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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Actually I have to say I'd rather read about that than another couple that will just cause more drama later.
  2. I was actually stating a personal opinion on her herself, which I think is something she should accept and realize that she can't handle these relationships, and they cause too much drama for this site. Therefore it'd be in everyone's best interest to not get involved in them. I don't need to go much further into the subject.
  3. To be honest, Princess Kilvas takes these relationships too seriously even though she claims not to. Last one she had caused a huge fight that consumed the whole forest, and had to be sorted by Metal Arc and the other staff members, when she didn't even show up to said fight and got away with not even a scolding. Princess Kilvas, I'm sorry, but in my personal opinion I don't think it's wise to get into these relationships.
  4. I kind of have to disagree really...
  5. Mixed opinions really, but Vincent seems to be considering a solution to the idea.
  6. I have to admit I sort of saw this coming too... No offense to Lyle or Princess Kilvas, but you're both rather predictable to me...
  7. Basically he wanted to get rid of the, "lol," "XD!" "OMG" and other various useless posts in this section. He wanted topics to at least have a THOUGHT down when they are made. Basically the idea was to lower the amount of idiocy in this section.
  8. These couples are really pointless in my opinion, and to prevent me from making a long winded discussion about it, I'll just leave it at that.
  9. No new rule set, Death simply proposed an idea to help clean up the forum.
  10. Cynthia


    I don't know? Why do people who don't hate gays call people "fags?" Edit: Killing is against the law, so it's impossible to follow that word for word, which is why the bible shouldn't be used to justify things because we can't even follow it entirely anymore.
  11. Basically a sort of debate with the staff about the management of the Far From the Forest section, and a question of how much of the staff is actually doing their jobs.
  12. Well for Hika, I have to say he kind of points out on his own that he deserves a lot of the treatment he gets. One thing I actually like about him is that he knows what he deserves and what he does not and doesn't complain about it.
  13. I mean a major issue with the forest is people treat others differently, or poorly for that matter just because they don't agree with that person. Shuuda, who I see is watching this topic is chastised anywhere he goes simply because he actually posts an honest opinion and doesn't tell people what they want to hear. Death is chastised because he does things much similar, and like Shuuda and a few others I know actually speaks seriously, and doesn't just make joke after joke. What I can say about you Lyle is people don't respect you just because they don't agree with some of your opinions. A lot of the problems arise because people don't have respect for one another, and another issue which I won't bring up again, as it'll steer this in the wrong direction.
  14. Manners is one thing, but flat out letting them win things and not opposing them simply because they are female is another. I will do kind gestures for my girlfriend because I love her, not because she's female. That's the exception is letting them win an argument because you love them, and it's not worth fighting over a petty argument, but that can apply to men as well. Also Lyle, one of the things people may disapprove of, as Knife pointed out is your treatment of women. Plus I think healthy discussion and realization of these kinds of things will help keep from splitting the forest up anymore, as a majority comes from people not respecting others values or opinions.
  15. Back on topic though, Lyle like I said you are not the cause of the problems, the problems come from how people REACT to the things you do or say.
  16. That is half the reason I set no gender. I don't want to be praised simply for being female or chastised for being male. Being male or female isn't something to be proud of. It's quite literally speaking a genetic accident. I didn't have to accomplish ANYTHING to get my gender, I simply had it from the minute I was born. (One of the reasons I never got the whole, proud to be black/irish/asian/etc.) If I win an argument I want it to be because I actually made a better point and had more people who liked my idea. If I get treated nicer, I want it to be because I earned it through trust and equal treatment of others. My gender should be not be taken into consideration.
  17. That and I'm quickly ignored, but if I am thought to be female, I instantly have a name in the community, and attention pours on. The downside though is that my opinions are ignored for the first few days there, as I am apparently expected to be dumber than all the other members and let all the boys handle every argument. Then as soon as people realize I have an opinion about things, they go back to ignoring me as if I'm too smart to fall for their flirting. It happens all over. I've even seen people here do that to me. The first few days of knowing me, I'm like the icon of their affection, then when they realize flirting doesn't work with me, and that I have no interest, they go back to their daily lives, and I hear from them less and less.
  18. Actually people do that online a lot these days. I just leave my gender as unset so there can never be a certainty of how to treat me. I will say that on sites where people thought I was male, as opposed to ones where I was thought to be female, I was treated substantially different...
  19. I think a LOT of people here are nicer to girls than they are to boys sadly. It happens all over the internet, not just here. I'm going to guess it has something to do with hormones. People need to learn the internet is not a solution to dating or flirting... It has negative effects on both sides. Men begin to gather around the females, and thus lowering their sense of self value and dignity, and women either end up freaked out or let it go to their heads and get a big ego, with a few exceptions to this idea. The only time a woman seems to be ignored is if the male population that normally flaunt over these females happens to think they are too smart to fall for them, then they back off really. There are a few males here who I see are not affected by a person's gender, and I commend them for that, and a few females who are impervious to either gaining a giant ego, or being flirted with. All remaining nameless of course. This is just a thought and partially an opinion, as there is no SOLID fact to back it up, but subtle hints and inferences were used to create this theory. Like I said, it's a theory, as there could very well be other reasons, but this is my best guess based on the evidence that is available to myself. Some people might not even notice such a thing but I certainly do. Having a theory is better than not having an explanation at all I guess though. That aside, I'm sure you already know that if I have a problem with anything you say or do, I shall address it directly to you Lyle, as I have always done. Actually you bother me the least, it's how people react to things you do that bother me.
  20. However posts number 2, 7 and 8 are the aforementioned posts that lack quality.
  21. We'll cross the other roads when we come to them.
  22. It doesn't address all of the issues, but it at least is a step in the right direction.
  23. Sort of like my idea of having a board for things like, "how was your day," and "post your picture," discussion that is not as in depth as General, but not irrelevant enough to be considered spam.
  24. That's mature, running away and not stating a proper reason while being rude in your leaving, right? You're contradicting yourself, as you're flaming us to tell us not to flame them. Saying we're intellectually incapable of something, when in reality you're not beaming intelligence on this topic either. If anything you're the most rash and out spoken person here. You're the only one who's yelling and insulting, while the rest of us are trying to have a serious discussion. The fact you ran away before a retaliation was made is proof enough that you lost.
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