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Shaky Jones

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Everything posted by Shaky Jones

  1. You could do that, but why deny Frost this one opportunity he's ever gonna get? Don't do him dirty man. He deserves some love. Sides, he needs 2 arms scrolls for excalibur gaming in chapter 19 when those dracos come about and the wyvern dragons later on. Course in maniac, enough bow units might do just fine and you can grind a rank to use only one. Heck, if you're willing to cheese to get away with 72+ units, you can grind tome rank on his joining chapter with all those unarmed bishops. Fortress Knight Emblem.
  2. FE1 fans every time a new unit joins (they have to trade in map) FE9 fans being forced to bench Titania for Rolf Awakening fan's live reaction to being told there's more than Chrom Robin pair up in the game (this is their 11th run): Fates fans using an army of bosses over child units Jotari trying to kill Medeus (he couldn't get falchion)
  3. Ah yes, this propaganda will surely convince others to finally use Frost in New Mystery. Good thinking. FE3 and FE5 fans when growth boosters: FE6 fans when they can't solo with Rutger for the 7th run in a row: Nino when FE7 fans finally use her again: FE8 fans replacing Seth with Duessel: FE11 fans trading their 15 might ridersbane from Hardin to Palla: FE12 fans realizing they have to use the entire wolfguard unit (they actually have to recruit them): Gaiden, Genealogy, Radiant Dawn, and SoV fans: 3 Houses: Ring Game:
  4. My body's trying to die 60 years in advance, so I don't think I'll reply to any old posts. Ruben, say things I would've said about act 2's ending and whatever BS maps I missed for me, por favor. Okay, guess I missed nothing. Gaiden still being Gaiden. Pobre Gnip. Automatically, Gaiden becomes way more fun than SoV from angel ring strats. Something about this is so addicting for me. Of course, in my run, it was mainly Mae, Atlas, and Sonya to an extent that was blessed with it. My fliers were okay, and Kamui also did well enough. Boy was a lost cause, and Valmahballs couldn't catch up with Force gaming for endgame. Still, it was kinda fun tryna get people past 30 in stats. Nice. I'm more of a Tigerstance Nomah kinda bone, but this is great. If it helps, Alm's way more aggressive in both the manga and the brief appearance he has in the awakening DLC. The idea of oonga boonga conqueror Alm was always there, but highly limited due to the NES being a brick. So, in this new console meant to revitalize this old beast of a game, they chose to rewrite his character in a way that completely invalidates Celica's purpose as a character. Hell, Walhart was arguably created as a sign of what Alm could've become without Celica's kindhearted guidance, but as we all know, SoV Alm would've basically have been fine on his own other than the 1 or 2 instances of random levers and shit have to be pulled, which fuckin anyone can do. It's not Celica's character that does anything. It's just "the story decrees that only the princess that open the gate so that's very convenient for Alm". Also here's a ginger. Celica needs said Sirius fanboy to tell her she's stupid so she can still do stupid things and realize she was 100% in the wrong about basically everything, which she outright tells Alm. All this starts right after the yelling scene, making it a sign of awful things to come, as opposed to this being "Damn girl, what's with you? Anyways, it's fighting time!". Kinda bad, but it could've been worse. Boy oh boy, it could've been fucking worse...
  5. Bro getting hallucinations from all that desert. Please don't take the Todd route Kaga. This is America. We're known to make people take shit from people who can't recognize the manipulation of the two party system. Unlucky. Poor Godrin. Nobody chooses him. I meant modern FE. Engage mainly. 3 Houses also does moving bosses (usually) on maddening at least, but it's 3 Houses. Get hunter's volley'd bozo. At least I don't have to deal with 50 hit in that game. I'm pretty sure the government would find a way to give you guys beard with the money they make reserving cures for terminal diseases from the common folk. Kaga...bad? Your mind: "Hmm, I wonder whether any homosexual implications were conjured during the original conception, and the degree of which fanslators would take said possibility into account back then" My mind: "Haha, gay sex funny." We are not the same.
  6. "I agree, but also I'm right and everytime you disagree with me, you get 5 pedo points." What 2 minutes of fanservice does to the brain When disliking a thing is presumed to be projection (this now arguably becomes its own projection). It's just like my 3 Houses debates!
  7. All this finger pointing, I'm starting to think you're projecting. Perhaps...you're trying to distract everyone from finding out that you're the reptile! That sounds like something a reptile would say. More memorable than Celica's healer girl. I'm guessing this is another quote. I will slash anyone who uses /s. What do you think this feature is for. Oh sure, just a few 20 levels. That'll show the baddies who's boss. All 5 of them left. Now I'm baffled that they actively decided everything else was worth keeping. Another boon of bosses no longer being stationary emblem is that we no longer have to deal with avoid bonuses. Can't believe it took us this long. Now this the part where Ruben tells me about KagaSaga boss design.
  8. not enough to prefer fe3 UI over crit emblem apparently If anyone makes an argument to me that involves "turn counts", I schleep. Roll deez nuts across ya beard. You'd be surprised by the skeletons found at my local elementary school. I remember my first time holding a squirrel's skull. It looked so cool dude. Skeletal structures are amazing. But no, I'm just a skeleton of a human, and I will absolutely kill any humanoid foreign being that attempts to integrate itself within human society. My main goal is to rise up my skeleton army and have them peel out the human skin encasing their beautiful selves. "Look look! It's thing I did! I remember making thing! Recognition!" No but it's completely understandable. I get giddy when referenced in other discussions, and that's mostly just when talking about stupid shit I did with funny units. If I made a whole ass hack, I'd want it shown too. Anything that isn't above 90% will miss. That's the Gaiden guarantee. Bro thought his choices mattered Or, get this, make good maps without critical rng. If only there was actual map design going on instead of 10 pirates just rushing towards you or the not green units if you didn't rush. Most creative Gaiden strategy. Why do you think I didn't restart with a new patch when offered? Damn. Gnip's already developing Stockholm Syndrome. Kaga can't keep getting away with this! Put 3 units in a mostly empty square so the chunks of axe men don't get choke pointed on turn 1. This is the extent of Kaga's master game design in Gaiden. Bravo. Based? I dunno man. Sage Kamui was pretty crazy. And I vibe with the guy. Kaga made a game created for the purpose of rotting your brain to the point where you become a subservient husk that does not control or seek better. Kaga did the education system first. But it'd be so funny to just put them on avoid tiles and be mage enemies with a res stat. Engage reference! This was the peak that they needed to reference. Dragons, and cantor. The true Celica experience. Too bad these weren't actual stylized dungeons that you played ol RPG fashioned or something. That would've been nice. I just can't be a fan of these types of promotion bonuses, and I'm surprised they brought this back for 3 Houses. How hard is it for FE to just give up FE6 tier promo gains with cool animated classes?
  9. From the same man who decapitated Wrys in front of Ruben's eyes while his hypnotized slave girls watch as he hands him a 33 use sword and tells you to rescue the damsels in distress. What a role model you have This implies I would kill all humans and allow a foreign race to rule over us. Turn 3: Reinforcements Shakes: "Well now, Ruben's filling the empty map with enemies chasing me as I go along." Turn 4: Reinforcements Turn 5: Reinforcements Turn 6, 7, and 8: Reinforcements Shakes: "Huh..." Turn 9, 10, and 11: Shakes: "Shit, that was my last javelin. The map just capped in enemies. Is this a glitch? Nah, Ruben wouldn't make a mistake like this. I, Dr Shaky Jones, have full faith in my good companion, Saint Rubenio! He just made another shitty map." Turn 13: Shakes: "Ruben, I've come to make an announcement You're a bitch ass motherfucker." Ruben: "My bad G, here's a new patch." Shakes: "Nah I'm good." It was worth it though. I'd post screenshots of killing her and/or what happens, but I don't want to spoil it. It's a great scene. Kudos to you, Spanish man. And somehow, it only gets worse from here. For sure, I found a team of mages to be kind of fun when playing FE2. It's not as nice in SoV because there's a lot of value in combat arts, and as you'll soon discover, the rings are quite something to equip here. I ended up liking Celica rout more than Alm in this game. I want to die slightly less than I thought I would. Unlucky! How do you make someone happy? Take away everything from them and watch their standards shatter. The Kaga special. me when youtuber opinion. Should've done soldier Grey.
  10. I'm tempted to try using him, just for the novelty of using what's apparently the worst character in the game, and so that I at least use one Soldier. Maybe then Ruben won't come over to Germany and change my wifi password. I'll see about the Speed Ring - since Gaiden is all Rout instead of all Seize, there's not as much incentive to drop the "boots" on the lord Something something Star Wars reference. I mean he wasn't that hard to use for me, but if he's apparently the worst, then I'll gladly pat myself on the spine. Maybe I already said this and forgot. Maybe Ruben said this. Maybe the Bible said it. I will say I completely forgot about 12x. For some reason I thought about 12 as 12x, maybe because x chapters love the darkness. Yeah, it's unimaginably dumb. Although, I probably still hate 14x more because you can't skip it. The whole point is to save villagers, and how the fuck are you supposed to do that, when there are R A N D O M L Y G E N E R A T E D dark mage reinforcements in a fog map that you basically can't prevent in any way!? Hell, if they can't reach capture range, but can attack from a distance, they'll do it, so you just lose right there because you didn't expect a mage to spawn in a completely random tile and one shot your green unit. It's actually one of the dumbest and most unfair maps in the series. Even with a guide and save states, it's bullshit. That's a perfect description. It even fits with FE11 vs FE12. I really love some FE12 maps, but that game is home to some absolute Arran's disease that drives one mad, while FE11 mostly has good maps overall, with a few boring maps, and one crappy map (wooden shittery). And I eat up the slop like a starving piggy. ilovearchaneailovearchaneailovearchanea- Look, I don't know why I love replaying the Altea caste map in 6 different forms, but if it's good, keep giving it to me before we get another Genealogy or a 3 Houses. This speaks a lot about my political views, because Fire Emblem is a deep franchise that delves into- is that so... Oh c'mon! I don't hate girls! I hate IS's marketing of them and the mindless drone of fans that drown out anything that isn't tits on screen. So most FE girls. Setsuna's funny. You never saw me shit on Etie or Pannete. Or Rinkah...Or Nailah........ Shiiiiit, it's all muscles with me, isn't it? Oh well, at least I can respect units where it counts. Setsuna being there proves I don't just look for conventionally attractive traits. Why is that so hard for everyone? You're not playing a game to be turned on. I just question why everyone loves it. If not even Stingy Rubenio is immune to the supposed charm of it, then I might be dysfunctional. Just a husk. So there, I'm a skeleton IRL. You can't disprove it. We both know why you'd never try this in America. Nah, those are just the units Shakes hates. Amelia: A classic meme unit that is the banner of elitist seething. I like her purely for that. Boy: I would make a joke about her age, but that's about half of the FE6 cast, so the FE6 remake release will be quite the month when the waifu art quintuples and Twitter finds out. My brother likes her, so I don't. Lilina: I will beat her to death. Thank you Ruben. This is one of the only ways SoV players can find something unique to do in their game, because they're too cowardly to kill of their units for extra dialogue. I feel like everyone's killed him at least once in SoV, but I couldn't be bothered here. I do like these sections. Something about exploring the 8 bit castles with npc words on screen excites the retro gamer in me. Now help me get rid of that feeling before I become part of the ninty hive. Gaiden writing > SoV writing I'm in love. Ruben caught lackin I used them both (because I have to), and they were mostly the same. I suppose it does feel easier to use Jenny though I don't exactly recall why. She did get somewhat defense blessed for me. There was something special about Silk in my run though This is such a depressing question. Prioritize. There's nothing! What can you do in this game!? I like Kamui, but Deen was a request, so either is great. Just look at him. It's Gaiden. Who's gonna be offended? The answer is me if you kill Atlas at any point.
  11. My eyes hurt by the end of the game, but the brown was a refreshing change of pace. It accurately represents the shit you've been through. Turn that 6 into 12, and this is literally an FE4 map, or at least a part of it. Fun. It's funny until you're spamming the speed key to hurry up the slow ass animation. Silk gaming? Why not. Is it okay if I use this? Everyone's thrown their 2 cents in, and mine isn't too different, aside from me honestly liking a lot of FE5 maps, although this is me including the unique gimmicks that utilize character behavior/ideologies that make the AI much more believable, and tactics that are very interesting to see done in FE, even if they're a nightmare for the player. I'm not sure if most people include this, and I'm guessing this is an example of that, as it's technically a separate factor, but I generally include it. I've only played Thracia once though, and I made sure to not warp skip any chapters. The lategame was honestly a joke given my capped army and abundance of sleep edges and thief stave uses. It was simultaneously fun to absolutely clown on Kaga's maps, but it does get boring when that feeling of having a staff war with a senile old dev wears off. I don't think 12x is that bad. 14x though. Fuck that chapter. I like Thracia maps mostly, but it's definitely not the best of Kaga. I'd say FE1 being the best as far as map design goes is a lukewarm take. Not many people would find it shocking to hear, although I do suppose Kaga map design is rarely discussed when it's not Judgral, as those are the stereotype elitist games. The only genuine competition is FE3 B2, which I do think trumps FE1 given how many FE1 maps had way too much walking just like fe3 ch3 (why start units 20 tiles away from anything) that fe11 luckily fixed. Then again, FE3 indoor maps are tedious because you're forced to have zero mounts, and sword emblem can be rather boring. Eh, my mind is willing to be changed, but I'll just say fe3 because I love chapter 8 of b2. Still, FE1 is a completely fair and reasonable choice. Is there a problem? But I like the reuses! Hey, you asked. You also called me spiteful, and I proceeded to prove you wrong and ugly by spiting you back and giving you boring suggestions and mage Atlas. And don't imagine for a moment I've forgotten. We'll see who's spiteful It was very obvious that my "suggestions" were jokes purposefully exaggerated to emphasize how impossible it is to make actual funny or unique "builds" for this game. I never actually never expected them to be followed, and I imagine Ruben didn't expect anything for his, either. In other FE games, I think the good units are often boring and over-loved for the most bland reasons, but nothing matters in this game. Use whoever really, but please do use Mage Atlas. "He's a farm boy! A peasant!" Alm turns out to be royalty Nice added plot point. I'd love to say that it's because Echoes generally has good voice acting, but then again, I can hear Elise's TEEHEEHEEYAY in my head, so maybe there isn't much of a correlation. And then I ping AnonymousSpeed to rant about why voice acting is bad I don't think too hard about it. Sometimes I remember lines. Sometimes I don't. No one game gets more recognition from me there. Well I suppose Fates has Odin, and Arthur. For justiiiiice! What's so special about a child-like girl saying a child-like opening? I just don't get it. I tried coming up with another quote to respond with, but I blanked out for 10 seconds. Guess I really don't remember this game. Let's put the guy who's never seen real combat before until now the role of planning offences. Nobody in the Deliverance would know any better.
  12. Stop running for half a second. Turn. Then run again. Good job Ruben! So based. Give me a hug. The sword is half his character. That's like his main thing in his cipher cards. Just dont go praising fe4 when you get there and there'll be hope yet. She's known as an investment unit. This already adds a controversial factor with a lot of FE fans, at least around here. She's definitely not necessary for Alm's rout, so many would find the trouble of training her to not be worth it, whereas others appreciate the highly valuable falcon knight bases that make the forest hell of act 4 less tedious. It's not quite as helpful as celica acts, where it practically feels designed around fliers later on, but not quite unimportant enough to completely shrug it off as a pointless waste of an investment.
  13. You're putting more effort into planning than any sane person who's bothering to play this game. I don't know whether to respect that or make a joke about Ghast whose channel I haven't seen anything from in several years. This is one of the worst features of FE combat. I know coward AI is present in most of Kaga FE, but does it show its horrid colors the most in this game. You're getting a lot of speed growths this early in the game. Maybe Gaiden likes you. I weep. Ruben, every map that is bad will be your fault when I one day get to it.
  14. That's been my take for a while. We have Gnip for talking NES FE. Thanks talking pokemon. Should I ask? I'm getting too annoyed with slowrenes to bother writing another fe4 bad rant. To me, they look the same. Hell, SoV looks worse BECAUSE it's modern. You've come to expect better by now. Why be faithful to this? We just had Conquest! It got hilarious at the 3 minute mark, but I would've lost my mind without youtube 5 minutes in. No I don't wanna be a soldier, Gaiden! THS IS THE 4TH TIME YOU ASKED!! Did Ruben hack my game!? We love being contrarians around here. I just dont like 3ds animations, or any animations 3D really, for FE. Expect RD. I'm oddly hyped seeing that. Most of that IS carried by the music though. Oh my mistake. I sure don't wanna upset the chibi community. They're small enough to look like kickable children. I can't take it seriously.
  15. It's one of those things you brush off as simple and boring, then you learn to appreciate as oddly strategic and well made for a first game, only to go back into not liking it much because it's fucking FE1. Moral is, play FE11. And yet this is worse that FE3, because doing all of the math on your own is better than remembering your defense stat. Look, I know I'm beating a living horse, but that horse needs to realize that I simply can't stop pointing this out until he accepts that he's in no right to go this hard against FE3 for the actual most contradictory reason given the FE1 fanboy that are, and then they replay FE3 with a normally functioning UI tolerating mindset. This is easily the worst thing about FE1. I've ranted enough about it. You said it better than I could. Moral is, play FE11. Spoken like a true FE6 fan. Funny given how this feels like one of the more balanced FE games imo. At least it's more balanced than FE11, and most FE games post Kaga. Yeah, some units are blatantly better than others, like you pointing out Maji being the one good fighter, but it's a very interesting take on "balancing" classes as opposed to 3H simply making the existence of being a wyvern/sniper it's own "make any unit good" button, or several FE games having no interesting method to balancing dragons or armors. It's all very unique and makes units stand out imo, and I like that element. I remember anon making a post about how boring Fates armors are because a skill patching up their biggest flaw being a boring way to fix a type. While I still like Fates armors, I have much more respect for using FE1 armors, even if it is stupid how they can't promote in a game with their class. I dunno. I think the way the growths, bases, and limited number of promotable classes in a game that doesn't push you to get stat blessed really works well, until you cry about how late said promo items come in, and half of the combat is ruined by criticals you can't avoid. But yes, unbalanced units are good. FE1 does a good enough job at making units feel unbalanced enough for my meme-y ass while being balanced enough to work around the game they're in. A very fair tier. I recall making a separate tier exclusively for NES games, as I simply can't rate their clunky-ness to anything, even if I respect way more about FE1 than SoV or 3 Houses. Yes I'm bringing up 3 Houses a lot in this thread, but I'm replaying it right now and I'm fucking hating it. Once I do my Gustav run, I'm benching the hell out of this game. I might put FE1 in C as well just to say it's above 3H and SoV. I might have to actually replay FE1 after seeing your LP to remember just how much I can tolerate Ruben's favorite UI. Ruben, it's your time. Fates players moving onto the next title: Damn. Cliff gaming. That sucks. We need Python gaming. Good luck hitting with either of them. This took me 10 minutes. A fair assessment, although I can understand that they're obligated to place him next to Mars, and the bottom is just a natural spot for him. I usually had a key on him anyways. I still think Gotoh deserves more praise, but I understand the complaint. Just kidding, I'm Shaky Jones. You're wrong, and use the speed shrine on Luthier when you get him. It's fuckin chibis. It's not that cool. Thank you. There it is. Damn, I really tried, but everyone always gets their responses in before mine. Of fucking course you'd say this. How the Thracia did I not see this coming? +5
  16. Man those ps1 demo disks were my childhood. This more than doubles the number of people that agree with you. There's an easy answer. Can I play it on my Nintendo PC?
  17. Ironic. That's usually the main appeal of it. Yeah, FE1 Gotoh is actually competent. Of course, the fact that Medeus is immune to magic is funny, but honestly that should've been in FE7 so people don't just luna crit it, every damn time. Do you feel any more or less interested in trying it out now? Well that's why Ruben, the Saint that he is, used Maji. Riff can only do so much against them 2. They knew that you would've just Wendel Emblem'd otherwise. You have to admit this is leagues above modern kills. A free fortify is already good, but having capped speed and great crit potential just seems wrong to dismiss as okay because he can't damage a specific few number of enemies on endgame. Magic in FE1 always felt really helpful to me given how accurate thoron is, and some enemies are rather tanky here. We can talk shit about Gotoh as a person all day, but I do think he deserves credit gameplay wise in FE1 for at least being a bit like Athos. I mean, what were they supposed to do? Cap his HP? Give him a "this tome damages mage dragons" book? Sounds a bit greedy, and that's a sin. No no no. I shall not succumb. Unless it's 3 Houses. Just skipped 2 of them the other day. Ah, the classic "The Tyrfing is the falchion" theory. Kaga really loved Archanea. It makes me want to believe he was forced into making FE4, so I can forgive his biggest mistake in life. Of course, FE2 will still exist as the "every NES sequel needs to be pointlessly different". Unless you're the lost levels. Marcia helps you until Makalov sells her for pocket money, and Jill gets benched the minute she stops being racist. You owe him. Reply to every single one of his chapter updates. Otherwise, we shall send soldier Gray and Sage Atlus after you.
  18. Fire Emblem fans when you stab them and they bleed out (they thought they had 6 more retreats in them)
  19. This is the map you grind on for last minute growths if you really want to see your units have "lvl 20" on their stat sheet. You must be really excited to play Gaiden. So it's the best team possible. Lucky you. I remember one of my sides was nearly screwed because my worst units were in the same team. Can't remember who they were, but it was stressful, in a fun way though. This is one of the more interesting endgames imo, which is great to say considering that this is the first one. It only gets downhill from here. That's the Kaga promise! Or you enjoy good final kills. Anyone here haven't played FE1 yet? It does feel odd that endgame was just thrown alongside a bunch of other chapters. Now I'm too lazy to write a spiel about my thoughts on FE1. Was expecting a short essay about FE1. Smh, fake poster. In seriousness, reading the not LP did give me a little more appreciation for FE1, and the banter was entertaining. I am curious to hear your overall ranking when you presumably finish all 5 games and list your favorite to least favorite. Maybe even give us an FE tierlist now impacted by gaining knowledge of FE's origin and core structure through the old titles. I know I'm Shaky Jones, but I do genuinely believe she sucks in FE1. The silver lance is Jeigan's, and that arse STR makes a good chunk of the game a pain to use her in. By lategame, you'll have many units who will have good strength, and there's the whitewings that can use the dragonwhip. Then a few chapter later you get the secret shop, so strength stops mattering entirely. Although I suppose I'm the guy that hates early game fliers and doesn't understand the hype that elitists give them, and to my knowledge Ruben is the only other person who shares these beliefs, but I'm sure he'll make an exception for Sheeda for no reason. [insert "Est is best" jpeg here] You just reminded me how shit her FE1 portrait is. I didn't even notice. Thank goodness FE11 didn't just replicate it. Ruben now owes you. Congratulations. You should totally put this in your sig. I like how you gave her boosters and chose to skip the one chapter she's incredibly useful in. Any sage with 20 speed is a good unit, at least with thoron. FE11 Gotoh is just a clown. Swarm is good, but why would I keep that on you? His magic is ass. Speed's good, but not enough to double on H5, and he's certainly still getting 1RKO'd. Even on lower difficulties, he'll be inferior to whoever your mage is, at least I've never had Gotoh stand out in any of my runs. I hope you're ready for a lot of rants. I point and I laugh. Dammit, Gnip. This was Riff's chance... You might be able to get people to acknowledge the good units, but giving them the respect they deserve is a burden we must carry alone. Didn't even bring Maji to endgame... Welp, guess Gnip owes us all soldiers in FE2. Get to it.
  20. Ruben playing an entire game and writing an extensive review just to say: "3 Houses le bad".
  21. IntSys when they spot an elderly man: Get Macringa the heck outta here. I mean I don't know why you care so much about Yumina, but you do you. Or you could have enough to barely leave him alive at 3 HP, then finish him off with Maji. Most FE12 runs nowadays, I'll bring her along for 2 chapters solely for hammer usage, but I have done a lunatic run once completely ignoring her existence, which mostly amounted to rescue-less hell given this was also on the No Kris-Arran Emblem run. One of my favorite runs so far. Ruben.... Bro discovered YouTube comments Fair enough Society if Gnip listened to Saint Rubenio and Shaky Jones. It's funny how when I was first playing FE, I mostly also did narrative kills, but now I never do, even when it's my first time playing. It's not even exclusive to FE. I will just simply not do what the norm is. It's rarely intentional too. 80% of the time, it's because I find it boring and way more fun to have creativity (I trained Meg to have her go crazy, not Ike, RD...), and 19% is when the game is forcing it so hard that I actually get mad and don't do it out of spite. Only 1% of the time will I actually care about what feels natural. FE is not one of those times. This is the greatest thing I've seen from the NES. Imagine a buncha tiny Gharnef siblings. That'd be adorable. Why does she look like that? While I should be disappointed as the Maji Minister, as the dignitary of the Darros Department, I am satisfied nonetheless. Just use Maji again in book 1. Also I'm not really as talkative about Archanea chapter design here because I stopped playing fairly by now, so there isn't much for me to say. I hope they're not awful. Fuck Malicia. Hold Ruben, hold! Not everyone uses an army of generals and great knights when playing games, or hacks. You're getting lost in the sauce. That's what I'm sayin! I've already verified this. It's a good class for him. Do it. Nothing is more stupid than Celica map design. Archer Atlus will miss everything. Merc Atlus, sure but you're boring. Cav Atlus, I don't even need to fuckin say anything. Mage just works. Not counting merc because literally everyone is good as that, mage is a genuinely good and fun class for him. He was tanky enough for me to dish out powerful fires and 1RKO most enemies with HP to spare, and he can actually afford the HP cost of his strong spell. In your defense, one of the first picks was fucking Catria. Not even reclassed Catria. They just wanted me to use Catria. And then someone tried to pick Malicia! Man, you fought that person to not include her. What a day that was. I could easily finish that run whenever I want, but I really messed up trying to add lore to my LP. No way I can go back now. Maybe I'll silently finish it and just show you screenshots of endgame Frost and Bantu, and Sheema. Matthis was already capped anyways. Then again, I might do Frost again on lunatic in my actual DS when I support hunt. Hmm. I love poor game design. I somewhat joke of Cord B1 (since he's not in B2, bastard Kaga), but if I had to choose between Cord and Arran gaming across both books, I'd probably go for the ladder. He's just so cool. Unless Ruben already locked that in. I'm forgetting already. Man, the idea of letting Arran kill Medeus on both books would be really cool. It would be Ruben's wet dream. Fun FE2 Fact: Mila = Man I love Arran
  22. Gnip: "So here's act 3. Alm has 14 STR and Force is-" Ruben: "Who in the bloody Spain thought Conrad was a good idea?" Funny Bone Man: "Celicia didn't say anything here in FE2. She's the best version ever!" You'd know based off my Ruben Blade and le Engage team exactly what my TRS and Berwick team would be before I even know them. It was funny in an endearing way when you excitingly hyped me up over Lindon and Saphir as I approached the chapters, knowing I'd love them. Yeah I was hesitant because my team was full, but you jist knew I'd make room. You went crazy when the trailer (or leak?) showed off Saphir. Twas a good day for us, and my brother just showed me yesterday that a video showing off all units in all classes had Lindon vid with the lowest views. Nobody cares about reclassing him. Sadge. This just in, Ruben wants to kill all the Japanese. On second thought, when you're not busy, you should lp Shadow Dragon Fates. Maybe we're missing out on the real Archanea all this time. Most things aren't easy for you. Okay, I see where this is going. Let the poor thing have ONE dread fighter. You couldn't even get past it with them, unless you did soldier only. Its FE2. The challenge is your PC not overheating from 800% game speed. Is this where I just list every woman in FE2? Except Mathilda. She isn't drawn for Kaga to wank off to in this one. I wish I remembered the poem I made when Darros used to be my sig. It would've been perfect here. We should all drink in celebration! For ChaDarros! Tonight we sail! I wanted to use Deen, but I accidentally fought him...again. Yes I made this mistake twice in Echoes. I always choose them under the assumption that I'm recruiting them. Its not quite as bad as my biggest fuckup in Gaiden, which I'll get to later.
  23. I'd rather use loyal units that actually deal damage for most of the game. If you have a sword, you're probably going to double. Use a lance, and you miss. That's how my FE1 experience was. I just play FE11 and actually forge the rapier instead of give more money to Sheeda who just finished taking Roger's money. Minevera is Minerva, and Chiki barely deals damage. She also doesn't look as cool. Honestly, with crit emblem, any added DEF units is a major boon. What's better than 1 tank? 2 tanks. And I have to once again reiterate: He looks so cool. I vividly recall changing it, meaning either serenes is screwing with me, or I dreamt about serenes again. My life must be getting incredibly boring. My love actually increases your life span. We live off of hate and tomfoolery that cause the deaths of others so they could join our party, so calm and genuine affection causes the opposite affect. You'll notice when you're in your 80s. I could also just shoot you. I want to suggest something else, but I can't think of much, so I'll ask Ruben to make a suggestion for a suggestion. It's either that or I pester Gnip to not save Clair, which they will refuse repeatedly for reasons I'll never understand. Well the rush certainly feels better executed in this game, FE11 to be specific. Fun enough chapter, but maybe FE1 does it worse. Simple map layout, but with the wyverns, you can pull off helpful enemy phase strats to not get overwhelmed. Even Awakening maps are better than 3 Houses though. Eyyy. You have 100,000 gold. Give everyone 20 strength. Numbers don't matter anymore. Literally everyone should be capped with stat boosters by now. Hell, I hate Tiki and I made her capped with no battles just to experiment with warping her in the center of the Michalis room with undamaging defense to basically skip lategame. Yeah, I simply lost respect for the game at this point from convoy boredom, wanting to play a good FE, aka the same game on DS. Maji Oh boy, I can't wait to see you try picking their classes. One question: What's your plan for updates on Gaiden? It's not a "map by map" update kinda game. You know what? How about my request just be that you not have a single Ram archer, thereby forcing you to use Python? He's based, and awful hits are the Gaiden experience. Don't you just love 1 RN?
  24. Well now this is just getting silly. 3H's writing managing to make the game feel too long while simultaneously feeling not long enough. 3H gameplay being too long while having very small chapters with single digit non repeating maps. The game of all time. And then Scarlet Blaze was created, where nothing happens.
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