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Everything posted by Reikken

  1. It is when combined with a +crit weapon, and even moreso when also combined with Adept Don't forget that often she doubles where others do not. Only Shinon doubles almost everything, and even he doesn't double swordmasters. 48.2% on a double attack 42.2% when Shinon doubles Anyway, what I'm saying is that fact that she uses it the best is a point in her favor.
  2. rofl or 1 assault lol wyverns
  3. SPEED. She doubles things while others have trouble doing so. And crit, too. Even if it's not reliable, it's nice to have. She also makes the best use of Adept since she has the most spd and doubles everything, so that helps her usefulness a bit.
  4. Considering that most other games have all kinds of hidden stats and complex formulas and random variation in damage, whereas in Fire Emblem, you can know exactly how much damage will be dealt and the chance of getting hit or missing, etc.--everything is there where you can see it--, I would totally and completely disagree.
  5. I'm almost always up for a brawl. PM, IM, whatever. IM works best, since it's instant and all. Also, 1289-7923-0216
  6. I haven't seriously used anyone who sucks too much. Klein and Ray are the two worst I've used, used on my first run. I was told that they were good, but they indeed performed rather poorly when I used them. And now I know why.
  7. Having enough spd to double attack is pretty concrete. Also, having 100 hit instead of liek 80 is also, in a way.
  8. Percival Geese Ephraim Ike Cormag Marcus Dieck Pent Shinon Soren Lucius
  9. everyone who cares about more than just the end of the game, obviously Not that's not even remotely true. Eh what? Now you're talking about something completely different. This was about which DB units have better or worse defenses. Or rather, where Meg ranks among them.
  10. I'm not saying that people don't favor units. What I'm saying is that Nolan, etc. can be favored just as well, and that this favoring also comes at a cost. The difference is that your "hypothetical situation" completely ignores these facts.
  11. What you like to do doesn't change how good the units are. Someone may like to give Micaiah all their speedwings and reset whenever she doesn't get a +speed level up, but that doesn't mean she has good speed. Yes, you can give unit X 5 million points of exp, and they'll level up a lot. But you can also give unit Y that 5 million points of exp. If unit Y is better with neither getting an increased exp gain and also better when both get it, then unit Y is obviously better. And giving either of these units that 5 million points of exp shafts other units out of exp (It doesn't necessarily have to be by an omg-game-breaking amount, so don't give me that "it's not like they're gaining zero exp" crap. The fact is that they are indeed gaining less exp).
  12. Attack with 90 hit 100 times, and you're bound to miss a couple of them.
  13. There's your problem. Equivalent levels simply don't exist. All level does is affect growth rate and capping. Nolan starts higher and has 3 more chapters to level before Meg appears. He's like 9 levels higher to start off. Getting Meg to lv 15 takes about as much or more than it takes to get Nolan to lv 20. So he's always faster, and his hp lead is much more substantial than her def lead until much later. But then when later comes around, Nolan can get a +4 def whenever he needs to. More luck, yeah. She gets that. But she still always loses by a lot in avoid regardless, due to supports (and later, speed). Same thing on levels for Jill. Jill wins in def even before supports (Meg ties it up later), and her spd like 3 higher than Meg's is, always. Except it's by like 4-5 starting off and for the two times that Jill is promoted and Meg not. And Jill wins in avoid before supports as well. And by even more after supports. Meg does pull out a win in hp later, and she wins in res right away. Yes, it's easy to catch her up by using her more than Nolan. But then I could do the opposite just as easily (or more easily, rather, since Nolan is better at combat), and instead widen the level difference. Or give them both roughly the same amount, and the level difference slowly decreases. And the third scenario is the average of what you get when considering all three possibilities. I don't know what you're talking about with that last sentence, though. The "even on the bosses" is a great exaggeration. Anyway, while his exp gains are garbage, he's gaining something else that's just as valuable: strike levels. Getting that +5 (and +10) attack is very helpful.
  14. I certainly wouldn't. Taking Tethys >> taking 11th best unit or whatever
  15. Jill and Sothe have better Volug and Zihark are borderline/same Including temporaries, then all of those also have better. Defenses? You mean like including hp, etc? Then Nolan as well, and Volug goes into the ridiculously-better category. 100% chance to get doubled starting out, 35% chance to get doubled after a level up
  16. I don't really care so much about prepromote vs not as joining substantially overleveled vs not. Like in part 2 of FE10, Even though Haar and Lucia are the same tier as Nephenee, it's almost like Orson vs Kyle or Cuan vs Noishe.
  17. meh @ ability to wield weapons It doesn't do much to deter enemies from attacking since she still has super low hp/def and would do garbage damage. Multiple refresh would be the best. Canto/re-move would also pwn massively. Ninian rings might also be w1n depending on uses/availability. Just having more move would also be nice... at least better than weapon-wielding.
  18. Remember that this is about hard mode. You likely don't even have enough bexp to give her a level yet. It takes 400 for her to level up. Beating all the chapters within the maximum bexp limit and having 4 units escape in ch 3 gives you 350. And her avoid doesn't get high enough to be worth anything at all in part 1. Maybe in part 4? Indeed it is on the high side. But when you take out the ranged attackers, looking only at the meleers, she's about in the middle. Unless you're also counting units that are temporary (Nailah, Tauroneo, etc), in which case it's on the low side.
  19. Awesome throughout or awesome by the end? Shinon is awesome right away, especially on hard, where he's one of the only units double-attacking things. I can't say as much for Leonardo or Rolf. Almost half her hp isn't great? Anyway, she gets two-rounded, just like Edward and Aran. perfect if you want to spend 20+ turns. As is, they don't heal nearly enough to be worth anything. +4 hp, is it? Yeah, that doesn't help.
  20. Eh wot? How does adding something make it worse?
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