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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. You realize mod chips stop some games from working, pirated versions and real ones? Not to mention required firmware updates in the future may not work for your Wii, thus rendering it unable to play more games in the near future. I hope you have access to another Wii just in case.
  2. I could have sworn the staff and other members were getting annoyed at fake leaving topics... As well written as this one is, I still think it takes the cake. Was a good read none the less.
  3. Cynthia


    Wow, 39 pages? I'm a little surprised at how long this topic lasted without being closed. Also, the Koran is also the Quaran, they are the same I believe. If I'm mistaken please correct me.
  4. I use them to communicate some times, or to say my opinion on a member.
  5. Suspension actually is being banned, just temporarily. I don't care what word you want to give it, if you are being blocked access to a site, you're banned, either indefinitely or temporarily. There was no need to celebration.
  6. I think Brawl itself wasn't rushed at all, what was rushed was the characters. They really didn't think them all through. Fox, Wolf and Falco are too similar really. Sure they have a few different moves, but in essence they are too similar. Metaknight's sword slashes, and almost all of Pit's moves do nothing but spam. So really the only complaint I have is that the characters were rushed, and not the game itself. There's plenty to do in the game, just they didn't put a large amount of thought into the characters, and tried to use Sonic and Snake to recover from it. As for a Fire Emblem styled spin off, I doubt it would even happen. Nintendo has so many other games to base a spin off of, why would they choose Fire Emblem? Fire Emblem is far from their most popular series to be honest. It wasn't even brought to America until it was several years old. Most popular series make it here as soon as possible. It'd be more likely to see a Mario styled spin off or a Zelda styled one. Hell I would put money on a Chrono Trigger styled spin off before a Fire Emblem one. It's not a terrible idea, just I doubt it could work. I mean if you think about it, some characters would have massive advantages over others. It would be too unbalanced.
  7. Bad idea, it only makes them take any charges you have against her less seriously.
  8. Or you can take your punishment seriously and learn from your mistake, and not have to announce it. By the sound of it you're still being a, "dick," to me, so therefore you didn't learn anything.
  9. So being banned is something to celebrate? That's the attitude that gets you banned again. There's a difference between having fun, and not having common sense.
  10. This I am aware of. I mentioned it myself at a time too.
  11. I'm not really going to complain about the spam, because that would happen anyways regardless of a contest going on or not, but I do think there is no real prize we could give the winner of such contest that would mean anything. Not to mention such a contest would serve almost no point. Maybe it'll be fun to some people, but certainly not to myself, as it sounds rather boring. It doesn't give me an incentive to post, as you don't even win anything worthwhile, as I'm sure a lot of others will think too.
  12. You really aren't going to get praise for your return if your reason for leaving was being banned...
  13. Well I just talked with my designer and, they have informed me the outfit I ordered is 100% finished, and I must say I'm pleased with the results. The expenses were a tad high, but well within reason, and certainly reasonable for how quickly it was made. As for the photos, well here is the finished product: Without Sweater (Front) With Sweater (Front) Without Sweater (Back) With Sweater (Back) The total cost was $147 including shipping and handling. It's being shipped from Canada and will be arriving before Christmas, which is actually really good, because the original estimate was it wouldn't be done until the end of January. My designer actually happens to be very passionate about what they do, which really helped along the way. They were willing to work with me, and whenever they weren't sure they always consulted me. The measurements were made custom to fit me, (However I am probably going to try and fit it on Kayla since she's close to the same measurements. I actually want to see how adorable she looks.) and it took quite a few nights of no sleep for my designer. I thank her and all her hard work. As for pictures of me wearing it, well it's a maybe, if I can get my brother's camera, and get to where I look presentable... Thank you to Paula for her outstanding work on it, and long hours of dedication. I can honestly say that I'll be a returning customer. I'll see about pictures later.
  14. Precisely my point. Now if the topic has some discussion value, I can sort of see it. As there are a FEW in that section that have some discussion value.
  15. I believe those should be the only topics allowed to be bumped, and possibly some pinned topics. The whole, "it's in the far from the forest section!" argument is rather pointless. Sure it may not bring up post count, but it clutters the already cluttered section. If a topic is two months old, and no one has said anything, you feel the need to talk about it again, just make a new one in the Far From the Forest section. That way it doesn't up post count, and you aren't necroposting.
  16. Isn't this topic calling for the attention towards specific members? Thus making it an attention topic?
  17. The bible might as well say: "Thou shalt break or twist the rules of the lord and laws when it is most convenient for you." Because that's what's done on a regular basis.
  18. I know there are others but I didn't list them all as I didn't remember exactly everyone, but I give you all credit as well. You get the idea though.
  19. To be honest this is old news. It's been being said over and over, and no one listens. I've said it, Death said it, Shuuda said it, ZXValaRevan said it, Winston said it, Arch said it, we all said it, and we were ignored and pushed aside. We were concerned about the overall maturity level of the forum as well, and proposed ways to solve the issue, but as soon as we did, they were shot down by several members who refused to let any maturity in. We've been saying this for a LONG time, it's kind of pointless to even listen to Lyle saying it, when you've ignored so many others who said it and tried to do something about it. It's as if you have to be a specific person otherwise no one will listen to you. Since they didn't listen to any of us, I doubt they are going to listen to Lyle, no offense, but if they ignore 6 members, I doubt 1 more is going to change anyone's minds. This topic isn't going to get anywhere, because none of the others did, so I'm putting a lot of doubt on this one. We've had several topics relating back to the overall maturity of the forum members, and all of which gained nothing. Face it, the members don't want to change, and the staff don't want to apply any force upon them. It's a fault on both parts in my opinion. The staff are too loose when they should be stern, and some of them are just too harsh in handling of situations. I believe I actually saw Jyosua end a topic by telling a member to "shut the fuck up." I don't find that appropriate for a staff member, regardless of how a member was behaving, even though the said member was just stating their opinions. I won't lie, the staff isn't the best, sure they try their hardest, but their hardest really isn't working. Not to sound too critical, but I really have high expectations of the staff, and few to none are being met, which is a problem. If members like me can't respect the staff, then sure enough others won't either. If the staff can't be respected, then no one will listen to authority, thus chaos breaks loose. I'm not saying the staff are bad people, I'm just saying that in my opinion, they aren't handling the site correctly. They do try though, and it's not entirely their fault, as the members are a lot to blame. The sad part is that most of the members that make it difficult to watch over the forum are these so called, "veterans." I give credit where credit is due though, as I do recall Jyosua taking some actions towards events that I liked, and Vincent is at least willing to listen to us at times, along with Wist. I really don't know Hanz at all, or have spoken to him, so no comment on him. Same applies for Fox, aside from that I don't always agree with her. As for Metal Arc, well I honestly don't think he was a great moderator. In fact I believe his breaking of rules and playing with power might be partial cause of the disrespect for the moderation system, as people don't take it seriously. He made getting warned like it was a fad, thus no one cares if they are warned now. All in all in order to fix this problem it would require more enforcement from the staff, and more self discipline of the members, which neither of which is going to happen apparently. Sure the staff can hire more people, but we can't fix the members. I will be pretty blunt when I say that some of the members, (no names) are flat out ignorant and idiotic. That's not a flame either because you have no way of telling where it's directed, and it's an opinion, (which I'm sure a lot of us will agree with...) People complained that some of us are too serious, and yet the irony is nothing is solved from being random. I literally have seen topics addressing problems on the forum, and their solutions were do something to distract everyone until the problem was over. That solves NOTHING. The forum won't change, because people are afraid they might actually have to read posts, and post replies that add to the conversation, and stay on topic. Defeats the purpose of a forum, but that's just how it is. Hell a majority of this site's bandwidth is probably wasted in the Far From the Forest section. So literally a majority of the bandwidth is being used for spam. There's just no easy fix to that which no one will complain over. All my opinion and two cents on the matter, don't like it? Don't want me to speak anymore of it? Don't respond to it, as a lot of people seem to have this impression that you're not entitled to a response if someone responds to something you say.
  20. How about no one? I'd rather not be ruled by anyone. Edit: A Queen is supposed to be the king's wife, and Fox is in the lead, and CGV is in the lead for males, does that mean CGV has to marry his sister...? Someone clearly didn't think this poll through...
  21. Using magnets is a terrible idea, as it has the potential to mess up the system. Secondly the screws are made specifically with three prongs to prevent people from opening up their system and messing with it. This is referring to the internal screws.
  22. I hate the cold, but I handle it fairly well. I mostly sit here in nothing but my underwear and my beloved girlfriend's hoodie as you know.
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