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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Half the fights that happen in the section aren't even addressed by staff members until they are contacted from another member, more than likely because other staff members avoid the section as well. Don't even try to tell me they are all handling it privately, because I've seen staff members online for a good hour while a fight is still happening, and they are either completely unaware of it, or ignoring it. It's not even handled at all sometimes. I know SOME matters are handled privately, but not all.
  2. It's your JOB to address these problems though... You shouldn't be avoiding a forum because it's a problem area, if anything that is more of a reason to go there more often. To make sure disorderly conduct doesn't happen. This is why it's gotten so bad, because staff members avoid it, so people know they can get away with it.
  3. No, it's directed at the people who want to keep all these spam topics.
  4. It would be so much easier to find offensive topics for the staff as well if the really pointless ones didn't show up as often. So that issues are dealt with quicker. It also would make it easier for members to navigate the forum. It also encourages better posting habits. I can go on and on about the positive effects, while the only negative effect is that people can't post random topics in the forum anymore, and they can still speak randomly on the chat room, or on profiles, or in PMs or instant messengers. God forbid people have to learn to review their posts before posting them, and actually add to conversation...
  5. You can create a private channel and invite only the people you want.
  6. A chat room actually makes things quicker, so I don't see why not to use it really.
  7. You can invite the group of friends you want to hang out with there...
  8. Chat ROOM. Built in IRC. Linked RIGHT TO THE BOARD. We have a forum dedicated to this chat room as well: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showforum=28
  9. I think it IS with the rest of the members of the forum... It takes like 5 minutes to set up a chat room in meebo, and less than that to use the built in IRC. Hell we could just add a shoutbox to the site and that can suffice for that need.
  10. We have a chat room. People can download instant messengers or use meebo. We have a PM system, and a profile comment system. There is no reason people can't have their spammy discussions in one of those.
  11. So not addressing the problem at all isn't delaying and worsening it? And by the way, I simply said I don't see a point in giving people a place to spam, I never said to delete the section. I said to straighten it out.
  12. "Far from the Forest... Feel free to post anything here, no matter how crazy or spammy, and as long it doesn't break any rules or offend anyone. (Postcount does not rise here.)" How can you take so literal a forum description that contradicts itself? It says as long as it doesn't break the rules, and yet spamming is against the rules. So I ask how can you take the forum description so literal? Didn't I just say in that post that you quoted not EVERYONE will stop right away, and that those who do stop will only be a portion?
  13. I still don't think we need to allow spam at all. As having a section for it only makes people spam in one area, and it gets them into the habit of doing it. If we just discouraged it EVERYWHERE, more people will get out of the habit of doing it, and we don't have to worry as much. Sure not EVERYONE will stop right away, but over time at least a good portion will. The ones who don't and spam in other areas can just be warned and continue to do so until they stop. Edit: Red Fox, I'm surprised you take that description so literal...
  14. I for one would prefer people didn't spam at ALL, as then we don't have to worry about where they are doing it.
  15. We can't just keep making consolidation topic after consolidation topic. As if we do, it'll just make more pinned topics, and soon there will be too many pinned topics. If we make one for how your day was, then soon we'll have to make one for posting your pictures. Then one for what your plans for the weekend are. It just creates more pinned topics, which really will become a problem over time.
  16. Topics that would go in the FFtF section would be like simple every day things. Topics such as what you did today, or talking about jokes that you heard. The reason is because otherwise the general forum would be OVER RUN with these topics. Sort of separate general discussion for in depth discussion.
  17. So giving them a place to spam doesn't encourage spam and instead gets it out of their system? I disagree, I think when they spam and think it's, "fun," they are encouraged to do it more, especially when others join in. Also I stated that there ARE some topics, such as topics about how your day went, or posting your picture, or things that just aren't important enough to put in General. Edit: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=9498 Look, his original post actually is serious and discusses something that happened to him on this particular day. It's not just a bunch of random text that has no meaning. There actually is discussion value there. I could tell him about my day, or ask about one of the things that happened or he obtained to gain more information.
  18. I can say honestly, that myself, Death, ZXValaRevan, and several other individuals would rather not have to sort through, "Lol," and "OVER 9000!" topics to find the ones with discussion value. So why is it that we are ignored on the subject, and you are entitled to continue making them, when obviously it's a problem to us? Sure we're a small group, but we're members of this forum too, so we have as much say as anyone. And I'm sure there are a number of others too that can and will agree with us. Why is it that those of us who are actually looking for real discussion value are pushed aside so people can make more random topics after random topics? When WE'RE the ones who are trying to contribute more to the forum. Random topics about almost nothing give nothing to the forum except spam. Sure we don't have as many people on our side, but that doesn't mean we should be ignored simply because majority wishes for the opposite. Death's idea is actually helpful and will increase the amount of real discussion happening here, and create healthy posting habits. It'll also set good example for newcomers. If you want to have random pointless conversation, take it to the chat room. There's no reason you can't take them to PMs or the chat room, or an IM of some sort.
  19. Apparently you didn't read my post. As I said that a majority of the "flame wars," happen in that section.
  20. Well since when did that stop the staff? Everything they filter is based on their opinion. They felt "ATTN," topics were a disturbance in their opinion, thus they got rid of them.
  21. We shouldn't take a the spam forum part so literal is the point I suppose.
  22. Awesome and meaningful aren't always in relation...
  23. I have to agree, the amount of pointless topics increase all the time. Plus, let's not forget that a majority of the fights that break out are in that section, and a majority of the posts in that section have little to no discussion value. Also Death makes a good point in saying it bleeds into other sections. People simply quoting a post about them saying, "this," and other things. Also people derail topics of serious discussion with random messages or just spamming a topic. The Far From the Forest section gets some people into bad posting habits, and is left unchecked far too often. Most of the fights that go on aren't even addressed until they are close to over, or completely over. This isn't the STAFF's fault though, it's the fact that the topics can't be seen because there is a flood of useless topics in there. I can see SOME topics being of a little discussion value, such as, "Post your picture," or a topic about how your day went, or something. Topics simply about random things such as, "This cake is a lie!" really have no meaning, and although a spam section, it shouldn't be so literal...
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