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Everything posted by Reikken

  1. Klein for nice bases, or Dorothy for that nifty Saul support.
  2. more useful than Jill? really? That's certainly arguable.
  3. Indeed. Everyone sucks less on normal mode than on hard, but Lilina is still worse than most of the other character options.
  4. Mist's was so, so, so bad. Rolf's was pretty bad, too, but not noticeably worse than anyone else's.
  5. Though it has one of my favorite chapters, probably part 2. I hate 2-1 (by far the worst, 1-9 aside), and 2-2 is among my least favorite. Though 2-P is one of my favorites, it's short, and that only leaves two more chapters. 2-E is pretty epic, and 2-3 is meh. And then I can't forge anything, and I can't assign/remove skills, which is really bad, and I also really have no choice in who I can use, which is also pretty bleah.
  6. ....wtf? What does speed have to do with attacking from a distance? Anyway, so you were not talking about bosses? Then lolwut @ quoting someone and then talking about something completely different, not even addressing the quote at all. That makes perfect sense.
  7. Anima is really accurate, so skill isn't that much of a problem. The main thing that kills her is speed.
  8. Gel does have massive spd, so he's not like other bosses, but his tile he's on has avoid on the low end (20 instead of 30).
  9. It's accurate, but bosses have so much avoid that you need more than just an accurate weapon.
  10. sortakinda I'll probably pick this back up once exams are over.
  11. This way also makes it more trouble to find the debate's associated votes.
  12. Reikken


    You like The Mars Volta? W1n. Awesome band. and hello
  13. I do think Shinon is better than Rolf. By the time Rolf joins, he'll be stronger than Shinon, yes, but that's only after he was sucking it up for several chapters, or after he used a lot of bexp. Baby Shinon for a few chapters, too, and/or give him a lot of bexp, and he'll be just fine as well. Then he has earlygame use. Or looking at it another way... You can throw Bastian in for chapters that you have more unit slots than actual team members and have him help out a bit there, but with Rolf, he starts out mega phail, and you have to invest a lot in him, only to get an only average unit, or even below average.
  14. Uh... okay? She's a ranged attacker with good offense.
  15. You don't get any extra unit slots, but you can not field someone like Sothe.
  16. Indeed. But you don't need to level her up at all. In fact, she helps others level up without needing any exp herself. It doesn't need to be one or the other. You can use both.
  17. Red Tide alone makes Ena and Gareth better than many others, especially Ena. Hard to level? Terrible atk? etc. Who cares? You don't even need to level them.
  18. None of them stand out as being terrible. but.. Reading some of the insulting ones was lol. You have people apologizing and saying "we'll do better next time", and then you get to Raven and Canas: "Useless...", "You seem to lack even basic skills."
  19. Sothe, Tauroneo, Volug, etc. They're good. Use them. Stop trying to level your Edwards and Megs. They suck. It's not hard. You get someone or multiple someones who can solo the map for almost every chapter of part 1.
  20. Lyre is the worst. She loses in atk to Mist by about 4 when she joins (loses to Ike by like 20 and to Titania by about 23). And the only thing she can do is attack melee, and she has transformation issues, and with the worst transform gauge, too. At least Fiona becomes decent when leveled up. Earth affinity for massive avoid, possibly best Wishblade user, etc. Transformation issues stick with Lyre forever, and her atk power is poor forever as well. She's not even underleveled when she joins (gains exp like a 20/14), and she doesn't have promotion bonuses to look forward to.
  21. I do. As you can see by my first post. She floors everyone for half the game, and then she's still great after that. She doesn't drop from that until she caps out at max level and others start approaching max level as well, if that even happens at all. Being by far the best for so long (and being available for every chapter in the game save the prologue and half of ch 2) warrants her being that high. Especially when she's good while few to no others are, while later in the game, lots of people are good, making being good worth a bit less. You forgot that spd exists. Boyd has lots of trouble doubling. He still has some trouble even later on in the game. And you forgot mobility. You can't kill what you can't reach. And even hit. Mono axes and meh skl/luck makes for poor hit. Durability plays a huge part in killing, too. It's no good if you move to kill something but get killed because of it. No, midway through the game, she's still on par with the best. Kieran ties her in offense as soon as he promotes and then slowly proceeds to exceed her, but Oscar still loses for quite a while. Yes, Oscar and Kieran win in avoid by a lot, but the goal is to not die, not never get hit, so much of that is just overkill. Titania's defenses are quite good.
  22. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=5384 Also, -W1n- Titania -Top- Jill Kieran Oscar Boyd Reyson Tanith -High- Marcia Ike Makalov Astrid Mist Muarim Mordecai Volke Nephenee -Upper Mid- Stefan Rhys Brom Geoffrey Soren Zihark Tauroneo Ilyana Lethe Tormod Calill Haar Sothe -Lower Mid- Gatrie Devdan Mia Largo Nasir Ranulf Ena Ulki -Low- Janaff Shinon Elincia Rolf -Bottom- Lucia Bastian
  23. Kieran, Reyson and yes, Rolf does turn out average. And he starts off terrible.
  24. I like how the poll is missing three of the best characters.
  25. Resolve. Ike+Aether (if he's strong enough) + Ena+Resolve = w1n
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