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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. I rarely see anyone come up with their OWN material around here... I could make at least two microsoft word pages of the garbage I've seen at least 15 times each. I'm not against making jokes and having fun. I'm against doing it at others expense, and being repetitive about it.
  2. List of internet memes and other jokes that are over used and really aren't even funny: Pingas Sexcopters Rick Roll Over 9000 Barrel Rolls lern2 how i do *insert item here* "internetz seriouz bidnezz" "Nigga stole my bike" shoop da whoop "Lol internet" Really none of those are even funny. They are used WAY to often. I've seen them at least a hundred times each, they are unoriginal, and lack sense and value. At least if you're GOING to make a joke be original about it.
  3. It's quite sad that people will ignore politeness and courtesy so they can have countless internet jokes, that really aren't even that funny.
  4. Actually no. Some dictionaries list "Nigger," as "bitch," which means a female dog. Keep in mind it only says it as a slang term. Edit: Please do not refer to me as Cynth, if that's alright.
  5. Nigger in the dictionary has a secondary slang meaning of a female dog, does that mean we should go around and say that all the time?
  6. I'm positive that is just an internet slang way of saying "fag." Secondly I agree with Metal Arc.
  7. What's with the over usage of the word, "fag," today? I've seen it used several times on quite a few topics, and I've seen spelling alterations of it even in people's signatures. I really don't mean to be the one to complain, but really I wish those of you using it would really just not use it or at least make an effort to limit it... I understand freedom of speech and all, but a little courtesy isn't bad... I would rather your posts have the F word every other sentence, then see words like, "fag," or "cunt," or "nigger," tossed around. Not saying that I've seen those other words around here, (Although some members have sent them in PMs to me.) Can we all clean up our language a little?
  8. Well I'm sure a lot of you have heard that Caylee Marie Anthony, three year old daughter of Casey Anthony was found a few days ago. However it was inconclusive if the body was hers. Well after days of testing, they are releasing they have confirmed the body is indeed that of Caylee Anthony, and the manner of death is homicide. The cause of death however is undetermined, as the body had reached the stage of decomposition where there was no flesh or tissue left to be examined. The body was found days ago on the side of the road in a garbage bag only a short distance for Casey Anthony's mother's house. This surely can be enough evidence to put her at the crime scene, however police still want to find the cause of death, which may be a tad more challenging with only skeletal remains. As of now they are reporting no trauma was caused to the skeleton, in other words, no broken bones, no gun shot holes, no knife slashes. What are your thoughts on the case, and this evidence being brought forth?
  9. Skill really includes using everything around you to your advantage.
  10. Why not practice with ALL different types of battle. It shows you have more skill, and you'll be ready for anything then. If it's not manipulating the game in a way it wasn't designed to be manipulated, it's 100% fair.
  11. I'm on a lot, just I rarely see much that I feel like commenting on.
  12. You really blame loses a lot on other things to be honest. It's rather bad sportsmanship.
  13. People who cross dress are actually transgender a majority of the time.
  14. I actually get jokes all the time, but I'm saying that one was actually relevant so I caught it right away.
  15. Indeed I do not. And I actually understood what Bellossom just said too, AND got the joke he was making...
  16. To be honest he did send me a rather sincere apology. That's all I asked for, I'm satisfied.
  17. I don't hold grudges so you really shouldn't expect me to be mad to be honest.
  18. As I said in my response, it's not just me you should be apologizing to.
  19. An apology would be much appreciated though...
  20. Never said I wasn't your friend I recall? Never said I was your enemy either. I simply said that I didn't agree with what you said because you lacked evidence, and that I don't appreciate being called a homo and asked for an apology.
  21. You don't even have to say that you're straight, just tell them you aren't interested, or tell them you're in a relationship. There's such a thing as walking away. Edit: More people using the word homo...?
  22. To be honest you care too much about what we all think... Thus you make numerous topics like this...
  23. Just the making of this topic proves you merely wanted to further taunt people.
  24. Wow Quet, it takes a really small man to not only pass his own beliefs as fact without proof then act arrogant about it, but then to blatantly insult people and not apologize for it when it's uncalled for and irrelevant to the topic. Then go out and make jokes about it. That's rather petty and pointless, it seems you really aren't over it, instead you're just so full of yourself. That's not an insult either.
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