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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. You're all flaming when Shuuda did NOTHING in this topic to provoke it in the first place. Shuuda has every right to post without being flamed. The fact you all hold grudges is VERY sad, as I believe some of you were the ones saying "the internet isn't serious business." For those who don't hold grudges I am glad you try to set good examples.
  2. Personally Shuuda has never done anything to me personally that could cause me to hate him, and I don't judge people by what others say. I always confront them directly when I have a question.
  3. Okay, you all are actually being just as bad as you think he is by flaming.
  4. Can someone not to one thing without it end up a fad that gets done to death?
  5. I'm naturally small. It looks like people decided this would be fun to do about themselves, as I notice a flood of topics with similar names.
  6. Well unfortunately even if I wanted to show you, I have no cameras with high enough resolution to take a picture of my eye. My camera literally barely works in broad daylight.
  7. To be honest you're not the first to ask that Luke.
  8. I really don't plan on answering any further on the first question, and as for the pictures, I rarely show photos online. You'll just have to trust me on it.
  9. A lot of people ask me about myself almost every day, and well, I'm not used to talking about myself, or answering a lot of questions, so I decided to have a few of the ones that people ask quite often answered in one place, since it seems to be something that keeps occurring. If your questions aren't answered, just post and I'll see if I can answer them or not. I really just don't like being asked questions all the time, and I know some of you can't help it, but I hope this will help you all, and myself. Q: Are you male or female? A: I can't tell you how often this one has come up, probably every day. My answer however is that your best guess is the one you should go with, as I am entitled to my privacy. I consider myself a uni-gendered person really. Q: I keep getting this vibe that you're homosexual/bisexual, is this true? A: No, I am actually undecided on sexual preference, however I will say I prefer females a lot more, but that doesn't mean I hate all men, as some are attractive. Q: What do you look like? A: Blonde hair, silver eyes, 106 pounds, very feminine hands, slender figure, about 5' 6, and rarely wear make up besides eyeliner which is rare as well. Q: Why haven't you answered my ranting PM!? A: Yelling at me doesn't get you anywhere, I just either ignore it or just continue discussion in a calm manner. Yelling towards me literally gets you NO WHERE, and I will always dare you to do it. Q: Where do you live? A: Well as much as I like my privacy, it was made public a while ago whether with my will or not, that I live in New York state, that's all I'm saying on the subject however. Q: Why are you bashing/hating on/siding against me!? A: I'm not bashing or hating on you. I may side against you if I believe you are wrong, but that doesn't mean I hate you. It just means I'm honest and won't jump to side with you when you are fighting for something that I don't think is right. I'm honest a lot of the time. Q: Why are you so serious!? A: It's how I've always been, and the "internet is not serious business," attitude never applies to me as the internet is made up of REAL people, with REAL feelings. Just because we're behind the safety of a computer doesn't mean we should just treat others poorly or never take anything seriously. Q: I heard you're an artist, do you do requests? A: Four or five people sent one like this, who shall remain nameless, but yes I am an artist of sorts, not a major one or anything, and I may or may not take requests in the near future. Q: What anime is in your signature? A: Strawberry Panic. Q: I get the feeling you hate me, is this true? A: No. Q: Why did you come here if you're not a big Fire Emblem fan? A: Bizz asked me to. Bizz is like a little sister to me, and I'd do anything to help her or protect her. You've probably seen me stick my neck out for Bizz in some cases, and this is because I love Bizz, and she is probably one of the few people I'd jump to save. So if you bother Bizz, or hurt her, you can expect a visit from me sooner or later. I never announce it though. Q: I never see an "ATTN" topic from you, why is that? A: I rarely find something about someone that I feel like sharing with the public, or that is even worth sharing. I mostly address people directly if I have an issue with something they are doing or have done. I hope this can help answer your questions so you don't have to keep asking these same things, as really I haven't the time to answer them over and over. I wouldn't make a topic about such things normally, but really it's becoming an issue. I'm not MAD at anyone for it, but I hope this answers your questions, so that I don't have to answer them again and again. I honestly don't see why you people find me that popular even, as I haven't done a thing that is noteworthy...
  10. Really if I was GOING to leave, I wouldn't make a topic about it. I'd just go. People who make leaving topics are causing drama in the forest, and should think what is best for the forest before making them... No offense.
  11. I wasn't directing it towards you, don't misconstrue MY words like that. I was originally talking towards Matthew. You at any time could just stop reading, and honestly I'm just making a point. If you're so beat up over not being a moderator anymore, then you probably weren't one for the right reasons, as I'm not laughing at you or anything. To be 100% honest Metal Arc, I always saw you as trying to be the hero, but really that isn't what it's about. That's just my thought from what I've seen, but really it doesn't mean I hate you or have negative feelings towards you. To be honest I don't think the bar has been set higher or lower. You guys are making Wist feel bad, like he has to live up to some legacy or something. Honestly, he's a good choice, and deserves to be treated like a PERSON, and not a "replacement."
  12. If your definition of friendship is someone who will never tell you that you are wrong, then you will be a lonely person in life for sure. Honestly you can't expect to compare Wist to Metal Arc, you can't compare him to anyone, it isn't Fair. Wist is his own person and deserves to be treated as such. You haven't even given him a chance yet, this applies to you too Matthew.
  13. About the same for me, which I believe I gave the heads up in the event those happen.
  14. I have yet to make any fake/joke/serious leaving topics, so I don't really see your point, all I'm saying is people will leave if they want, and leaving topics always pop up.
  15. I'm just saying, I don't see how you can complain about people leaving when you threatened to do it about three times since I've been here. Out of respect of course, nothing against you.
  16. To be honest, and no offense to Metal Arc, but I think the job is better filled by Wist, and not because I hate Metal Arc, because I love him unconditionally. I think Wist fills the spot better because well Wist is serious more of the time, and takes a lot more seriously. I'm not saying Metal Arc doesn't, but from what I've seen Wist knows how to handle himself and others when things look bad. However this is just from what I've seen. Plus let's not forget Jysoua hand picked him. Nothing against Metal Arc, but I do believe if Metal Arc cared about the forums and not just being a moderator, he'd realize there are better people for the job, and honor and respect that. That's the goal of a moderator, to do what is best for the forum.
  17. I think you hold the record for leaving topics...
  18. I never said I hated Metal Arc, I just have a different opinion on the moderation system is all.
  19. Not always a good thing. Personally I think a moderator who does there work without an entire forum noticing is the best, and that's just what Fox does. If Fox sees a problem she mostly deals with it in the most silent way possible, which I think is better, less drama for people to build. Just because you can't SEE them doing work, doesn't mean they aren't. Keep in mind a lot happens behind the scenes.
  20. At least it's not another, "I'm leaving, this place sucks now!" Topics.
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