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Everything posted by Reikken

  1. What's with the crazy poll options? Danved is definitely not Devdan. Brom: He's a (fat) farmer. That's pretty cool imo. And it doesn't help that I don't like any of the other ones. Mia: Cute, both in appearance and personality. Also, she doesn't suck at combat now! Danved: He's one of the most awesome characters in the game. He fights like ten men, etc.
  2. I think Brawl is better (aside from loltripping. worst idea ever). Melee is too fast and technical. So much so that it's more about technical skill and less about thinking through your moves, using the best ones for the situation. I much prefer emphasis on the latter.
  3. The +5 is for a player beorc attacking an enemy laguz. I'm not as familiar with what happens when it's the other way around.
  4. Transformed laguz level is counted as 2x their displayed level. Untransformed ones count 1x level. Then there's also another bonus added on top of that that may vary between difficutly modes. I know it's +5 exp for hard mode for beorc attacking enemy laguz. Dunno about laguz vs laguz.
  5. lol Baselard is not a good weapon. I can forge a silver lance/axe with better stats than that. And to that I can add a coin to make it even better. Can't do that with a Baselard. Then every knife that's not Baselard is terrible beyond words. Silver knife = uber expensive Javelin with 5 less hit. (Hand axe has 2 more mt and 10 more hit and is even less expensive. lolz) Silver dagger is on par with other silver weapons... except it can't be forged, which makes it suck hard in comparison. Unforged normal silver weapons suck. (Silver poleaxe and the like are the good ones, and such doesn't exist for knives.)
  6. Klein is pro (at least on HM). He makes one of the hardest parts of the game easier (trying to get everything out of 11A). Not many are awesome enough to one-round those fighters. He can be cool for a few chapters after that, too. He's the only would I would actually consider using at all on a ranked HM run. Still not as a permanent team member, but at least he gets use.
  7. Sigrun wtff get this nub out of here. 25% spd growth and 10% def growth = massive suck. 40% hp growth sucks, too. 45% str growth is ok, but it's undone by the horrible base of lol18. one level to grow before going into 3rd tier. Even characters with low str have 20~22 str at this point. The only physical unit that matches her is Heather, and she's a thief. Also Sanaki. Archsages suck already, but now I'm forced what's essentially a sage (2nd tier) with archsage-level mag/luck/res and a good prf tome. and Sothe. Knives suck, as does his fixed late promotion, lol caps, and fail def growth. Wind is a terrible affinity, too. and Ranulf, because I just don't want to use him. I'm low on unit slots, and he's occupying one of them. His affinity and transform gauge don't help his case.
  8. I think Nindendo tried to make FE10 easier in some ways though. Most FE games don't round. They truncate (any decimal past a whole number is removed). FE10 rounds.
  9. When there are no units to trade with her? No edit: nvm.. it's apparently not a solo.
  10. She was actually assumed to not get Paragon. (as opposed to assuming that she gets it 25% of the time or something)
  11. 3-12 is full of fail enemies, so that's not a problem. 3-13 is a defend chapter, and laguz can't attack across ledges. Plug the ledges with n00b units, and put nonfail units in the few places people can actually be attacked from. Only two spots can be attacked by beast laguz if you do this (Volug and Nolan probably go here), and a few others can be attacked by hawks. Give Leo a Master Seal and a crossbow, and he can slay hawks. If the ballista operators don't kill them first. Perhaps you misread? There are 46 kills in 3-6 alone. We have 3-6 and 1-E. Also, 20/9 wasn't a calculated estimate. Even if 8 levels in those two chapters is a level or two too high, it matters little. 3-7's exp wasn't accounted for either, and Jill is growing over twice as fast as any GM. Also, you failed to account for the fact that exp doesn't only come from kills in that 80 exp a kill thing. Non-kills (with paragon) would be netting around 30 exp. More importantly, though still a bit irrelevant to this particular topic, what's the problem with not one-rounding anything without beastfoe? The only one doing any of that without a crit is brave sword Zihark on cats. Edward, Meg, Leo, Ilyana, Fiona, and maybe Aran Then the units that gain jack for exp are Volug, Tauroneo, etc. Sothe and Zihark may sometimes gain more than 1 exp, but it's still not much. The only units that don't fail and actually gain exp from enemies are Jill, Nolan, and maybe Aran. That's not a lot to distribute exp over. So you're obviously biasing kills towards these units whenever you can help it. Now, there's no going out of the way to set up kills or any crap like that. It's not like they're getting nearly every kill on the map. To be promoted by 1-E, Jill is getting 20-25% of the kills in those 3 chapters.
  12. ah haha They don't need to be better than the best units, or even on par with them, to be speeding things up. They only need to be better than the last two picks. Jill is probably most comparable to Ulki. She, at 20/9 vs base Ulki, has offense and mobility about equivalent to Ulki's (except against swordmasters, since they're too fast for Jill), and while her avoid and hp are lower, her avoid is still quite high, and def is higher, and she doesn't ph34r crossbows. She has no problem with thunder mages either. Ike's authority stars means thunder magic is a joke against her avoid. She does, however, depend on being in support range to have that high avoid. And Ulki has transformation issues. Then Jill gains levels and str faster than Ulki gains atk from supports. Ulki doesn't gain exp for a long time. Compared to Mia.. On offense, they have the same atk (assuming +2 atk from supports for Mia and Mia at 20/15 (is that too high?)), and Mia has spd to double swordmasters and has +10 crit from class. If Mia supports Ike/Oscar, they have the same avoid, and Jill has about 6 more def. If Mia is supporting wind/dark/thunder, Jill has 15 more avoid and 6/4 more def. And Jill obviously has much better mobility. Compared to Haar... Haar does 7-8 more damage per hit (more if supporting a +atk affinity), but he also tends to hit only once, while Jill almost always doubles. He has only about a 50% chance of doubling the uber slow things with 18 AS, but even armors can be fast in this game. Sword ones get up to 20 AS in 3-8, and he has about a 5% chance of being fast enough for that. Axe and lance armors only have 17~19 AS, though. Sages have 18~20 AS, and most other things, like halberdiers and snipers have 20~21. Fortunately (especially for Jill, since her spd is capped, and she's just barely getting the high end things), enemy AS hardly goes up at all from there (30% spd growth is about the average. SMs have 35, halberdiers have 30, snipers have 25 (lolwut), and almost all others have one of those three). Unfortunately for Haar, his spd doesn't go up much either with his crappy growth. Thus Jill's offense > Haar's. On defense, Jill wins easily whenever in support range. 117-118 avo + 22 def > 82-89(104) avo + 26-28(26) def (Ike/Oscar support in parenthesis). Haar has more hp, but Jill has more res and crit avo. 3HK'd by magic (2 and something without massive phail atk is generally enough for the kill--not that Jill fares any better, avoid aside, but that's without avoid), 2HK'd by dark mages. And even if he has Nullify, Haar's res and crit avo still suck so much that he can be OHK'd by thunder mages. If out of support range, Haar usually wins defense.
  13. <Paperblade> 3-7 is a swamp, 3-8 has lava and hill-things that he can canto out of/fly over, 3-11 he can fly over holes/block them) where any loss he has to assholes with better stats like Gatrie and Titania are compensated for by the fact that he beats them down on mobility in most of the chapters (Horses get beat down to foot unit move by thickets, can't cross swamp/thickets, which just increases Haar's advantage). Jill has this, but oh wait... <Reikken> "but oh wait..." Jill can go to these chapters, too. It's not about exp <HeroMystic> If you let your allies do most of the work, which is bad for the DB when your allies fail hard next chapter and none of the DB is doing so hot, especially Sothe. So why take Jill over to the GM and make her a... slightly sub-par unit when she can stay with the DB and be an invaluable one? <Reikken> I'm not saying it's always necessarily the best course of action, but it's certainly a viable option. Having two options is clearly an advantage. It'll make 3-13 harder, but the chapters they're in are now easier. While these chapters are probably easier than 3-13, it's also not possible to make 3-13 go any faster, but these can be sped up. So that may be a better course of action. and either way > only one way <Reikken> 8 levels in 1-E and 3-6 doesn't sound unreasonable to me. 3-6 especially is rich in exp. The enemies give loads of exp, and you have 46 kills and liek 5 units killing them. <dondon151> Jill's promoted by 1-E? Jill has 1-6 and 1-7 to gain 6 levels; I don't think so. <Reikken> 1-6 has two parts, and you can get another level or so off bexp. 1.7 lvs per map is quite feasible. Just don't feed kills to fail units or unnecessarily give kills to Sothes and such.
  14. He's sucky on hard mode due to spd/underleveled, the same issues that plague all dark users in English FEs.
  15. best affinity varies by character, of course but overall, I think anima is best. Why? Earlygame (aka the only part when enemies aren't 500 levels lower than you), avoid and crit are rather worthless, while atk and def reign supreme. How does the JP affinity thing work? What blood type for what affinity?
  16. I think staff exp should vary by the user's level, also. (Doesn't the DS one do this?) As it is, staffers gain more exp later on, and less earlier on. With that change, though, the lower exp at higher levels will be offset by having higher level staves. Or, saying it another way, the lack of access to high level staves earlier on is offset by gaining more exp from what staves you do have.
  17. I'd rather see peg archers... Though mage pegs and staff pegs could be cool, I guess. Though probably OP'd. Just adding that to current pegs certainly would.
  18. Counterattacking with staves is worthless. I don't know that I've ever countered for nonzero damage. Well, there was Elincia in 2-P iirc. But other than that Anyway, I haven't had any problems leveling up staff users. On the contrary, they're more often gaining more exp than anyone else. The only exception to this is Laura. The DB's part 3 chapters give ridiculous amounts of combat exp, but Laura still gains staff exp. Though part of this may also be because I don't play the easier modes, and combat exp is generally higher on those than on the harder ones. So, then, the change I would make is.... If combat exp differs according to difficultly setting, staff exp should too. Hard mode is fine, but increase staff exp for easier modes. Another problem would be that underleveled healers don't gain exp any faster, while underleveled combat units do. And the same holds true for the reverse, resulting in some healers being on way higher levels than others, like Serra and Ellen.
  19. It's not that it's hard; it's just... slow, and there's no better way to do it. If it were slow because it actually required strategy, then that would be fine, but it's not. It's just tedious.
  20. You get hardly any units to use, leaving little in the way of strategic options. Luck is a much bigger factor than tactics, etc. It's the same reason I hate the BK fight in FE9. and 1-9: You can't see anything, and enemies come from both sides, so if you're on hard and don't have a substantially RNG blessed Micaiah, you have to have the enemy layout memorized or you'll get killed. This may happen even with a pwnsauce Micaiah. 2-1: You have to have Brom sit there for several turns hacking away at the enemy armor units in your way, which is lame, and Nephenee can't do anything to help out, so she goes down to recruit Heather among other things, and there her performance is dictated by luck, and being a single unit, it's not very involving at all. At least the way I do it. If there's a better way, please tell me.
  21. fail tier names I also disagree with much of the placement, but that doesn't matter as much as the fail tier names.
  22. lolw1n @ comic and no, there are differences in their spd. Soren may not be double attacking on hard mode, but he can do it on normal. They have the same spd growth, but Soren's base is 2 higher than Micaiah's average at the same level (...or 4 if you transfer spd). Soren also has a lot more time to gain exp. Micaiah spends most of her time catching up to Soren. Soren uses his to widen the level difference again. Then Soren cap rams several stats very quickly, so giving him bexp level ups then gets his spd up much faster than it would normally rise. From there, he'll cap speed before reaching lv 20, and then he can do something else Micaiah can't do (until much later): promote!
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