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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. To be honest, people do things that irritate me as well. For example, I despise how some people only listen to me merely because they think I'm female. I wish people would respect me for just being a human being, but sadly it's not the case. Names will not be given to protect those from flames, or cause them to retaliate. ZXValaRevan is one of the examples of people who don't take such things into consideration, and I thank them for that. For those who do take it into consideration, well although I disagree with it, I don't point it out every time it's done, or make it a mission to annoy them. I overlook it. Overlooking some things is possibly the best skill you can have in life. Don't overlook EVERYTHING, but the small things, really just ignore them.
  2. To be honest, the only reason the topic was causing the extra tension was because people were posting things in it to try and make Lyle look like a fool. Lyle himself was pretty calm about it. It wasn't until you came and said his topic was pointless did things go down hill, we actually had some serious discussion going. Distracting people from serious discussion does not solve the problem, it merely makes it go away for a while, and when it comes back, it's mostly worse. Learn to ignore topics instead of just trying to either derail them, or direct attention away from them. Seriously, MaSu, you're a veteran, and Adam, you're a former moderator. Why do I have to tell either of you that you need to learn to ignore things?
  3. Well considering you can't see someone and hear their tone of voice, I'd say that really isn't provable.
  4. And this topic radiates intelligence?
  5. Hopefully you mean under the right conditions. Meaning, when it's needed you'll take it to PMs, or off the site right? I mean you and I do most of our heavier discussion off the site, and we always come to better understandings without the interference of other people.
  6. Don't click on topics like that then, plain and simple. I shouldn't have to tell that to a former moderator.
  7. Lyle obviously intended this to be a serious discussion, he even pointed it out.
  8. Another good example of using randomness to distract people from serious discussion. Possibly one of the only qualities about you I disapprove of Adam.
  9. It does relate to what I said about using internet memes to drive people away from serious discussion though.
  10. Wouldn't ChaosNinji's post be an example of using memes to distract people from serious discussion, as it just did?
  11. That would only be calling people out, which would add to the problem, and not help solve it. I think what Lyle is saying is to let go of your petty grudges. Forgive and forget, it'll put a weight off your shoulders, and give you less to worry about.
  12. I love you too Bizz. And MaSu, whether the topic was needed or not, it's here now, so we might as well get some useful discussion out of it.
  13. It directly translates to "too long; didn't read." It's used by people who either don't want to read a topic, or don't want to accept a long post that either proved them wrong, or made them look like a fool. It's commonly used as a last resort to look cool so you don't look like you lost an argument. As the saying goes, "If you can't confuse them with the facts, baffle them with bulls***."
  14. I have to agree with Lyle here. It's rather sad that when a serious discussion arises, people act immature, or try to use internet memes to take the seriousness away from the topic to cover up that they are a cause of the problem. Face it, you're not cool for doing so either. Saying something like, "tl;dr" isn't a trendy way to get out of a serious discussion, it just shows you're not only too lazy to read a topic, but too lazy to type four words insinuating you didn't read it. Saying "internet serious business," doesn't make you cool just because people pay attention to you. Attention isn't always in a positive form, and not always is it considered good if it's from the wrong people. All this does is encourage others to disregard serious discussion and spam everywhere. These are just some of the examples I've seen. The sarcasm doesn't help either, especially when you're going as far as pointing out people's names, that's basically calling them out, and then you act surprised when they retaliate.
  15. For all we know, only five more could come, we should have waited until this was actually an issue, rather than trying to predict it.
  16. I really don't think we needed another admin or moderator really, but that's just my opinion.
  17. Figured it'd be easier to just post this here. I don't really consider it "art," so I don't think it belongs in my gallery, but I do like how the hand turned out. Anyone, for those who read One it'll make a lot more sense to them.
  18. Interesting. Personally I don't really think it's always a good thing, as their problems become ours then. Not my problem though really, as I've been considering leaving for good sort of...
  19. Popping in while I have some free time, prepping for my SATs, and much other things. So can anyone give me a quick version on what's happened in the past few days? Edit: Changed the title, I'll use this topic from now on if I'm gone for periods of time and have questions.
  20. Black just happens to look good on me.
  21. Well, I'm going to assume it's the color it was when you put it on. My guess as to what color would have to be either white or light blue.
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