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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Also for the record my name is NOT Cindy or Cyn, it's Cynthia, no shortening or secondary names are used.
  2. A tad procrastinating, because my art teacher told me I should draw about 50-100 hands this week. He isn't requiring it, but it would impress him a lot if I did...

  3. I'll just say the name everyone calls me in real life, which happens to be Cynthia. ;)
  4. How are you this fine day?

  5. Greetings again.

  6. He's not here, and all he would say is probably to go get Linux, which doesn't even solve the problem, because this person clearly wants Windows XP.
  7. Have you made sure the problems aren't with your COMPUTER, and not the Operating system? A LOT of people who have trouble with Vista really just have bad computers that can't run it properly, hell if you switch it to classic mode, it runs about twice as fast...
  8. He's right though, he went to Rhode Island, which is the best art school in the United States, so I'm sure he knows what he's talking about. He's an amazing artist, and an even more amazing inspiration.
  9. Not really, it's as my art teacher says. "Not everything is art, and you haven't really created something, until you've made it over one hundred times. If everything was art, then people would pass wind and claim it to be art."
  10. Actually funny story about that. My brother once made me a bet that he could beat me playing Super Smash Brother's Melee, and I bet him I could defeat him without even using my hands. I used Marth and played using my feet. He lost some good money that day, and pride.
  11. I didn't feel enough effort was put into it to consider it art.
  12. For the record I never thought about using that for sexual or perverted uses.
  13. I was expecting that from someone.
  14. Err... I'm fairly skilled with my feet... I can pick things up, throw things, even undress myself... As awkward as that sounds...
  15. Well I have one that some people might find perverted because of the way it sounds...
  16. Have a talent that is a little bizarre, but something you can do that not many people can?
  17. Decided to make a simple drawing of what my priest looks like. Simple, quick not a lot of time put into it, but it's just a sketch really.
  18. Well you're only fifteen, and a lot of people don't even date at all in high school, and no where does it say you have to, because that isn't what high school is for. You're actually better off waiting until you graduate, no pressure, no worries about being ready for sex, no heart break (Which hurts worse when you're that young), no rumors, no drama. It's really much better to wait.
  19. I wouldn't worry too much, it's not like you're in love with these people, just attractions. Don't fret over it, it's fine having a crush, it's actually better to get used to them. I think everyone wants what they can't have at least once, it's better to help yourself learn that not everyone is going to be interested in you back, something that sadly you have to learn as you grow up.
  20. I decided this wasn't TOO bad, as she's in her underwear, so it's not like it's nudity, a mod can call me on it if it's too borderline.
  21. Name: Cynthia Gender: Female Age: 17 Class: Healer Appearance: Silver hair, silver eyes, casual cloths, black jeans, sleeveless top, and blind. Personality: Quiet, serious, flirty at times. She has a thing for cute boys, and adorable girls. Intentions: Secretly Evil Background info: Her past isn't known by many, and is supposedly full of pain, thus she avoids the question.
  22. Nah, it's just some people are taking their time. Some of them haven't made their characters yet, I'll have to nudge them later. I'm really not in a hurry. Rushed RPs end up bad.
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