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Everything posted by SPSEliwoodGabriel

  1. ...Good luck making a freaking sequel with all those MARRIAGE possibilities...
  2. To be honest, I had a LOT of ho-yay from Chrom and Male!Robin for some reason... And Chrom's body. Unf.
  3. I personally LOVE the fact Chrom is like a royal Ike personality-wise... Porbably because Ike's personality was the biggest thing that attracted me to him. And his costume design might make no sense in the first place, but I did noticed his left side (our right)represents him being a Prince, and his right side represents him being the Shepherds' captain. Also, garter gags.
  4. Are you kidding? French is my native tongue, so learning more about the French translation excites me!
  6. Excited? I am HYPED. ...Granted, I blame my latest RP with a friend that involved Chrom and Einherjar!Ike for it... And the fact he's hot... and the fact my Eowyn game could use the challenge...
  7. I pressed start when the event popped up for Emmeryn, because either way, she was going to fall. Actually, I did that with all the choice moments except the last one , and even then, I skipped straight to the credits. I already knew what was going on. And if you've been checking out my Magical Adventures, you'd know how I'd react towards Emmeryn's big scene. Still love her, thought. She's AWESOME.
  8. ...Now I have the urge to use that song and create a crack!version of me singing ridiculous lyrics to it and having Matt Mercer!Chrom react to said lyrics.
  9. Hey, as someone who loves learning words and their definition, FE:A is the best game ever. And I seriously want to know more about the French translation, seeing I speak it.
  10. Uh, not the characters exactly, but my fan characters? I used Spotpass!Ike to make an alternate Ike that knows some pretty crazy magic.
  11. Well, according to our local Wiki, not really. There are some unique conversations between Chrom and Emmeryn that I can see right now... Chrom asking about her mood and her dreams, and she's got unique answers to that.
  12. When I saw the cats I was like, "OMG KITTIES THEY MUST BE MOUSERS SQUEEEEEEE!"...yeah I tend to be a weeaboo at times.
  13. AAAAAH EARGASM~~! Okay I'll stop. But really, did I mentioned that the first song GOT ME HOOKED? I blame Brawl's inclusion of that song in the Shadow Dragon Medley, but that song is AWESOME. ...And is that the attacking theme from Gaiden?! Fffff that is AWESOME. And that main theme should be freaking OFFICIAL. Official, you hear me? And this is the first time I heard Grannvale's battle theme... if they remake that game this remix should be the replacement. And that version of the attack theme from Mystery... those strings are GODLY. And then the timpani... Ugh. ...Wait a minute, is that... nope, not from Marth's game, turns out it's one of the Crisis themes from FE4. Awesome, new music to like! ...And the other Grannvale theme... again, PUT IT IN A REMAKE. And... that's Arvis' battle theme. HOLY SHIIIIII-. This one for Verdane's Army sounds pretty amazing! And Silesse's Army theme? THAT HARP~~~~! And they arranged Isaach's Castle theme in a different key, it's much more cheerful. And- wooooah wait, IS THAT LIGHT AND DARK? Call me crazy, but those drums... UNF. And this remix of Beyond the Sky? Not bad, not bad! ...And that version of the Black Fang's theme... sweet lord that sounds much more intimidating than the original version! And Utopia... ahhhh, it's so freaking pretty~! And Distant Travels' remix is pretty good, too! And OMG LEGEND OF THE DIVINE DRAGON EPIC~! ...It's not bad at all! ...And Lyn's wish is DSJFHSDJKHNFAKSLJ KA-WA-I-I!!! ...*coughs* Yeah, had to let the weeaboo out. And HOLY CRAP REQUIEM IS AMAZING. Ffff Together We Ride is AWESOME. Comrades is... pure magic. And this one... Truth Despair and Hope... it's pretty awesome, I'd say! And Lyon's Sadness... ...are those harpichords? Please tell me that's a harpichord soundfount. AAAAAAAHHHH. And is that With Us?! Holy crap that's amazing~! It's 10x more EPIC! And Decisive Attack... Woooah. It's awesome. And that version of To Challenge Ashnard 2? Damn it's dramatic. Love it. Ascent's pretty great, too! And again, the Fire Emblem Main theme. Awesome as always. And the CHIPTUNES. Those are pretty cool! ...Can you guys even read this?
  14. Wow, Emmeryn's talking business here! ...Hmm. I wonder if I should do extra The Red/The Golden tomes for her... And what can I use for her "The Blue", seeing it's a Brave Sword...
  15. I kinda like the name Morgan, so I wouldn't rename them. However, depending on their parents is whenever or not they're just "Morgan" or they have longer names. Example, Morgan as Chrom's son is Morgan-Marth Chrom Ylisse.
  16. Right now it's pretty random atm, but once I get everyone I want maxed in my Eowyn file, I'll have "House Ylisse" become my main Streepass. With epic weapons. ...Has the whole "spotpass/DLC/other Avatar" problem been dealt with?
  17. ...Did I just heard a reference to the triangle attack?!
  18. My guilty pleasure is making the DLC/Spotpass/Alternate Avatars more uber than the game characters.
  19. EMMERYN AND FEM!AVATAR WITH A SUPPORT. Any spell under Emmeryn's hand is A NUKE. That's what happens when you have sisters-in-laws be awesome.
  20. Priam can be MY cannon anytime, ifyouknowwhatImean.
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