrier, or why her son would only have minor Naga. Faval inherits Briggid's major Ulir, who got it from her father Ring, Ishtar inherits major Tordo from her father Blume, Altena inherits major Noba from Quan, and if the family tree on this site is correct, then apparently Shanan's aunt and Galzus's mother inherited major Odo from her father Mananan, and Mareeta from Galzus. All of these people get major holy blood from their opposite gendered parent. If you're talking about Arvis' major Fala/them having minor Loptyr that becomes major Loptyr (like what happens for Julius and Holyn's children with Ayra), then I don't actually have an argument for that. I guess Patty inherits Lewyn's and Claude's major holy blood while Faval inherits the major Ulir, so this shows that if two parents have major holy blood: one kid gets one major blood and another could inherit another type of major holy blood. So if Arvis and Deirdre only had one kid, that kid could've had pretty much any combination of major Naga/Loptyr/Fala and minor Loptyr/Fala/Naga. I think this is it. If there's something major I'm missing, someone please tell me. I'm not sure if order born has anything to do with inheritance, as Ishtar is younger than Ishtore, but she is the one with major Tordo. Corple is the younger one of him and Leen, but he's the one who inherits Lewyn's major Sety if him and Sylvia are paired up.
  17. It's the gimmick of the map. Enemies are sorely lacking in stats they would normally excel in, but they also have great stats in their normal weaknesses.
  18. Nekkoala I don't care for at all, but Iwanko is cute. Something interesting from Serebii, "CoroCoro hints that Rowlet, Litten, Popplio and Iwanko all hide a secret". The starters I could see having something secret, but this implies that Iwanko also has a similar secret. Maybe this has to do with the gems the protagonists have.
  19. Lunatic growths work in that it rolls the numbers to see if a growth goes through once you recruit the character (0-99 for every stat for every level). For example, Silas has a Cavalier has 60 skill growth and 55 luck growth. As a Mercenary, he has 70 skill growth and 45 luck growth. If you're playing Lunatic Conquest, he starts at level 6 Cavalier. If the game rolls a 63 for skill and a 49 for luck for level 7, and he levels up as a Cavalier, he'll get no skill and a point of luck. If you reclassed him to Mercenary while he is still level 6 and then level him up, he'll instead get a point of skill and no luck. Aptitude works as if their growths were 10 points higher when they level up, and so in the above example, if Silas had Aptitude, in both classes he would get a point of skill and a point of luck.
  20. It's funny because they're the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, and the game comes out Valentine's Day. Also Feb. 14, 2017 ugh.
  21. If I capture Nichol in Sophie's paralogue, can he appear in Museum Melee? If so, can I capture a second one of him?
  22. She has 'caps' in each rank of her temple. Upgrade her temple and her 'caps' increase. They don't show as green/capped until rank three of her temple.
  23. I think they had seen 3 pokemon with 1% completion. I'm guessing the top Alola dex is for the entire region and the MeleMele dex is the starting island. If we assume it's exactly 1% and it wasn't rounded, then we may have 300 in the region. There is the possibility that different islands/dexes have overlapping pokemon that are only registered once you obtain the get to the island/have it upgraded, and so we could theoretically have less than 300. I don't know how much this helps, but BW Unova dex was 156 pokemon, B2W2 Unova dex was 301 pokemon, XY Kalos dex was 454, and ORAS Hoenn dex was 211.
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