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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. When did I say I was angry? Never. I'm not yelling, smashing my keyboard or flaming. I think you need to stop making assumptions. I think you're exaggerating on telling Knife not to make the topic. You could simply just post or PM him telling him you would prefer to keep your business private, and I'm sure he'd understand. Also, I NEVER said people had to agree with my opinion. I add to what I previously say because people make a response. If people make a response, I'm entitled to make a response as well. Yeah, herd conformity doesn't float well with me. People died for me to be allowed to state my opinion, and I plan on using that right.
  2. Yes I do actually. And are you suggesting we act happy for something we aren't happy about? Wouldn't that count as telling them what they want to hear and petting their egos? If they WANT to date, they can, but I am just stating my opinion on the matter since it was brought to the public in a public discussion.
  3. Petty insults really get you no where, and don't help any point you are making at all. And it's not being a killjoy, it's called being tired of annoying topic after annoying topic.
  4. Correct, because they wouldn't have anything to battle it with, thus they state random flames that are irrelevant in an attempt to end the topic, or change the subject. As the saying goes, "if you can't confuse them with the facts, baffle them with bullshit."
  5. That really wouldn't be my fault, it would be how the people react to it's fault.
  6. For all you know Lyle, Princess could be a male or a child molester, or a rapist... You have no way of telling, people can fake photos, and anyone can claim they are female. This is the dangers of internet dating. Internet relationships are pointless.
  7. I am free to voice my opinion wherever and whenever I choose, and I shall do so until I die. Sorry that I don't act like what you expect and sit here and pet your egos and tell you how great you both are and how I'm happy for you both. I don't lie, sorry to disappoint you. I state what I actually think. I think this topic is another form of attention whoring, and you allowing its creation without opposition makes you a contributor. I expect you to state your honest opinion when I make a topic, so you shouldn't expect any less from myself. Fair is fair Lyle.
  8. Are you serious...? A flame is basically an insult with no fact whatsoever. Something like, "You suck because I hate you!" There's no point to it, and it can't be argued or proven true. A debate would be something like, "I believe this is wrong, and this is why..." Where you state actual facts to back up your argument.
  9. I think you need to learn the difference between flame wars and debates. A flame war is nothing but a war of insult, I.E.: Person 1: You suck! Person 2: You're a complete idiot! Person 1: Go die! A debate is the swapping of opinions and trying to prove a valid point without using insults. A flame war simply is an unstructured argument that says irrelevant insult after irrelevant insult.
  10. As if it's impossible to ask Knife not to make a topic?
  11. Lyle came to the topic, same with her, instead of telling Knife they didn't want such a topic made. Not to mention they had to tell Knife for it to become a topic anyways.
  12. Mockery topics aren't really that funny, if anything they are over doing it, and make you look like a bigger attention whore than the initial topic in my opinion.
  13. The point I was trying to make really was that after Princess' previous relationship ending in a huge flame war between Lyle and MaSu, is it REALLY a smart idea to get involved one of the people involved in the PREVIOUS flame war? Honestly, in my personal opinion, this is a bad idea, and shouldn't have even been announced. If Lyle thinks the relationship isn't serious enough to not just split up to date people in real life, then it's not worth announcing. Not to mention it's no one's business who Lyle or Princess are dating. This is just another form of attention whoring, and all it accomplishes is inflating people's ego or causes flames to them, most of the time both.
  14. Anyway, I merely joined because Bizz suggested it.
  15. Please don't bring something up if you're not going to discuss it, it's rather rude.
  16. It just began too, imagine what will happen when this one ends?
  17. That's YOUR definition, it's not fact. Plus I only criticism what is brought to the table. If you don't bring it up, or anything related to it, it never gets discussed.
  18. I think that's rather petty over something as small as this. Then again it helps support another point I was going to make but chose to withhold.
  19. Spam is useless anywhere, so why not take you SPAM off this site? If that's how you're going to look at it. I never said people HAVE to follow my advice, but that doesn't mean I can not offer it.
  20. I think if you make a topic about a person or yourself, you're opening up to criticism. Not EVERY comment that doesn't agree with you is a personal attack, people need to learn this. I was actually giving advice.
  21. Started another relationship after the previous one ended in a huge flame war on the forum. And Doom, I'll answer it after dinner, as it's going to be ready in about 5 minutes. But, I was giving a personal opinion in a topic talking about said person, and stated it was an opinion and not fact. What I say does not change who someone is. If I can't speak out against them when I disagree and then state why, when may I do so?
  22. I think Vincent said what I was going to respond to you with Knife. Also, I have NEVER started a flame war, as starting a flame war requires someone to flame, and a flame is basically an intentionally insulting post. I have never made an intentionally insulting post. Any post that resulting in a war after was because of someone's reaction to it. I have NEVER said anything that wasn't an honest opinion based on knowledge. If stating your opinion and it happening not to agree with someone else' is a flame, then this forum is one big flame war. Also my warn record shows no warns of any kind. So clearly the staff disagree, as they have seen my posts.
  23. I'm doing so because last time it caused a huge fight that a lot of the forest got involved in. Therefore it would be irresponsible to allow the stepping stones that lead to such a thing to happen again. I never have condemned anyone I disagreed with. I merely disagreed and gave my opinion. I don't hate Miss Kilvas, but I do disagree with her actions. Ironically, isn't that judging and condemning me, telling me not to do something because you disagree with it?
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