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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. 1. That goes without saying, as I don't hold grudges. You were forgiven the minute I left the topic, I don't hate people because I disagree with them. 2. I have never watched Jay Leno.
  2. I like pumpkin a large amount as well, and I too enjoy whipped cream on it.
  3. Actually, I do. I like chocolate pudding pie, and banana cream the most. I have a terrible sweet tooth, it's amazing I stay so thin.
  4. Thanks Gatrie. I can see though there is a lot to cover. Her step-father already doesn't like me because I'm too "different," for his liking. Even though Kayla never cared what he thought anyways, nor does he mother in most cases, as her mother considers me like a child of her own in most cases. Her step-father practically worships Brad, her ex-boyfriend, he actually told Kayla's mother that he wished she would date Brad, and that he hopes she doesn't end up dating me, as he thinks she showed interest. Neither of our parents know about our relationship however, and I intend to keep it that way for mine.
  5. Well, I am the kind of person who is dedicated to a relationship, and I love Kayla. I spend a large deal of time with her as it is, and I foresee myself taking up more time to spend with her. Also we have some other issues around us that we have to work out, and I need time to help her with those.
  6. I honestly don't entirely know WHY we're here, or what we're SUPPOSED to do, but I believe you SHOULD try to be a good person.
  7. Perhaps, maybe not as much, but more than likely that might not be affected, however the amount of time I'm actually at the computer while signed on very much may be affected.
  8. Alright, well tomorrow is when I'll more than likely be more inactive, and no don't expect a lot of lurking either. I figured I'd have a fun little topic before I go. It's a simple question and answer topic. Just ask something, and I'll do my best to answer your question. It can be about anything really, doesn't have to pertain to myself even. Keep in mind it should be appropriate though. Ask away.
  9. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=8387 I think this is a good example of what Nightmare is talking about actually. No offense Lyle, but your philosophy of a joke isn't exactly a good one in my opinion...
  10. Any topic is grounds for serious discussion. Racist jokes make some people laugh, doesn't mean they are right. That's a very rude philosophy to look at it with. I bet even if you won't admit it, that if McCain was elected, and people made shirts that said to impeach him you'd be really mad about that. My point isn't the joke. My point is he isn't even president yet, so why make a joke about him as a president?
  11. Still, Bush was actually in office, and did actions for people to form an opinion on him. Obama has not, how's about before you joke about such things, wait until they actually even happen? I mean I understand a joke, but I don't think this is a very good one, as Obama has not even done anything to warrant such a joke about him.
  12. Wait... You're encouraging the impeachment of a president who isn't even in office yet, and has not had the chance to prove he can do good or evil yet?
  13. How does that not encourage staff members to suspend them?
  14. They are putting suspension as a stake, I fail to see the fun. Not to mention it's encouraging the staff to misuse the punishment system.
  15. This honestly is a pointless bet really...
  16. The internet was created as an information network really, porn just happens to be some of that information exchange. Porn is just an industry that was REALLY helped by the internet. The internet has quadrupled the porn industry that's for sure, but it existed long before the internet was invented. Interesting enough, the internet is getting cheaper and cheaper to use for everyone now. You can even go to places to use it for free, and now they have cards to hook up to it no matter where you are.
  17. Cynthia

    Guilty Pleasures~!

    Well I've cosplayed at home when all the people in my school consider it uncool, so I try to be a little secretive about it.
  18. Best way to avoid this problem is just not to get warned really.
  19. Well like I said before, I don't want respect based upon me merely because I'm female, which as you and I both know, a lot of people would do. Or have to fight harder to get it because I'm male. I like to EARN my respect. You may address me as you see fit. Either her or he works just fine for me, and I won't take offense.
  20. It's not important really. If I say I'm male, I'll be classified as a girlish fag for being too feminine, sure people won't say it, but it will affect how they view me, and I know it. They will just TRY and not be obvious about it. If I say I'm female people will kiss the ground I walk on, as there is always a weird obsession with females on online forums. I don't want attention just for being female. You can't say people don't do it either, because we all see it, and I think even you know that. I thank those of you who do not do either of those though, as you show a level of maturity and demonstrate how people shouldn't be treated different just because of gender. Now how about we stop questioning my gender and such, as this isn't about trying to figure out my personal life.
  21. Who is to say I'm not just a very feminine male? It could be possible. I wouldn't say so bluntly that you think you can read me exactly, as you're one of several people who said the same thing, and almost all end up being wrong one way or another. Not saying you're wrong, but not saying you're right either. I think you don't know me well enough to make a judgment on that one, or to say you can read me. You've never spoken to me off of this site, so you have little to no idea of who I am, outside of what you see in public, and I believe the saying goes that "true character is shown when you think no one is looking."
  22. That's what I was thinking, however the lack of seriousness in serious topics on this forum makes it hard to tell at times.
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