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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Posting two times in a row, sorry. Huh, Google is being listed on the members list. Weird.
  2. By pwning things with Fly is how it is treating me. And yay, Haunter.
  3. Hello, and welcome to the Serenes Forest Forums. I hope you have a great time here.

  4. Triple Post but, Progress Update the @nd. Okay, so have beaten the League, so I guess I should update. Let's see, Chuck was easy, Jasmine was kinda not as easy, Pryce was pretty weak, Bruce is weak, the Rockets are weak, Clair was kinda not as easy, Bruce is still weak, Wil was a minor jerk, Koga was a bit less of a jerk, Bruno was easy, what's her face was easy, and Lance was pretty easy. Yusuke kinda swept Chuck, Whopper, Brotodile, and Integrity (Chinchou) went against Jasmine, mainly Brotodile beat up Pryce, a mixture of Godpluff, Brotodile, and Whopper went against Clair, and the E4 + Lance were faced with a mixture of everybody. My semi-final team after Lance is Brotodile (Feraligatr), who is level 39 and with stats of 123 99 98 74 77 75, and with moves of Surf, Ice Punck Slash, and EQ. Yusuke (Haunter) is level 35 with stats of 89 52 52 94 52 83, and with moves of Shadow Ball, Hypnosis, Night Shade, and Confuse Ray. Whopper (Quagsire) is level 36 with stats of 127 85 84 66 66 44, and with moves of Surf, Ice Punch, EQ, and Strength. Godpluff [it really is I-Hop] (Jumpluff) is level 36 with stats of 108 59 73 57 79 95, and with moves of Headbutt, Leech Seed, Sleep Powder, and Poison Powder. Integrity (Lanturn) is level 36 with stats of 143 56 57 71 71 64, and with moves of Flail, Confuse Ray, Spark, and Surf. ZM (Xatu) is level 36 with stats of 103 69 63 79 61 87, and with moves of Fly, Future Sight, Night Shade, and Swift. My name is Konnor, I have ID #62955, and I have $77331. Next update should be around Eirika, mainly because I'm going in classic gym leader order. I'll rate how helpful my team members were at the end of this run.
  5. One thing I can never remember. When it says for 23x and 28x being that they don't count for the first 20 turns, does it mean if you end it at turn 23 does it count as 3 turns or 23 turns?
  6. Progress Update the !st. I have just beat Morty. Falkner was easy, Bugsy was easy, Whitney wasn't as easy, and Morty was kinda tough. I got Totodile and named it Brotodile, did the early game stuff, waited about half a hour for the game to say night is happening so I can get Gastly, which was named Yusuke. It sat out Falkner's gym because they were all part normal type. I caught Wooper, which was named Whopper. I did the clock change thing to make it day for Hoppip, which was named I-Hop. While I was grinding it, it learned Tackle, which was strange, but it kinda tore stuff up, so I personally call it Godpip. I did the Azalea stuff, caught an Oddish named Karel for Cut, and hatched the egg to call Togepi some name that I forget. Brotodile evolved in the Goldenrod Underground, Yusuke trained up north because it was supposed to be useless against Whitney's gym, Godpip evolved into Godploom during that training. Whitney actually got a Rollout chain on my Pokemon, so Godploom, Brotodile, and Whopper were knocked out, but Yusuke saved the day by setting it to sleep, and used Curse to slowly kill it. Whopper evolved against one of the Kimono Girls. I beat my Rival Bruce in the tower easily, and then Morty came along. Godploom got some easy EXP from Leech Seeding things, while others finished them off, and then Gengar came along. It knocked out Godploom in one shot, and then Whopper got a critical Surf to severely weaken it, and the Brotodile finished it off, and the Haunter after. No stats, I'll get those out when the whole team is ready. Next update should either be after Clair, or after the Rocket's attack at Goldenrod.
  7. Ugh, what better way to get back into FE than with a draft, count me in. I'll take Xin Li.
  8. Two of the weak dudes get Ice Punch.
  9. Triple post, but I need somebody to break the 3-way tie between Miltank, Lanturn, and Crobat. EDIT: Okay, now two-way tie of Lanturn and Crobat.
  10. Okay, so poll the second is going up soon to decide my last two slots. EDIT: Okay, new poll is up. It will end in about 23 minutes.
  11. True, but Cyndaquil is one of my favorite starters.
  12. Yay, I would prefer Cyndaquil though, but whatever.
  13. I never used the backups last time, and besides, they would be Pidgey and Sentret.
  14. I'm making a poll asking if I should make a poll, go vote, you got until 4:00 P.M. my time. For reference, it is 3:36 P.M. for me.
  15. Uh, Chinchou and Miltank are the cutoffs, unless I make it a poll for the final two out of the 4.
  16. Jumpluff, oh yippie-skippy. (That was sarcasm). Xatu, alright.
  17. I love Silver, it's the Pokemon game I have the fondest feelings for. I can't say memories because I barely remember what happened yesterday/Sunday. Anyway, same rooms as last time, with some differences. Notes: 1: My starter will be/has been chosen by people in IP Chat. 2: Only Pokemon pre-national dex and main story. 3: The Pokemon will be fully evolved (or as it's stage if it doesn't have any evolutionary stages). You can still say things like, 'Vulpix', but I will count it as Ninetails. 4: No legendaries, I'm going to tear my hair out over one of the beasts. 5: You may only nominate one Pokemon per member. 6: Nicknames are optional. 7: I may or may not have two backup Pokemon to tag along with my starter until I get my first two non-starter Pokemon. If I decide to have them, they'll be Pidgey and Sentret. If you want me to have them anyway, you can vote for them. 8: Since I know the game saves this time, I will be tackling the after game for sure. Team: (Listed by final evo.) Starter: Feraligatr 2: Haunter 3: Jumpluff 4: Xatu 5: Lanturn 6: Quagsire
  18. Red Bull was good when he battled, which wasn't that often. There wasn't really a time where he was notable, but he helped out when he was brought out. Overall on the list, he was probably between Shellthulu and Wendy, but that doesn't mean he was bad. Wendy was by far the worst, and he is really close to Shellthulu, being almost tied. Shellthulu wins out because he was very helpful against Gary's Charizard, like half of Blaine's team, and Giovanni. I'd rate my team in order of most useful to least useful overall. Bulby>Refa>Dig-Dug>Shellthulu>Red Bull>>>Wendy.
  19. Triple post, but it should be the final. Progress Update the %th. I attempted to record the fights, but couldn't figure out how to, so sorry. Anyway, Lorelai was pretty easy, mainly either Bulby with a tiny bit of Wendy did the work. Refa also helped with Jynx. Bruno was fairly easy, Red Bull Surfed the Onixes, Dig-Dug/Bulby took on the Hitmons, and Bulby and Refa helped with Machamp. Agatha was also pretty easy, Dig-Dug took on Arbok, Shellthulu did in the first Gengar and Golbat, and Refa knocked out Haunter and her main Gengar. Lance was kinda tough, Bulby took on Gyarados and Aerodactyl, Shellthulu helped against Dragonite, and Red Bull took on the Dragonairs. Gary was a jerk, Shellthulu beat Pidgeot, Bulby took on Rhydon and Gyarados, Refa took on Alakazam and the egg dude who's name I can't spell, and Shellthulu also beat Charizard. No final stats because the game refuses to load a normal save, and since you save after you beat Gary... But anyway, Bulby was probably the ace followed by Refa, and Wendy was practically useless. This is my final update because of the stuff the line right before this says, so no aftergame. Look for a similar named topic by me in the most likely near future, but for now, toodles.
  20. Progress Update the $th. I went to the birds, in order of number, and caught them. I used savestates, but I counted how many Ultra Balls it would've taken. Articuno took 8 balls, Zapdos took freakin' 142, and Moltres took 24. Short update, but the next one will be the Elite Four, so yeah.
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