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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Well it's nice to meet you then.

  2. Cynthia


    I thought this topic was about stating what religion you follow, not about debating whose is right and whose is wrong...?
  3. Just a question, but... Have we met formally before?

  4. Cynthia


    I can't get along with my brothers, merely because one makes bad choices and ends up in jail all the time, and the other because he is ashamed to be related to me, and calls me words I don't wish to repeat...
  5. Exactly why were you in a suit though?
  6. I prefer to actually be honest and give a real reason, rather than not say I'm too lazy to read a story, I'm also too lazy to type 4 words signifying I didn't read it... Also, I've never watched House.
  7. Not quite, I'm talking about the ones that focus around how great the "popular," members are. Making them all to be Mary-Sues basically.
  8. To be honest, I don't like reading fictions about members of the forum very often. Simply because it's another form of worshiping some members. I only make the exception to the few authors I know aren't biased about it.
  9. This probably isn't the best advertisement method...
  10. Cynthia


    Seriously, I would like to know why religion has become a debate of who is right and who is wrong, and not about doing what is right, and living good lives? NO religion should be saying others are wrong, or forcing others to believe theirs. It's not about being right or wrong, that's the big issue that seems to come into play these days though. It's as if people stopped caring about trying to better themselves and instead would rather prove they are better than someone else by being right...
  11. I actually have this game, I think I'll get the patch now. I was curious to see some storyline.
  12. Cynthia


    Well, this religious debate aside, I would like to say that I do indeed have a religion, and I am not atheist or agnostic. As shocking as it sounds. However, my religious belief is based on the idea of what religion should be, and not what it has become. Religion SHOULD be a set of morals to live by to make one a better person. Not answering questions about the unknown, not about proving who is right and who is wrong. Religion is supposed to be about having something to help you be a good person, not about "finding God," or answering, "why we're here?" Religion is supposed to be something each of us live by in a manner of our choosing to make us all better people. I myself am of the Pagan faith, however before you judge me, allow me to say that the Pagan faith is GREATLY misunderstood these days, and these new age "poser," pagans make it much harder to see what it's truly about. There are a lot of them out there who simply say they are pagan because they want to be, "different," or, "unique," when all they really are a majority of the time is gothic, or emo, or scene people. Whatever other labels they choose to go by. The fact of the matter is, there is NO such thing as black magic or curses, those were made up by the Church a LONG time ago. In fact the Pagan faith condemns the harming of humans. It condemns killing, and there is no form of magic that is capable of harming another human. People who claim to have such powers are simply posers. The Pagan faith also speaks AGAINST converting people. I have NEVER met another Pagan who converted anyone in my entire life, and I have met SEVERAL. The TRUE Pagan faith first of all is NOT set in stone. There is no specific way for all Pagans to follow. Each Pagan is different, and each follow different teachings. Paganism is mainly a worship of nature though, and can be polytheistic, or monotheistic. I personally am what is called a, "Moral Pagan." This means I do not follow any Gods or Goddesses, and I worship nothing. You do NOT need to worship anything to be Pagan. The reason I am still pagan is because I follow their morals and values, and some of their customs. I pray not to speak to God, or a higher power, but to say that I am thankful for what I have, and that I am grateful for the good things in my life. I don't thank anyone for them but myself and the people who gave them to me. It's merely a set of values that make me feel like a better person, and help me through life. I'm not telling anyone to follow me, I'm not arguing over being right or wrong, I'm simply using my customs and values to make myself a better person. What religion SHOULD be about. When did religion become this big hunt to prove who was right and who was wrong, I'll never know.
  13. GameFAQs and 4chan are the wastelands of the internet, and their customs are simply preposterous. In order to fit in you must behave like you have the intelligence of a monkey...
  14. If I put it to scale it would be something like this: 4chan = No maturity. GameFAQs = +.01% more maturity than 4chan. This isn't even me making a joke either...
  15. Honestly, I think after Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Team has been trying to make sonic seem as "badass," as the fans describe Shadow.
  16. It's not much of an accomplishment to defeat a troll on a site full of trolls. There will be others.
  17. GameFAQs is really a step above 4chan on the maturity level to be honest...
  18. I think it'll just encourage more elitism.
  19. Well, that's not really what I'm after, although it would be nice... I personally hate the, "I'm popular, so love me." Kind of attention whoring more myself...
  20. I think that the elimination of these types of topics won't stop attention whoring really...
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