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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. I see. Well, that explains on why I forgot about its existence. Gah, Delcatty sucks so much.
  2. You are completely right on not remembering it. I completely forgot of its entire existence. What even gets Normalize anyway? X version. Xerneas is cooler than Yveltal, and I like the X exclusives more than the Y ones. Favorite so far? Can't decide between Pangoro, Aegislash, or Tyrantrum. Pangoro probably edges out over them.
  3. They're saying Refrigerate because that's what they are comparing it to. Pixilate is pretty much the Fairy version of Refrigerate, like how Aqua Jet is the Water version of Quick Attack. Well, Pixilate is where the Fairy part comes in. I'm assuming it's like it is changing things to make them Pixiely or something. Or at least that's what I think.
  4. The main theory (that I've heard about anyway) is that they're based on the eagle, stag, and snake or whatever that are associated with Yggdrasil.
  5. Excellent. Now I wonder what MMX is going to be like. Probably just switching the Physical and Special stats with this, but eh.
  6. Zygarde feels really off to me. I know it's real, but something about it just seems entirely messed up. Like it shouldn't exist, or is like an alien or something. Looking at it gave me the feeling of like, after hearing or seeing something really 'big', and your heart pauses in almost like stunned disbelief.
  7. Well, here's a list of the new Pokemon known so far. Note that there are National Dex numbers, because this is what is being shown in the National Dex. There are maybe like, 5 Pokemon at the most to be added to this, and they are almost certainly legends, so here's pretty much the full Kalos portion of the Dex. Oh, and sorry Prof. P., I forgot you said you were going to post the Pokedex. I hope you don't mind.
  8. Stance Change seems interesting. I'm assuming that if it uses a move like King's Shield, or like Iron Defense, it becomes Shield Forme, and moves like Swords Dance or an attacking move make it Sword Forme.
  9. I'm pretty sure this guy is fake. http://imgur.com/r/pokemon/hDAZtyE That's a link to its supposed Pokedex entry. Notice that is regarded as number 45 in one of the dexes. But, there is no 45 slot open in any dex. Central #45: http://pastebin.com/0KYrEw8i Wormadam. Coastal #45: http://pastebin.com/B6PyQy2Y Krookodile. Mountain #45: http://pastebin.com/Cf7KCHDD Mightyena. Unless there is some super secret 4th dex, Bubblix isn't real.
  10. Great, now this thing is fighting with Klefki for a spot on my team. Eviolite!Doubledge seems like a good physical tank, ignoring stuff like EQ or whatever.
  11. I'm assuming you can only do it to switch between a Pokemon's normal abilities. It's gonna be like: Just bred up an awesome Scyther to have an awesome Scizor for your competitive team, but it has Swarm instead of Technician? Don't worry, there's an item out there that allows you to switch the abilities.
  12. Can we add Klefki with the likes of Diggersby for the 'so weird it's great' branch of Pokemon? I believe I have my team for Pokemon X now with the addition of this masterpiece. Greninja, Venusaur, Pangoro, Dedenne/Slurpuff (Slurpuff is Dedenne sucks), Diggersby, and Klefki.
  13. Wow. So that confirms Electric/Fairy Plusle almost certainly. That's kinda random.
  14. http://t.co/NsUchLnTyH This. But remember, this isn't full-on proof of sureness, hence my use of "apparently" earlier. This could easily just be a hoax, so don't have too high of hopes. I just feel it seems truthful, but who knows?
  15. Hm, apparently Mega Stones for Heracross, Druddigon, and Galvantula have been found. Shouldn't be too long until we start seeing these guys. EDIT: For clarification's sake, this could end up being false. http://t.co/NsUchLnTyH There's the origin of this. Please don't hype up too much in case it isn't real. In hindsight, I should've posted this right away, and not have just words with no origin from whence those words came from.
  16. O hai MegaAbomasnow. I see you have speed comparable to something like Roggenrola.
  17. I think for dual-typed moves, whatever is listed as the 'primary' type (Fighting in the case of Flying Press) is what determines STAB. The dual-types in the description (Fighting and Flying) are damage effectiveness. So for Flying Press here (copy-pasted from another site where a user calculated it, and ignoring STAB) 2x against: Fight, Grass, Normal, Ice, Dark 1/2x against: Electric, Poison, Flying, Psychic, Fairy 1x against: Rock, Steel, Bug, Dragon, Ground, Fire, Water 0x against: Ghost
  18. Apparently, IIRC, only the little girl (Shauna) and the opposite gendered MC get actual starters, with Shauna getting the weak-type one, and the other MC getting the stronger-type one. The big guy (Tierno) apparently gets a Corphish, and the short dude (Trevor) gets a Pikachu.
  19. Intresting, Heliolisk (and Helioptile I'm assuming) are part of the Coastal Dex. This has definite potential for a Mega Evolution in the future. Plus its stats aren't that bad, with base stat approximations leaving the Special stats and Speed at around 115 for Sp. Atk and Speed, and around 105 for Sp. Def. Still won't use it though. Dedenne (assuming it does't suck Plusle and Minun balls) is my Electric/Fairy type. And if it does suck, I'm using Swirlix's evolution.
  20. Diggersby is the best early game 'rodent' in all of Pokemon at this point. How can you not love it? This makes guaranteed member #3.5. Chesnaught reminds me of Zudomon. He is also the best looking of the final starter evolutions imo. I will stick with Froakie though, because I have actually really warmed up to Greninja. Another image (http://i.imgur.com/bIuy7Id.jpg) confirms that you don't see the base form of the starter that beats yours, like how you don't see the final form of the rival's starter in R/S/E. And thanks for the new nickname for Greninja now that Frogfucius doesn't work as well any more.
  21. Best: PoR!Ike Worst: Alva I guess. EDIT: And nominating/giving a nomination-vote for Best/Worst Chapter 1 for next B/W in the Series.
  22. I mean really, what's the big freaking deal? It's just some food, not some kind of god or way of life or any of that crap. I'm sick and tired of people making a big deal over how 'awesome' bacon is. And hating on people for not liking it by going, "You have no soul if you hate bacon," "Hating bacon is like hating America/breathing," "You must have made a typo by putting "hate" and "bacon" in the same sentence," "How is hating bacon even possible?" "What kind of sick, terrible person are you for hating bacon?" "I don't mean to be rude, but you suck," "There is something wrong with you," "How are you human?" "You are a communist if you don't like bacon," "Hating bacon has got to be a sin." It just really ticks me off when people are like that. (End rant.)
  23. I first really got in to Vocaloid with KAITO's cover of VOiCE. Then I stumbled onto songs like SPICE!, Madness of Duke Venomania, Sweet's Beast, and Imitation Black, and once I witnessed those things, I knew that I pretty much couldn't leave the fandom from that point. It's like, "Well, if I'm in this deep, then there's no point trying to leave."
  24. heights insects spiders the dark death driving birds jump scares being truly alone accidents power tools fire talking to new people dangerous people clowns mice/rats things with stingers bears wolves being upside down mistakes weapons being useless any form of rejection loud noises falling horror movies cows bulls pigs goats big cats (like tigers, not fat cats) being vulnerable something thrown towards me football (participate) hockey (participate) basketball (participate) *this doesn't exactly scare me, but it makes me nervous* people looking at me bicycling (even though I can't, it still scares me enough where I won't ever try) failure wild animals insane people tractors farm equipment freaky imagery That's all I can think of right now, but I'm sure there's at least quite a bit more.
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